His Office
~Levi's POV~
Ugh, it's been such a long day today. I just want to lock up two hours early and go to bed. I've been cleaning the place up cause it's 7:00pm and no one ever comes in at this time on a Thursday...that is unless they're drunk and aren't thinking straight so they get me to dye their hair weird colours (don't worry I send them home with a shampoo free of charge that'll wash the colour out completely in two washes. With a sticky note on the bottle saying 'You'll need this') what? I feel bad for those people.
I've just finished sweeping when the bell sings and I look up to see Kyle standing in the door way, letting a gust of fridged wind rush in.
"Kyle what the heck are you doing?!" I half whisper half yell at him. "Get in here and shut the door before I get hypothermia!" Kyle just rolls his eyes and steps in the salon letting the door swing shut.
"So what are you doing?" He asks me and I give him my best 'what-does-it-look-like' look.
"I'm blowing up my salon..." I give him a 'duh' look and he shakes his head.
"I meant...what are doing here...in your salon...instead of heading over to Holland Enterprises?"
"Well I can't just very well leave my salon unattended! Besides I don't close for another 30 minutes." I say checking my watch with a sigh. Wow it's already been and hour and a half.
"Oh well, I'll just wait here for you to close up then I'll take you to Nathan." He plops down in one of the chairs at the front of the salon.
"You know, I can walk there." I say.
"You could...but I wouldn't want you to catch hypothermia now would I?" I just shake my head suppressing a chuckle. "Besides Nathan would probably kill me for letting you walk all the way there all alone in this weather this late." He states.
Why would Nathan care? I wonder. So I voice my thoughts. "Why would Nathan care if I walked there?" I was curious.
Kyle just looked at me before chuckling. "Oh no reason, no reason at all..." He trails off but I swear I heard him mumble something along the lines of 'he wouldn't want his future husband to get sick' I choose to ignore this comment cause I probably just imagined it.
I still have 25 minutes before closing time. What do I do? I decide to busy myself with organizing everyone's stuff and putting everything back wear it's supposed to be. Straightening the bottles (I have OCD so don't judge) as well as putting all the combs and stuff away in the drawers.
I've just finished when Kyle jumps up from the seat he was just seated in "oh would you look at that, it's 9 'o clock. Time to go." He comes over to me grabs my arm and pulls me to the door.
"Dude chill. It's not like the buildings gonna collapse." I said chuckling at his behaviour.
"Oh I wouldn't be to sure." He says looks over his shoulder at me with a dead serious face on.
"It better not frickin collapse!" I shriek.
"Oh calm your panties. It's not gonna collapse. Now lock up and let's go!"
"Alright, alright. Fine" I turn and lock up the door and follow Kyle to his bike.
Wait BIKE?! Oh there is no way in hell I am getting on that thing. I stop dead in my tracks and stare at Kyle.
"There is no way I'm getting on that thing." I state.
"Oh there is a way." He said smirking evilly as he walked over to me.
"Oh no." I say backing away from him.
"Levi, you can either get on the bike willingly or I can drag your butt on it and let me tell you it will not be very pleasant for you." I just nodded my head and got on the bike behind him. I hope I don't die.
I put my arms around his waist so I don't go flying off the machine from hell as he speeds off down the road. I grip his waist tighter at how fast he's going and I can feel his body shaking from laughing at me. How is this thing even safe to drive! It only has TWO wheels for crying out loud!
By the time we pull up in front of Holland Enterprises I'm practically squeezing the life out of Kyle. I slowly get off the bike and fall to my knees on the ground.
"I'm ALIVE!" I'm sitting in a weird position on the ground as Kyle comes up beside me and pulls me to my feet.
"Oh come on weirdo. Nathan's waiting." He said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
"You're the weird one." I state walking beside him into the building.
He leads us to an elevator and we get in. He seems relaxed as he presses the last button. Wait THE LAST BUTTON! Did I forget to mention I have a fear of elevators? Well I do! I grab on to the bar on the wall and pray to the lords I don't die. Kyle notices me do this and smirks.
"What?" I ask him rather harshly. I didn't mean to, I'm just terrified.
"Are you afraid of elevators?" He asked seemingly amused.
"It's not so much the elevators that I don't like...it's more so the drop if it malfunctions." I state casually trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach.
Kyle just shakes his head chuckling at me as we wait for the top floor. I think we are about a third of the way up. Yay! By the time we reach the top I'm clutching at the bar on the side of the wall for dear life. Where as Kyle is on the ground of the elevator laughing at me. Asshole.
I walk out of the elevator and onto the carpeted floor. "Oh thank the lord I'm alive."
"Just try and stay on your feet this time." Kyles gasps still out of breath from laughing at me so hard.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah laugh it up funny boy."
"I will. Right after I get you to Nathan's office."
I just roll my eyes at his comment. "Where is his office?" I ask.
"The one he's standing outside of staring at us like we've lost it." I whip my head up and do in fact see him standing there staring at us.
"Ok. Bye Kyle." I say as I walk towards Nathan.
"Make sure to tell me what happens. Even the detailed parts!" Kyle calls behind me.
I stop and face him shaking my head.
"You're so weird." Nathan and I say in unison. Which only causes Kyle to crack up again.
"Trust me you'll be thanking me for this later. Now go and do some naughty things." This causes me to blush.
"Hmm?" He looks up at me still smiling.
"Shut up." His smile falls and I hear a chuckle from behind me.
I turn back and face Nathan. He's looking at me like he wants to eat me! Well that's not intimidating. Nope, not one bit.
"Please, Levi come in." He said stepping aside so I could go inside his office.
I walk in and look around. His office is huge and very expensive looking. I finally look back at him and see him watching me.
Oh this is going to be a long night.