Chapter Six

What a Night

~Nathan's POV~

I was sitting in my chair going through paperwork when I heard laughing and shouting outside the office. My office is sound proof so I couldn't tell who it was. I got up and opened the door. I instantly knew who was laughing. Kyle. I just listened to there conversation waiting for them to notice me watching, and let me tell you. It was funny.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah laugh it up, funny boy." The guy with Kyle said. He looked strangely familiar.

"I will. Right after I get you to Nathan's office." That got my attention. I looked at my watch. 10:24. It must be Levi.

"Where is his office?" Levi asks. Kyle looks in the direction of my office and noticed me watching them.

"The one he's standing outside of staring at us like we've lost it."

When Kyle said that Levi's head whips in my direction so fast I don't know how he didn't get whiplash.

When he looks at me I get a good look at him. Yup, it's definitely Levi. His face looks flushed though. Kind of like someone jumped out from a bush and scared the crap out of him. His hair was disheveled and honestly, he looked so cute.

"Ok. Bye Kyle." Levi says as he walks towards me.

"Make sure to tell me what happens. Even the detailed parts!" Kyle yells at him.

You know. I think they are going to be great friends one day. Levi stops and faces him shaking his head.

"You're so weird." Levi and I say in unison. Which only causes Kyle to crack up again.

"Trust me you'll be thanking me for this later. Now go and do some naughty things." This causes Levi's cheeks to go slightly pink.


"Hmm?" He looks up at Levi still wearing that god damn grin.

"Shut up." His smile falls and I can't help but chuckle at his bluntness. Yup, they are going to be great friends someday.

He turns back to face me and I can see the wheels turning in his brain as he thinks. What he's thinking about I have no idea. But he is gorgeous.

"Please, Levi come in," I say stepping aside so he could go into his office.

He walks in and looks around. His face is done up in awe. He really needs to stop making all those faces, cause as of right now all I want to do is kiss his full gorgeous lips. Aak! I have to get these thoughts out of my head. He isn't here for that.

I walked over to my chair and relaxed, putting my hands behind my head and stretching in my seat. Yup at this moment I love my job. I look over to where Levi is standing and staring at me. I can't help but smirk.

"Like the view?" I ask.

My words snap him out of his daze. "Not particularly." He said and looked away. I think I saw his cheeks turn slightly pink. But I could be imagining it.

"Ouch, well are you going to sit down or are you just going to stand there the whole time?" I asked smirking.

He walked over to one of the two seats in front of my desk and sat down facing me. He sat there staring around the room while I checked him out. Hey, don't judge. I trailed my eyes down his body. When my eyes made it back to his face and there were golden brown eyes staring back at me.

He had a big smirk on his face. Damn. He just saw me checking him out. Busted.

"You should take a picture. It'll last longer." He chuckled to himself.

"You're right." I took out my phone and got a picture of him before he could react. "Yup that's a keeper," I said looking at the picture.

I looked up and saw his shocked face. "You just took a picture of me." He stated. I chuckled.

"Yes I did, and I'm about to get your number too," I said giving him my phone.

Still shocked he put his number in my phone and handed it back to me. "So...did you actually know about this meeting? Cause Kyle seems like the type of guy too-"

"Plan things without the other person knowing?" I finished. He just nodded. "Yes. I knew, after he told you to come here he told me you were coming." I shrugged.

"Oh cool..." he trailed off. Ok, so I'm gonna go on a limb here and guess that he's bad with small talk.

"Yea. So he told me he gave you a job?"

"Uh, yea. As your hairdresser. I can decline if you want, it's not a big deal, I mean if you don't want me to-" gosh he's so cute when he rambles.

"Levi." I cut him off and he looks at me. I smile at him. "It's cool. You would be my first choice anyway so it's cool." He blushed when I said he'd be my first choice. Wait. He BLUSHED!

Is he gay? Does he know I'm gay? Does he know I like him? What'd Kyle tell him? Ugh, I hate it when I know nothing!

"So what'd Kyle tell you about me?" I asked him casually.

"Uhm...Nothing. That's why I'm here to 'get to know you' more."

"Oh. Well, what do you want to know?"

"I don't know." Well, he was making this easy.

"Well let's start with the basics. I tell you something about myself then you tell me something about yourself. Ok?"

He shrugged. "Sure."

"Ok. I'll start. My names Nathan Holland." He gave me a 'really' look. I shrugged.

"Ok already know my name so...I am an only child."

"Really? Cool. I live alone."

"Ok seriously?" He asked me.

"What we didn't specify what we had to say," I said innocently.

He gave me 'The Look' you know how when you're being a smart ass and someone gives you the look. That's the look I was getting right now.

"Ok, ok. Fine. Serious answers from now on." He gave me an approving look so I continued. "My favorite color is purple." Manly I know.

"Mines green. But not light green. It's more of the type of green you find on army uniforms." I nodded.

We continued making little confessions about ourselves for a little while longer, and I found out a few interesting things about him. He's an only child. He had an ok childhood. He was, in fact, gay (score). One of his arms is longer than the other (it's not even noticeable). And he lives with his best friend Caleb. I don't know how I feel about him living with another guy but, whatever.

He yawned and I looked at my watch and saw that it was 11:45. Damn it's late.

"It's late I think I should go." He said getting up.

"Yeah. I'm gonna leave too. You need a ride?"

"Uhm. Sure, if you don't mind. Kyle kind of adultnapped me." I looked at him.

"Adultnapped?" He shrugged.

"Well, yea. I'm not a kid so he couldn't have kidnapped me." I shook my head chuckling.

"Ok." We walked down the hall to the elevator. Levi froze beside me as I pushed the button.

"What's wrong?" I asked turning to him just as the doors popped open.

He shook his head. "Oh, nothing." He walked into the elevator and clutched onto the bar that was the like he would die if he didn't. Then I remembered when I first saw him earlier. He looked just as terrified now as he did then. Funny thing is, I hate elevators too.

"Don't worry. We'll suffer through it together." I dot know what came over me but I reached over and grabbed his hand.

He looked at our hands then at me. I gave him my best smile. I was trying really hard not to freak out. He just smiled back and clutched my hand tighter. We stayed like that the whole ride down to the bottom floor. When the doors opened I pulled him out into the lobby.

"Oh am I glad to be outa that death trap!" I said a little too enthusiastically. I heard Levi chuckle behind me so I turned to see him gazing at me. "Come on. Let's go." I rigged him by the arm over to my car. "Where do you live?"

He rambled off his address and I drove. I pull up to his house in maybe 20 minutes. He doesn't live too far from my job. Cool. He moves in the seat and I realize we're still holding hands. I let go so we can get out of the car and I walk him up to his door.

"Thanks for the ride." He looks at me.

I smile. "Your welcome."

He goes to walk past me but he stumbles on one of the wooden boards on his porch almost face planting, but lucky me I was the closest thing to him so he grabbed my shirt to steady himself. I'm not very good at balancing so that failed and we both went down. I landed on top of him with my head in the crook of his neck.

My head was spinning so I just left it there for a second. When it stopped spinning I noticed two things. One, we were very close. Two, he smelled very good. I lifted my head to see his eyes open and him staring at me. His breath caught in his throat. He looks so hot right now. That in mind I did the one thing any sane gay man would do. I leaned in.

and our lips touched...