After a few minutes, Amado returned. This time, he was holding one gallon of blood. He smiled the moment he saw her wearing the clothes he bought for her. He looked at him from head to toe. Admiration was written in his eyes.

"It looks good on you." He compliment. Symla smiled sweetly.

"When did you get this?"

"The day I went to see my father and when I came back, you already escaped. After I save you and we're together, I looked for the right time to give it to you but I can't. You are always annoyed. Did you like it?"

She nodded. "Thank you."

He smiled. "When things get better, I'll give more than that. But for now, you have to drink this."

Symla complied. Amado brought a portion of food for him too and in just a moment, they were having their lunch. Symla wants to laugh at them. The act as if they were having a date and everything was simple. She sighed. Deep down inside, she realized she loves that simplicity.

When they were finished, they just sat quietly. There's a little distance between them. Symla couldn't do anything but to look at Amado every second.

"It's not polite to stare. I know, I can feel your glances, Symla."

She looked away. That was embarrassing! He caught her and her heart was beating like crazy. She just couldn't stop watching Amado. His bushy brows, his expressive eyes, pointed nose and reddish lips. It was a sight to behold. She always thought about the way he kissed her lips. She blushed. "You are wrong. How can you possibly know that? I am wearing my veil. You can't see where I am looking." She denied. Of course, she'll deny it. She's not insane to admit that!

He chuckled. "I can feel it. I am a wolf, my senses were way extraordinary than dog. Have you forget about that?"

She bites her lower lips, tried to control her groans. Damn it. He can see right through her. Just to save face and just to make him not notice her real feelings, she acted like she was losing her temper. This man droves her crazy!

"You're annoyed again. Stop it or I'll kiss you until you calm down. I will not stop kissing you even the sun will start to set. I'm warning you." He warns her.

"Amado!" she nervously exclaimed. Her heart was thumping so damn fast. It's like there's this electricity traveled into her veins. Symla couldn't help but to think about the kiss. She was curious. How does it feel to be kissed by Amado that long? Will she lose her mind? Or will she ridiculously happy?

"You always want to kiss me. Are you not fed up?"

Symla bites her lower lips. What she said made her felt uneasy. She was palpitating, it was hard for her to understand the strange feeling she suddenly felt. Until Amado held her hand and pull her close. She was now leaning on his chest, feeling his warmth.

Damn it, their closeness made her tremble. The anticipation was killing her. He laughed. "Don't be embarrassed. Let me hug you. Do you have any idea how much I want this?" he whispered and tenderly kissed her shoulder.

She shivered. His kisses sends a thousand electrifying feeling inside. She had Goosebumps. Amado chuckled. His shoulders shook. The man was really flirting at her again! He hugged her tightly. "Damn it, Symla. You are really driving me this crazy." There's desperation in his tone.

Her heart warmed. She felt a strange feeling in her heart because of that information. Amado seemed to be an expert on that field. He was a wicked gorgeous wolf and he was going crazy about her. She couldn't help but smile.

"I don't want to live in a war. I want peace. I want a quiet life but I know, everyone will only stop if everyone dies. I am just a simple man with a simple desire..." he said and sighed. From there, he told her his every wish. He told her about the simple life he wanted. Hearing him saying these things made her happy. She was proud of him.

"I want to paint. I inherited my mother's talent. She loves to paint too."

"What do you love to paint?"

He smiled at her and kissed her head. "Mural. I want to paint big. No matter how big the wall is or no matter how close the ceiling, I will paint it,"

She was impressed. She knows what he was talking about. She was aware of murals. She saw it in large churches when she was young. The pint in the attic in the churches in Madrid and in the convent where she used to stay.

"Did you made some?"

He nodded. "I've painted these two buildings in Barcelona before the war. I did the same too in America," he then laughed. "My father was furious. I escaped so that I can paint. I traveled the whole country and met other artists."

Her heart broke for Amado. She sees sadness in his eyes. He was still a child who was longing for his father acknowledgment. Amado told him to tell her about his relationship with his father, his heart was destroyed for him. She sympathizes with him. Her eyes watered.

He laughed and wiped her tears. "I will get everything back to normal so don't be sad. I am expecting that it will turn out positively."

She looked at him. "How could you possibly say that? You talked to him. You know his answers. You know that he hated your idea."

"I am confident because my intentions are pure and true. This isn't just about me. This is for everyone."

She looked up at him and saw the determination in his face. Her perception of Amado changed more. It even increased. When Amado looked at her, she slowly lifted the veil so he could see her face better.


"I will finish everything in my way. After that, I will do something about you being the vampire's savior, being the Black Saint. When that happens, do you want to be with me?" he asked. His eyes were looking at her tenderly as if he was pleading her.

She was stunned but in the end, her heart wanted to explode in so much happiness. "Our clan—"

"If father cannot accept you, there's nothing I can do about it. I love my father and he is so important to me that's why I am doing these things. War and his vengeance were destroying him. I don't want that to happen." He took a deep breath and continued. "But I also had feelings and no one could dictate who I should love. I don't want to be miserable."

Her chest rose down. Her heart was beating faster. Amado was willing to make a big step for her and it made her tears to joy. His words eventually opened her mind. Although he did not ask her to do the same, her heart automatically decides: she also had feelings like him and that she'll do everything for it.

"Symla, do you want that?" he asked again.

She nodded shyly. That was what her heart wants and she could not find any reason to hide her feelings. She wants and she's excited about what it says. His face brighten and seemed unable to believe her response. He combed his hair using his fingers and he stared at her again. "R-Really?"

"Yes, Amado. I have feelings for you. It was the same as yours…"

She was surprised when Amado shouted for joy and burst into the air. Her jaw drop until she laughed! That's how happy he was! He almost ran and cried!

"Stop it, Amado!" she interrupts him but Amado didn't listen. She was surprised, Amado carry her and turn around! She screamed and laugh. She tapped his cheeks to make him stop. "I'm getting dizzy! What are you doing?" she complained.

He was smiling from ear to ear and put her down. He looked excited. Absolute happiness was written on his face. "You just don't have any idea how much you made me happy. Thank you!"

She laughed as he hugged her tightly. He kissed her lips. Oh, she wants to pinch him! He will stop kissing her then stare at her. He looked at her as if he couldn't believe it.

She caresses his face tenderly. "No, Amado. I'm should be the one saying that. Your patience and understanding is unending. You are not just doing this for your good. It's for everyone and I'm really glad because... Because I admired someone like you... "

"Ah, Symla…"

Her arms automatically wrapped his neck when he kissed her deeply. His kisses were commanding. Hot and passionate. It made her dizzy. It made her time stops. Even her heart stops from beating. The only thing she could feel was Amado's warmth. He made her feel like a human.

"You made me so damn happy and I promise, I will keep everything I've said. If I need to make another world for you, I will. I promise."

He didn't give her a chance to ask about the world he was referring to because he kisses her. Her full attention went there: on how she respond to his kisses. She replied passionately, intensely. Right that moment, she knew that kiss was different from the kisses they had.

It was sealed with promises. It was bind with so much emotion that continue flowing from the bottom of their hearts.