"We need to find the shaman. I have a bad feeling about this. Wolves are searching every forest. They are getting close to us and we need to leave this mountain. We are going to look for another way because wolves are guarding the main road." Amado said while gritting his teeth. He was in a hurry fixing the horse they are going to use. Symla panic too. She's not used to seeing Amado this way.

Before that, Amado went down the mountain to investigate. Symla realized that Amado was expert in infiltration. Groups of vampires and wolves didn't noticed his every penetration. Amado told her that he undergo intense training and that's the result. Symla never thought that Amado was extraordinary on that field and thanks to his ability. They now know what supposed to do.

Symla took a deep breath and hold his hand. Amado stop for a while and sighed. He massages his temple, trying to calm. "I'm sorry. I am just worried. Did I scare you?"

She shook her head. "I am just concerned. Don't worry too much. We are going to find the shaman." She said in a tender voice and caress his cheeks. She suddenly felt his heat on her hand and Amado kissed it. Her heart melts.

Happiness filled her heart. She knew that Amado wanted to fulfill his promises that much. He kept on saying it over and over. She didn't have any complaint about it. She knew he will achieve it. She trusts and believed him. He proved to her many times that he have one word.

The wrinkles on his forehead disappears. "Thank you for having faith in me, Symla. That's important to me." He said and smiled at her positively. His smile didn't disappear anymore. Symla smiles. That's what she likes in him. Despite all these troubles, he still positive and believed he could do something about it.

"How long before we reach the top of Mt. Banahaw?" she asked curiously before he guided her to ride the horse.

"About three days. If we're unlucky and meet some packs of the wolves or group of vampires, it will take us more than that because we are going to look for another way. Let's just hope that it will not happen." He said and his eyes sparkled in naughtiness.

She blushed. Amado burst out laughing. "Symla, you looked amusing, do you have an idea about that?" he was flirting again. He rides the horse and sit behind her. "You looked really beautiful when you blushed. It's driving me crazy…" he whispered.

She shivered when he kissed her shoulder and it didn't end there. He bites her shoulder, nibbles it like it was the tastiest skin he had ever tasted. Symla gasped. She was deeply affected by his touch. It was electrifying. The voltage traveled in her veins. She could understand the heat she suddenly felt that moment.

"Amado!" she exclaimed.

He grinned and do it again! Symla groaned. What he did made her uncomfortable. "You are so sensitive. You are driving me insane."

"You love to tease, Amado," she said. Oh, how she wished he stop teasing her. Butterflies are flying inside her stomach. It was driving her crazy too.

He laughed. "Because I want to see the effect on you." He said and he became serious all of a sudden. "I want to see that… you want it too…"


"Why? Am I wrong?" he murmured. Her hair stood on its end. His warm breath was like a wildfire. It travels rapidly into her body. His fresh breath makes her lose her mind. She must admit, she couldn't remember how many times she was tempted. His kisses and touches were addictive. It was an obvious answer to his question.

"I am correct, right?" he whispered.

She didn't dare speak, giving the impression that she admitted it. Amado burst out laughing until he kiss her over and over. This time, Symla could hold much more. She giggled. His lips that brushes to her skin excitedly and his stubbles tickles her. "Fine! I admit it! Please! Stop it!" she exclaimed and tap his face.

He grinned. Symla just shook her head. He was such a flirt! But that didn't stop there. Amado cuddle her more until they decided to leave. They traveled for three hours when they chose to rest. They stopped under the big old tree. Amado give her blood and let the horse drink.

She smiled at Amado's concern. He was good at taking good care of her. For a moment, Amado left her. After a few minutes, she glanced at the tree and saw a long-stemmed yellow flower slowly appearing. She chuckled. She knew it was Amado's technique. It was his way of showing her how he likes her. "Amado, you never failed to surprise me. You know how to impress me. Come out now."

He grants her request. He came out and he was grinning from ear to ear. He sat beside her. "Did you like the flower?"

"Yes. Thank you." She answered and looked at the flower. This was her first time and she was glad that it came from the man she likes.

"When everything ends, I will paint you. I promise that you are the only woman that my hands going to paint."

She frowned but deep down inside, what she heard made her heart races. She was just too shy to show Amado what she truly felt. And besides, the man will only tease her! She didn't know how to respond when that happens.

Amado groaned and cuddled her, making her burst out laughing. It was the first she saw him losing his patience. However, just like Symla, she knew he was only faking it. And from there, he kissed her. For a brief moment, she thought her heart will going to explode. Being close to Amado intoxicates her. Being this intimate excites her.

And while his lips brush to hers, the excitement she felt for the promise he made increases. She will wait for that day he will paint her. She smiled at that thought.


Only a few hours later the day will rise. Amado raced up the horse to find shelter. They were near the foot of the mountain. They took several days to avoid the groups they might encounter. They spent the whole night in a vacant hut they passed. At sunrise, they had gone. She's grateful because Amado chose the road without direct sunlight. That part of the mountain was a bit cold. But thanks to Amado's warmth. His heat made her feel safe.

They just kept traveling. "Do you know the sign of the Babaylan?" Symla asked Amado.

"Yes. According to what I heard about the Babaylan, she was on the top part of the mountain Banahaw. She might have him in a historic brook or cave. White girl with long white hair. The eyes were old and blue. His description was sufficient for me because no one lived on the mountain. Surely the woman was in there," he explained.

"I'll go. I wanted to meet her too,"

He nodded. "Neither will I leave you alone. We should be together. The war is getting intense. Before they can find us, we should meet the shaman,"

She was stirred and satisfied with what he said. She held his hand tightly on the reins of the horse. She smiled as he kissed her shoulder. He was so sweet. Every time he finds an opportunity, he will show it.

They continued their journey. However, her forehead wrinkled when they saw the group of the rider. Amado immediately stopped the horse.

"Who are they?" she asked.

Amado gritted his teeth. "Flag of the wolves... They are wolves! "

Her chest was pierced with severe nervousness. Amado reversed the horse. "This is too far but they managed to get it right here..." he whispered. Now she's scared. She knew when they saw them they would attack them. They are too many and they can't handle them.

He clenched his teeth. "Something was wrong. I can feel it, there's something wrong." He murmured as if he was only talking to himself.

She wanted to ask him over and over but she was preceded by shocked when she heard a loud whistle. She panics and looked back. She gasped when she saw the group of wolves change their direction. They are heading their way! They appeared to have called the team's attention. A soldier shouted and point them. She hold Amado's hand and gripped it. However, she was surprised when Amado stopped the horse and went down.

"A-Amado, what are you doing?" she asked. She was confused about why Amado was acting that way.

He stared at her intently. "I will deal with them. You must escape. They will only keep on chasing us. I need to stop them." He quickly explained.

"No! You can't do this, Amado!" she objected. She tried to go down from the horse but he stopped her. She cried. It was against her will to leave him all alone. What if something bad happen to him? What if wolves attack him all at once? What will happen to her? "No! I will not leave you! Come back here! Let's leave this place!"

She lends her hand but he just took a deep breath. Determination was written in his face. Her heart sank.

"Symla, I will stay here so I can stop them. I'll just catch up. Look for a cave. Just anywhere away here. No matter how far, I can find you. That is a promise. Go now." he instructed her firmly. He gritting his teeth, trying not to lose his patience. However, sadness was written in his eyes. It was killing her bit by bit.


"Trust me, Symla." He said firmly.

"I don't want—"

Any objections were left unsaid the moment he kissed her lips. It was hot and deep. She almost forget where they were. When he stopped kissing her, she wanted to plead and asked him again but he didn't give her a chance. Amado beat the horse, making it run wild.

"Amado!" she shouted and tears flooded on her cheeks. She called him over again until he transforms into a wild beast. He ran towards the group of wolves. She shouted his name several times and hopes he would stop and change his mind. But Amado didn't. She lost sight of him.

"Amado..." she murmured.

She cried even more and suddenly, she unable to understand the horror that filled her heart. She tried to stop the horse but couldn't. Amado seemed beaten the horse too strong so it didn't want to stop. However, she did her best. She'll go back to Amado! She could no longer endure it: that Amado was the only one working for them and she realized why she worries so much and her determination was intense. She loves him it and she will do everything for him.