Wei Xin

'Liu Wei Xin' might not be a well-known name in the country but the name 'Ray' was etched into the hearts of many who went crazy for just one glimpse of him. He was the heart-throb of many and an immensely popular main vocalist of the country's- scratch that- world's most popular Asian boy-band.

But only a few knew that this member named Ray was, in reality, the eldest young master of the ancient aristocratic family from the Han dynasty surnamed 'Liu.' A descendant from the family of valiant, ruthless and formidable generals. Those people who were fiercely loyal to their ruler and were under the protection of the said throne.

The very first emperor was a close friend of the family's ancestor and thus it had been decreed from the very beginning that all the remaining generation of the emperors had to protect and not lift a single finger on to the Liu family.

If any greedy descendant of the very first emperor made a move on them then the family had the right to overthrow the ruler and enthrone a suitable monarch. Thus, there were very few who dared to go against Liu's.

Moreover, the children of the Liu family were also taught to be loyal to the throne only- not to the ruler. Whoever sat on the seat of the power was their only master. This was enough to ensure the safety of the family for all these centuries.

And coming back to Liu Wei Xin or Ray- as we all know him so far- was the 21st century descendant of this very big- in name and wealth- family, which from their beginning- as mentioned before- had their roots in the military. Thus, they were highly respected in the society back home.

But what was this young master doing as an idol in some small country, leaving behind his fame and fortune- which was presented to him by the time he was in his mother's womb?

Well, the reason was simple and known to only his family his best friend Kai that he had run away from his family at the age of 19 in a fit of absolute despair.

Going back, Liu Wei Xin was born as the eldest son of the current patriarch- head of the Liu family- Liu Jian Yi couple.

His father unlike all his ancestors and uncles had not chosen military and wars, instead had also run away from home at the age of 20 and had established himself as the leading tycoon in the country against the wishes of his father i.e., Ray's grandfather (Well the apple never does fall far from tree, does it?).

He then met a beautiful, elegant, sweet yet sharp and cunning- etc- woman, who shook his heart at first sight. She was none other than the young miss from the Yi family- a rival to the Liu's- Yi Qing. Their love story and marriage till today was celebrated as a great epic in the capital and most youngsters dreamt of having such passionate and ambitious love story for themselves but they weren't Liu Jian Yi and Yi Qing.

After three years of sweet married life Yi Qing fell pregnant and along with it came the news of Liu patriarch's grave health. Jian Yi being the 'filial' son that he was rushed to his father's side, face filled agony and a heart filled with regret.

His father had breathed his last wish to his son and it was for Liu Jian Yi to take over his position as the family head and protect it from all the forces trying to bring it down and keep the pieces from themselves.

Filled with regret Jian Yi had agreed to his father's request and had bid goodbye to the old man who had withered down due to the huge family responsibilities and worry for his son.

From then started the era of Liu Jian Yi, who transformed from being a businessman to the head of the most feared and respected Liu family.

Well, the rest of the story is history as to how he cleaned the family thoroughly of all the termites and became a feared person in the aristocratic circles.

He was fearfully known to be an example-setter because he made painful and pitiful examples out of people who went against him and his family. It was as if his father's death had awakened the great ancient general Liu's ruthless and merciless blood in him.

And his wife, Yi Qing who was cunning from the start stood beside him in every step of life with him. She was a woman who evoked fear and respect in people just from her shadow.

The eldest son of the couple was Liu Wei Xin, he was a docile and obedient child from the beginning. Apart from Wei Xin, the couple had another son Liu Jing who was an actual representation of his ancestor's lineage and he was only a year younger than Wei Xin. Not to forget, Liu Bo was their youngest sister who was currently only nineteen and she took after her mother.

The parents were wise thus, to prevent any kind of future conflict between the siblings they had cultivated a strong sense of morality in the siblings. Nothing came above family for them. There was an unbreakable bond between them.

The Liu couple had only one worry in their seemingly smooth flowing life and it was none other than their eldest son Liu Wei Xin.

He was perfect in every way with only a single flaw and that was; he was too kind and forgiving. In the society where they lived in with people trying to find opportunities to bring their family down, his kind nature was considered to be a foolish weakness.

Wei Xin was just ten when something terrible occurred.

Among the timid wolves who wished to bring their family down, some gained a strand of bravery and attempted to abduct Wei Xin from school.

The little child who was fiercely protected by his parents was unaware of the dangers. He was sort of naive and pitiful. He believed the kidnapper and followed her away from his brother. It was because the kidnapper was none other than Yi Qing's stepsister Yi Mei.

The reason for Yi Mei to do this was simple- she was jealous of Yi Qing and her fortune in life. Well, like any other dog blood drama the innocent kid was dragged unwillingly into the affairs of the elders.

But luckily he was saved soon. The elders also succeeded in detaining the captors.

Yi Qing was furious, she couldn't believe her sister could do something to her child. She didn't waste any time before pulling the tied woman up and giving her a good traditional thrashing. But that wasn't enough to appease her anger. She pulled out a gun from one of the guards nearby and pointed it at Yi Mei's forehead.

Wei Xin knew that her mother was mad about something but he still couldn't understand the reason. Although his aunt had spewed some nonsense in front him- which he could barely understand, he had been scared. He wanted his mother to hug him like always but he was held in his father's arm while his mother went on a wild rampage. He turned to his father with his cute eyes and asked in a meek tone.

Wei Xin: father, why is mom beating aunty?

Jian Yi: aunty tried to hurt you that's why.

Wei Xin: but isn't hurting others wrong? I read in a book 'an eye for an eye' never is the answer. Can you ask mom to stop? Aunty scared me a little but didn't hurt me.

It was then that Liu Jian Yi realised how naive and kind-hearted his son was. But he could not stop his wife either. She would not listen to reason. Sighing he walked out with his son, trying to coax him with some goodies and left Yi Qing to take care of the people.