
Time went by and Liu Wei Xin grew up. The incident of his kidnapping which occured when he was just ten years old was already a faint distant memory of the past.

He grew up with the training and education given by the best tutors around the world. The education he received was worthy of a person who would lead people in future. Mainly he was trained to lead his family.

He was a fine looking young man who would cause girls to drool over his shadow. Combined with his looks and his lineage he was the heart-throb of many but sadly this guy didn't like to socialise. But still his parents were proud of him. His siblings looked up to him and were protected under him. Many youngsters looked up to him in reverence.

But no one knew what he actually desired in life. He only wished to be free like a commoner. He wanted to do things which he wanted to and not the things which someone told him to do.

For him, many things changed but what remained constant was his kindness and the infuriating ability to see good in all. One could say he was still naive and hadn't experienced the actual world. And that was true.

After that dreadful accident almost a decade ago, the Liu couple were vigilant than ever before and had turned strict with security. They didn't give him any chance to explore the world as it was deemed dangerous. Wei Xin understood their reasons and never once did he argue with them. He only wanted for them to worry less about him but also secretly wishing to be freed from it all. For his parent's sake, he was willing to stay in a cage for the rest of his life.

Fate had other plans. On the day he turned nineteen, Liu's threw a huge party.

Many influential figures of the country were invited. Many didn't want to come but they had to give face to the Liu family, so reluctantly agreed. But there were some with dark intentions.

Yi Qing and Liu Jian Yi were welcoming the guests. The warm smiles plastered on their faces faltered when they saw someone uninvited walking towards them. Yi Qing grit her teeth tightly and Liu Jian Yi frowned. But it didn't perturb the guest. He was all smiles when he stood in front of the couple.

Yi Qing: (glowering) why are you here Yi Meng?

Yi Meng: (laughing) it's my dearest nephews birthday. How could I miss it?

Yi Qing: you aren't his uncle! Did you forget what you did with that woman ten years ago?

Yi Meng was Yi Mei's brother, Yi Qing's stepbrother. Although Yi Mei abducted Wei Xin it was all thanks to this crooked man's planning and support.

The Liu's had bankrupted and thrown him in jail. Yi Qing had cut all contacts with her maternal family. She was not ready to let any kind of harm near her family. But it's difficult to get rid of cockroaches. The guy who had laid low all these years had suddenly appeared at the party. It was not a good omen.

Yi Meng: (complacent) big sis, let the past be past. You know that I've repented enough.

Yi Qing: you-

Her words were cut short when they saw Wei Xin approaching them. Yi Meng saw this as an opportunity to enter the party so he immediately clung to his 'nephew'.

Yi Meng: (fawning) Look at how handsome my dearest nephew is! You certainly take after your father.

Wei Xin: (confused) u-uncle M-Meng?

Yi Meng: (dramatic) and you remember me! My old heart feels so happy!

Wei Xin: (happily) where were you all these years? How have you been?

Wei Xin only knew that this uncle of his was very good to him when he was young. He didn't know the real face and his parents didn't bother to tell him- not even when he was cosying up with their son in front of their own eyes.

Jian Yi: (patting her back) now is not the time. We'll deal with him later.

Yi Qing: (fuming) he's not here for anything good. Why are you hesitating to throw him out!?

Jian Yi: look at Wei Xin. He seems so happy today. It'll just dampen his mood-

Yi Qing: (sighing) alright. Let's stay vigilant.

Jian Yi nodded at her. They knew their son, he'll be hurt but conceal it when in front of them after knowing the truth. They would tell him but when the time was right.

Thus, the party officially began and everyone wished a long life to the eldest young master of Liu's. Wei Xin followed the script and greeted every guest cordially. Everything was going on smoothly but seeing the Liu couple in the opposite corner of the room, Yi Meng approached Wei Xin with a gift in his hand.

Yi Meng: (all smiles) little nephew, I got a present for you.

Wei Xin: (eyes shining) thanks a lot uncle! What is it?

Yi Meng: (laughing heartily) Why don't you open and see it.

Wei Xin nodded and found an empty table nearby. It wasn't difficult as many were busy socialising. Yi Meng too followed him with a smug look on his face.

He excitedly opened the wrapper to find a black leather file inside. He looked up at his uncle confused but the man only nodded at him in encouragement. Wei Xin didn't waste any time to open the file and read it's contents.

The file dropped from his hands to the ground, it's contents spilling all over the ground. His face turned from confusion to shock to horror to guilt to agony and finally settled on disbelief.

Wei Xin: (dropping the file) h-how c-can t-this-

He couldn't bring himself to complete the sentence. His mind was a mess and face pale as paper.

Yi Meng: (leisurely) everything in their is true. You did kill your parents. (Sneering) You're a murderer.

Noticing the small disturbance the Liu couple rushed over only to see Yi Meng casually sipping on the fine wine and Wei Xin stupefied with a pale face.

Yi Qing: (worried) Wei Xin- look at mother! What happened darling? Why are you so pale?

Wei Xin: ...

His lack of reply scared Yi Qing. She started to panic and grabbed his face. Liu Jian Yi looked at the papers scattered on the floor, they were composed of news clipping and other materials. One of the headlines caught his attention.

'Liu Ming and his wife Yu Wan wan were killed in a car crash'.

Jian Yi didn't waste any time before grabbing Yi Meng's collar.

Jian Yi: (furious) you sick bastard! what did you say to my son!

Yi Meng: (chuckling) son? are you sure that he's your son? I just told him the truth! He deserved to know-

Father Liu didn't let the man spout any more nonsense because he punched him and the man fell unconscious.

The commotion had attracted a lot of attention. Liu Jing was smart enough to understand the situation and politely asked the guests to leave.

The party was effectively ruined.