
An hour later everyone was finally settled down in the vocal practising room.

Ray sat glowering at the two young troublemakers. The glare was so icy and it would have frozen the poor Mui and Vic if not for the fact that his nose was filled with cotton to stop the bleeding. The frigid glare of Ray was diminished in it's potential due to his broken and sorry-looking nose.

The two young troublemakers were actually very timid in the beginning while busy dealing with their own injuries but as the time passed they couldn't help but become more and more daring looking at Ray's misery. They couldn't help but silently snigger and pass comments between each other.

Timo who had miraculously became the peacemaker of the group sat in the middle trying his best to pacify the situation. Kai, on the other hand, was helping Ray with his treatment.

Ye-Jin felt like a sixth wheel midst them. She felt as f she was imposing on them at the wrong time. Their bond and intimacy were open in front of her. She was being useless at the moment and she couldn't help but let her mind wander. Looking at the guys she started to wonder about a recent rumour that was circulating in the fan clubs around and outside the country.

One of the media outlets which was notorious for publishing scandalous rumours had reported that the 5-Emperors was apparently a group where the band-mates didn't get along well with each other. It was completely a profit-oriented group and none of the five guys was as close as they pretended in front of the cameras.

This report had attracted many keyboard warriors who had quickly started to slander the group for misleading people for their selfish benefits. Some braver ones had also started to circulate an online petition to ban the group from the entertainment scene.

Although the issue had been properly taken care of by the company and others had some doubts But Ye-Jin mused to herself that if all those fools were to witness the scene she was currently being treated to then it would've been a huge slap to all their faces.

This was more than enough for anyone to conclude that the guys shared a very intimate bond between them.

Thinking till this Ye-Jin's face was sub-consciously adorned with a very pretty smile. She would have imagined more things if someone hadn't gently hit her shoulder. She was startled out of her wits but calmed soon enough when she saw it was Kai who was looking down at her with a frown.

Kai: Are you all right?

Ye-Jin: (nodding) yes I am alright.

Kai: (running a hand through his hairs) I am very sorry that you had to witness us being a mess when you came to meet us for the first time.

Ye-Jin had stars in her eyes when she saw Kai up close but when he ran a hand through his hairs it was as if someone had turned on a switch in her. She had transformed completely into a fangirl she was.

Ye-Jin: (breathing in) Oh my god! you just ran a hand through your hairs! I finally got to witness your all-consuming perfection up close and live! I am blessed.

Although Ye-Jin thought that she had said all of it in her head but sadly she had almost inaudibly whispered everything out.

Only Kai who was closest to her had heard her. When she realised what she had done a beat later and her eyes widened like a little scared rabbit, he chuckled lightly.