Pretty woman

Ye-Jin's cheeks started to heat up out of embarrassment. She didn't mean to speak her thoughts out that carelessly. She was worried that Kai might mistake her intention and much worse he might think her to be one of those crazy, psycho and stalker fans.

She hurriedly bowed her head down and with a soft voice quickly apologised.

Ye-Jin: (covering her cheeks) I am sorry! I shouldn't have spoken that brazenly.

Kai: (patting her head) hey! don't worry your pretty little head for such a small matter. You complimented me and there's nothing wrong with that.

Ye-Jin: (expectant) really?

Kai: (chuckling and nodding) yes absolutely.

Meanwhile, Ray who was finally done with the young pair turned his attention to the companion he had brought along. He was at first surprised to see Ye-Jin and Kai standing together. Her cheeks were painted red and adding fuel to the fire was Kai's hand patting her head softly.

Ray felt a sudden surge of anger within him. He wanted to chop Kai's hand off but he didn't know why he was having such strong and unreasonable urges.

Ray: (clearing his throat) Ye-Jin-

He couldn't complete his sentence because of his recently injured nose. He cringed a little but that was it, he didn't let the pain show much on his face. Moreover, there was no need for him to say much either.

Ye-Jin excused herself from Kai and went to stand by Ray's side her eyes filled with concern. Ray felt much better after Ye-Jin moved closer to him and away from Kai- but this sudden change sadly passed unnoticed by him.

Ye-Jin: (squatting down) does it still hurt?

Ray only nodded in response.

Ye-Jin: (frowning) should we go see a doctor?

Ray was obviously pleased with her worry for him. He only shook his head to all her queries. After Ye-Jin was done with her inspection she stood up.

They failed to notice that the remaining members were completely silent during their exchange but the guys threw each other meaningful looks and chose to be mum about what they saw.

Timo: (breaking the silence) so you're the pretty woman who wanted to meet us?

Ye-Jin: (nodding) thank you for fulfilling my little request.

Timo: no problem, you're Ray's friend so you're our friend too.

Ye-Jin could do nothing but smile gratefully at Timo who was obviously trying his best to make her feel welcome around them. It was given that she was feeling out of place as they were the celebrities she followed. It was a miracle that she wasn't crying and sniffing in front of the quintet.

Mui: I am curious about something-

Kai: you're always curious.

Mui: (defensive) that's given since you guys always keep me and Vic out of important matters.

Timo: (rolling his eyes) what are you curious about?

Mui: (to Ye-Jin) you are the same person who called us to fetch Ray that night right?

Ye-Jin only nodded in response to his question.

Mui: ah! that's why you look so familiar! But on a serious note, you're really very pretty in the daylight. I couldn't see you properly back then due to bad lighting.

(A/N: this was when Ray was rejected by Aera)

Ye-Jin: (smiling faintly) Thank you.

Timo: come on I'll show you around this floor.

Ye-Jin: (surprised) b-but? won't that be troublesome? Ray was telling me about your meeting at noon-

Timo: (glancing at Ray) there's no trouble at all. The guys are all mess as you can see. They'll tidy up by the time we return. And as for the meeting we've still got time for that.

Ye-Jin looked at Ray and seeing him nod in approval she followed Timo out of the room.

Ye-Jin: did Ray tell you to do this?

Timo: (smiling) he only asked us to help him cheer you up.