
Ye-Jin enjoyed a fun-filled weekend. She deserved it, after all the stress-filled ups and downs of the previous day's.

What with her falling out with Aera, being upset about the fight, feeling guilty about hiding her friendship with Ray and her identity, meeting the members, the stupid scandal which created so many baseless rumours and then she had to deal with it in the shortest time possible and finally she got to know that her best friend was engaged.

She was glad that she gave utmost importance to her health otherwise, she would've already aged twenty years because of all the unhealthy drama happening around her.

Monday morning, she got back to her work as a teacher. She was jubilantly facing the new day.

Ye-Jin checked her phone once again and she was saddened a little when she saw that there was still no reply from Ray. She shook off the strange feeling in her heart and went about with her day, guiding the children.

In the afternoon, Ye-jin was picked up by Ray and was taken out for lunch.

When he showed up in front of her classroom she was startled. Luckily the kids couldn't spot him or it would have created quite a din.

Ye-jin: (fastening the seat-belt) Where were you? You didn't reply to my texts either.

Ray: (grinning) You missed me?

Ye-jin: (rolling her eyes) really?

Ray: ok fine! Our concerts ended last night and we immediately came back. I was tired and spent the whole time sleeping.

Ye-jin: (slapping her forehead) oh! yes! how was your show?

Ray: (happily) It was great as usual. The energy of the fans was incredible! We had lots of fun.

Ye-jin: you seem excited about something?! You can't stop smiling at all.

Ray: Seeing you makes me happy-

Ye-jin: (amazed) what was that? Are you trying to flirt?

Ray: (flustered) n-no!

Ye-jin: (chuckling) that was really cheesy! Who taught you those things?

Ray's ears turned red when he was caught. In the past two days, he had witnessed Kai being sweet and affectionate with Mel. He grew curious and wanted to try the same but he wasn't close to a woman except for Ye-jin. Sadly, he failed on his first attempt.

Ray: I saw Kai and Mel-

Ye-jin: Mel? Who's that?

Ray: Didn't I tell you? I remember texting you something-

Ye-jin: (wide-eyed) wait a sec! Was that thing about Kai true?

Ray nodded his head in response.

Ye-jin: (screaming) HE'S ENGAGED!

Ray almost lost his sense of hearing cuz of the woman's shriek. He had never thought that Ye-jin's voice could ever hit such a high pitch.

Ray: (flinching) ouch!

Ye-jin: (horror-struck) Oh my god! This is huge!

Ray: (rubbing his ear) Calm down woman! I am trying to drive here!

Ye-jin: (frantic) how can I be calm? This is Kai's engagement we're talking about!

Ray: (frowning) This is the second time you're hearing this. Why are you this surprised?

Ye-jin: (waving her hands around) I thought you guys were trying to prank me! (hitting his shoulder) How can you report those things through texts? Why didn't you call me?

Ray: (wincing) ow! ow! Stop it Ye-jin! We'll crash if you don't stop punching me!

Ye-jin harrumphed and turned her head away in annoyance. She was still processing the information and wasn't used to it like he was. On the other hand, her reaction surprised Ray. She was a woman with a mild and soft temperament but her response just now was opposite of the same.

Ray: Alright I am sorry. I was busy and couldn't call you.

Ye-jin: (breathing deeply) and I am sorry too. I was shocked!

Ray: (chuckling) You handled it better than I did.

Ye-jin: huh?

Ray shook his head and didn't say much. Ye-jin too didn't press him for an answer.

During lunch, Ray changed their topic of conversation to the press conference. He was curious and hadn't apologised to her properly.

Ye-jin: I heard her speaking to herself in the washroom when I was visiting. I guessed she would create some trouble so I was prepared.

Ray: (nodding) Ye-jin, what happened back then- I am really very sorry. You were dragged in a mess because of me. I-

Ye-jin: (placing her palm on his fist) it's alright Ray. it's not our fault when someone acts out of jealousy. Moreover, we dealt with it so there was no harm done.

Ray: (sighing) yes, you're right. I have to apologise to Aera too.

Ye-jin: (waving him off) that's not an issue either. I'll pass the message for you. She's busy these days.

Ray: (hesitating) i-is it true?

Ye-jin: hmm?

Ray: i-is she r-really engaged?

Ye-jin: (alert) Ray it's true.

Ray felt his heart break into many tiny pieces. From the moment she had helped him, he had thought her to be his angel. The only woman for him. His vulnerable self of the past was saved by her kind actions. He could still not erase her sweet smile from that evening. It still haunted him during the lonely nights.

Many asked him why he was still single?

And his reply all this while was simple, 'I haven't thought about it.'

An obvious lie. The truth was that his heart was set on the woman who was wearing a blood-red butterfly pendant on a thin gold chain when he first saw her. He had never stopped to think about all the what if's. He had tried pursuing her and was rejected. He was once again saved by another woman. He had thought that he had moved on. But now she was promised to another man and the faint thread of hope he didn't know he was holding onto snapped. Losing hope hurt him more than anything. The final flame burning in his heart for her had snuffed out.

He looked up to see Ye-jin staring at him with her big watery eyes. She was worried about him. She cared about him. He had a friend. He knew everything was going to be alright. That thought was enough to put a small smile on his face.

Ye-jin was taken aback by his sudden beautiful smile, her mind went blank.

It was a bittersweet moment for the man and the woman could only watch helplessly. His momentary pain wasn't hidden from her. She felt uneasy when she saw him hurting for another woman. Fire rushed through her body, leaving her tingly all over. She wanted to hold him and take all his pain away. She wanted to hide him from the world. Ye-jin was surprised by all the maniacal thoughts running through her head. She couldn't understand her emotions. All she could do was let go and not think about them.

The lunch ended on a peaceful note. Neither tried to speak, they knew it wasn't necessary. Ray dropped Ye-jin off and drove away to one of his schedules.

Ye-jin was confused. She didn't wish to dwell on her fluctuating emotions but she couldn't help daydreaming and over-analysing things. Why was she affected? Did people have such strong feelings for their friends? What was exactly happening to her?

She would've continued to munch on the thoughts and go around in circles if an emergency hadn't knocked some sense into her and reminded her of her forgotten responsibilities.