Come back

Ye-jin was busy day-dreaming about the sudden confusions arising in her heart. She couldn't make out why she felt the way she did. The ambiguous emotions were messing with her thoughts. She would've over analyzed things if not for a fateful phone call from So-ah.

Ye-jin was surprised for a moment. It was almost impossible for her sister to call her on a Monday morning.

The Parks all succeeded in striking a perfect balance both in their professional and personal life. Many had respected and envied them for achieving this tremendous feat. Many had also wondered how they did it. Every time when the question arose the Parks all eluded it and behaved secretive as if it was their family heritage which they couldn't share with others.

But the answer was simple. They gave equal importance to work and rest. They wouldn't overexert themselves if not absolutely necessary and nothing came before family. On weekdays they would immerse in work and on weekends no one but the family could reach them. Ye-jin was the only black sheep who broke this perfect balance. She suffered her sisters' wrath and swore to never repeat the same again.

Hence, when So-ah called her it was apparent that something big had happened. She answered without any pretext going directly to the point.

Ye-jin: what happened big-sis?

She didn't bother with greetings.

So-ah: Dad is hospitalized! Come to XX hospital soon!

Ye-jins' heart hit the rock bottom. She had bid goodbye to her dad just last night and he was perfectly fine. What happened to him in less than twenty hours that he was sent to the hospital?

So-ah didn't elaborate. Ye-jin hung up and without wasting another moment rushed towards the hospital.

Everyone- Parks, Shins, Secretaries- was assembled in the corridor when Ye-jin reached the place. She was out of breath. Looking at everyone her heart sank more. Their faces were all solemn and it gave her chills. She almost lost her footing. Finding her mother in the crowd she hurried over to her.

Ye-jin: (almost shaking) d-dad?

So-jin could detect the fear in her daughters' voice. She could clearly see anxiety in her eyes. There was perspiration on her forehead and her breathing was rapid. She gently held her hands and found them slightly shaking.

So-jin: (patting her head) he's alright baby. Why are you this scared? Did you run here?

Ye-jin: (confused) t-then? big-sis?

Ye-jin was confused now. Her sister sounded weird on the phone call before. Her voice sounded as if she was barely holding her tears in. Although Park So-ah was a lioness in business she was a fragile woman when it came to relationships and family. She easily lost her nerve when it came to the well-being of the people she cared for.

So-jin: (shaking her head) she didn't tell you?

Ye-jin: (calming down) n-no.

So-jin: (sighing) Your father is to blame.

Ye-jin: b-but why? He was fine last night.

So-jin: he almost fainted back at the office due to severe stomachache so he was brought here.

Ye-jin: stomachache?

So-jin: He's old disease acted up.

So that was what happened.

Her father had a weak digestive system and it sometimes led to gastroenteritis. It was usually the result of him not taking care of his diet.

Later she got to know that this time around the situation was a little severe. Her father had neglected his condition and the infection had spread. The team of medical experts all had one opinion: he needed absolute rest and no more stress.

In short, the old guy had to retire and his youthful days were up.

The implication weighed heavy on the family. The business wasn't something which was manageable by just one person.

So-ah was no doubt extremely capable but when it came to the amount of the business handlings they had alone in the hotel chains and resorts was too much. Moreover, there was something the eldest Park sibling was hiding.

After the doctors left the other irrelevant people too bid their goodbyes.

The doctors hadn't allowed anyone to meet father Park as he was currently sleeping. Only the family was allowed to stay. Mother Park went into the room to be with her husband. As the hallway cleared Ye-jin's worried eyes started to look for her sister. She could faintly see a part of her silhouette on the opposite side of the hall.

With nothing else to do she walked towards her sister. Just around the corner, she realised that So-ah wasn't alone but Shin Jay was present with her.

The woman was crying in her man's arms. They weren't loud cries but delicate whimpers and sobs. She had her head buried in his arms and her shoulders were gently shaking. The scene was beautiful and sad at the same time.

Shin Jay: (softly) it's alright now baby. Father is fine. He's in no danger.

So-ah couldn't form any comprehensible words yet so she buried her head deeper in his embrace.

Shin Jay: (feeling hopeless) Baby, it wasn't your fault at all. Stop crying now it isn't good for your health.

Ye-jin felt like an intruder and was about to turn around when the next words of the couple hit her hard.

So-ah: (sniffling) it's partly my fault. I haven't been able to give my best at work lately-

Shin Jay: (wiping her tears) shhh... You are going to be a mother soon. So how is that your fault?

Ye-jin couldn't hear more. She didn't want to hear more. Her sister was pregnant? And no one had told her? What was it with people these days who were hell-bent on giving her harmful surprises?!

Head filled with all kinds of unanswered questions she stormed away.

Shin Jay realised that Ye-jin heard their conversation.

Shin jay: (hesitating) I think you should speak with Ye-jin.

So-ah: (confused) uh?

Shin Jay: I think she heard us.

So-ah was at first shocked but she quickly recovered and left to find her little sister. Soon she found her sitting on a bench in the hospital gardens.

So-ah: (sitting beside her) are you ok?

Ye-jin only hummed in response.

So-ah: you're angry?

Ye-jin: (shaking her head) no, I am confused.

So-ah: about?

Ye-jin: why didn't you say anything?

So-ah: (fidgeting) I never got the chance. Every time I wanted to there was something big happening.

Ye-jin: (frowning) nothing is more important than you!

So-ah: (smiling) I know. The same goes for me too.

Ye-jin couldn't find any retort to that. If So-ah was important to her then it applied the other way too. It was an extremely happy time but they couldn't celebrate yet.

So-ah: (lowering her head sadly) Dad has to retire.

Ye-jin: yes, he'll have to. (Sighing) I guess I have to come back.

So-ah: (placing a hand on her fist) you don't have to force yourself. You are currently happy with what you're doing.

Ye-jin: (shaking her head) What I do right now is just a small part of what I am. I've been meaning to come back too. I was only being lazy.

With Hu-ye retiring and So-ah pregnant their family and company needed a new leader and Ye-jin was the only person who was suitable.

Back when she had chosen to follow her dreams as a career option and not bother with the family business it was her sister who had convinced her to give the business a try too. And she being the pushover she was, had given in. She graduated from business school and also interned in the company before going independent.

It was now high time for her to fulfil her duties and lessen the burdens of the elders of her family.

She wasn't sacrificing anything but was merely taking over what was rightfully hers from the beginning.