Best man

The sisters sent their mother home after much persuasion. No doubt the couple were loving and didn't wish to separate from each other but for children what mattered most was their well-being and health.

Mother Park left the hospital reluctantly after a lot of coaxing from both So-ah and Ye-jin. After their mother left Ye-jin didn't let So-ah linger around either. She was pregnant and the hospital wasn't an ideal place for her. Hence Ye-jin was the only person left to take care of her father.

Ray who was oblivious of the occurrence tried reaching her cell phone. He knew he was being selfish but he couldn't think of anyone better than her to share his troubles with. But no matter how many times he tried he couldn't contact her. After several more tried he gave up and sent her a text just in case.

'Ray: Please call me back.'

On the other hand, Ye-jin who had turned her phone to silent was busy taking care of the procedures in the hospital. Her father wasn't going to wake up until morning and the doctors had assured them that there was no immediate danger to his health. After running around for several hours Ye-jin finally got a little break around midnight. It was then that she checked her phone to see fifteen missed calls and a few text messages. Not only Ray but Aera to had tried to reach her. Ye-jin wanted to immediately call back but the time wasn't early anymore so she chose to text back.

She sent the first text to Aera

'Ye-jin: I'll call you back in the morning. I am little busy.'

She got an immediate reply

'Aera: Sounds serious. Sure, there's no hurry.'

Ye-jin felt grateful for the rare moment of understanding from her friend. In fact, Aera had a lot on her plate too so she didn't behave as spoiled as before. After biding her goodnight, Ye-jin sent a text to Ray.

'Ye-jin: you called so many times? Is it urgent? I am sorry my phone was on silent.'

She didn't get a reply this time. Nor did she wait for one. She had a lot on her mind and starting tomorrow she was returning to being the young miss of the Parks. She had to prepare well so she immersed herself into the files sent to her by their fathers' secretary to grab hold of the general situation in the company. She was amazed by how well her sister had managed the company. There was nothing much for her to do. She felt a little relieved and a lot thankful for her sisters' efforts all these years. She was halfway through the files when her phone lit up with an incoming call. Ye-jin answered with a smile when she saw who the caller was.

Ye-jin: (without any greeting) I didn't think you'd be awake.

Ray: I just heard from Mui. It's all ver the news. How is your father doing?

Ye-jin: oh! He's fine now. He's sleeping and I am staying with him.

Ray: (apologetic) I am sorry. I didn't know your father was unwell. Otherwise, I wouldn't have bothered you.

Ye-jin: (smiling) apology accepted.

Ray: are you busy?

Ye-jin: (looking down at the papers) n-not really. What did you want to speak about?

Ye-jin felt that Rays' tone was a little expectant thus she couldn't blow him off. But Ray could hear the slight hesitation in her voice. He felt a little sad but he wasn't going to hold her back anymore.

Ray: aren't you tired?

Ye-jin: no it's alright.

Ray: (sternly) idiot. Learn to say 'no' to people. You'll be taken advantage of at this rate.

Ye-jin was taken aback by his sudden wisdom. She couldn't understand where he was coming from. In reality, she was like this only for him.

Ye-jin: w-what?

Ray: what I want to say can wait! You first go and get some sleep! I'll come to visit your father tomorrow.

Ye-jin: (still processing) o-ok then-

Ray: Goodnight.

Ray didn't wait for her reply before hanging up. It was always difficult for some to hold their own grief back when the other person already had a lot to take care of. He belonged to that same category. And so he didn't want to revert to his usual self. Moreover, Ye-jin did sound tired and he couldn't bear to dump his share of misery onto her. He was staring longingly at the screen when it lit up with an incoming text.

'Ye-jin: goodnight, sleep well '

Rays face lit up with a blinding smile after reading the text. It was a subconscious reaction.

Bo: (sleepily) a text from your girlfriend?

Ray: (startled) what are you doing?

Bo: I woke up to use the washroom. Didn't know you could smile so sweetly seeing a text. With me, you're always grumpy!

Ray: (rolling his eyes) that's not my girlfriend. Go take care of your business.

Liu Bo didn't really believe his words. Months of 'investigation' showed that her brother was currently 'close' with a woman. Their behaviour was that of a couple dating. There was no doubt in it. Her gossiping soul was awakened and she looked at her brother with mischief filled eyes who was going back into the guest room.

Bo: (inquisitive) oh, so Park Ye-jin isn't your girlfriend?

Ray halted in his steps. He was a little surprised.

Ray: (scowling) no!

Bo: Oh!

Liu Bo didn't complete her sentence nor did she stay to have a midnight chat with her brother. She took care of her business in the restroom and finally crashed on the couch. She was dead tired on her feet.

Ray, on the other hand, was a little startled. This was the first time someone asked him if he was dating Ye-jin thus he wasn't an expert in dealing with the question like Ye-jin usually did. The question was surprising but he didn't know why felt happy with the picture of him dating Ye-jin.

The following morning when Ray reached the studio he only saw Kai sleeping on the couch.

Ray: (shaking him awake) why are you sleeping here?

Kai: (rubbing his eyes) I couldn't sleep last night. My mom is going crazy over the wedding preparations. So I escaped from home.

Ray: (chuckling) how is Mel?

Kai: (smiling softly) She's doing great.

Ray: that's good to hear. You'll be married in a weeks' time.

Kai: that reminds me. (Patting Ray on the shoulder) Ray my good friend, I know I am asking this at last minute but I forgot if not for Min-Soe-

Ray: (scrunching up his face) are proposing to me or what?

Kai: w-what-

Ray: just come to the point already

Kai: (scowling) you're lucky that you're my friend and Min-Soe likes you. (Huffing) You're going to be my best man.

Ray: (raising an eyebrow) what if I say no?

Kai: I would've asked you nicely but you ruined my mood and I am not asking you anymore. I am telling you. So find a tux and be at the altar on time.

Ray: This is against human rights!

Rays' indignant words would've been effective if he hadn't been smiling from ear to ear. Quitting being a drama queen- cuz that role suited Kai most- he gave a hug to his best friend.

Kai: you seem a little out of it.

Ray: (sighing) Bo came to fine me yesterday.

Kai: Bo? Your sister?

Ray nodded in response. Kai was shocked. He knew Ray's story and it wasn't a good omen that his family was coming for him.

Kai: That's not my main concern though. Bo said something to me last night and I can't stop mulling over it.

Kai couldn't understand how Ray could be so calm in the face of an approaching calamity.

Kai: what did she say?

Ray: she asked me if Ye-jin was my girlfriend.

Kai: (with wide eyes) w-what? She isn't your girlfriend? You guys aren't dating?

The trio: (opening the door) who aren't dating?

Kai: Ray says that he and Ye-jin aren't dating.

The trio: (shocked) What??

Ray: …