Spring cleaning

The same morning Ye-jin reached the office building which she had frequented often when she was a mere trainee.

Park Hu-ye had woken up and given his blessings to her. He was a little reluctant in the beginning. To retire after a lot of pre-planning leaves people at loss not to mention retiring abruptly. Especially for those who were dedicated and hard workers. He didn't know how he should react to the sudden decision made for him by his family.

He didn't want to yield to them in the least but mother Park had given him the ultimatum: either keeping sticking to the company, spoil his health, get divorced by her and die alone or listen to her, retire from the business, save his health and his family. She refused to let him see suffer due to his stubborn temperament. It was the first time in their long married life that So-jin expressed any kind of displeasure with him and mention 'divorce'. After a little more coercion he finally nodded his assent and surrendered to his wife.

Before leaving he gave Ye-jin hour-long guidance about urgent matters in the company.

So-ah: (laughing) Don't worry dad. She isn't alone. I am with her.

So-jin: (rolling her eyes) your dad is handing over his little baby to you both. It's a huge deal for him.

So-ah: (pouting) and here I thought we were his favourite children.

Hu-ye: (chuckling) I'll be relieved after I see your performance in a month.

Even though Hu-ye had agreed to let Ye-jin take over the company, he wasn't completely sure about the decision either. He knew that his younger daughter had a knack for business but he had never seen her perform well. Her trainee days were good but he was clear on how half-hearted she was back then when it came to matters regarding the company. The only consolation he had was that Ye-jin had So-ah to guide her.

Ye-jin: (nodding) rest assured you don't have to worry about your dear child dad. You focus on recovering and spending some quality with mom.

So-jin: (agreeing) Listen to them, your daughters are more sensible than you.

Hu-ye: (clearing his throat) go now! You're crowding here.

So-ah and Ye-jin were amused looking at their fathers' false indignation. They were clear on how much of their golden youth their parents had squandered in pursuit of their professional goals. Now it was time for them to kick back and relax and savour those lost times in each other's company while they still were capable.

So-ah: (mischievously) come on Jin, let's get going. We shouldn't disturb these love birds.

The sisters escaped from the room in the blink of an eye laughing. They could faintly hear their father's affection filled voice scolding them inside the room. They laughed some more and reached the company in the same bright mood.

Ye-jin spent the day familiarizing herself with the structure and working of the office. She was the president of the company and So-ah was a vice president. In the afternoon some shareholders expressed their dissatisfaction openly about the new chairman. They wished for So-ah to take over that position and they were justified in their claims about Ye-jin being an inexperienced newbie. They didn't trust her. The sisters weren't perturbed by all the negative opinions flooding their way but they calmly let everyone speak their mind.

After the shareholders noticed that the sisters weren't batting an eyelash to their grievances their annoyance grew but with no other choice they quietened down.

Ye-jin: (smiling) I am extremely glad that you've all expressed your concerns so openly. If you see me lacking in any area then I gladly accept your criticism. But today's meeting isn't only to inform you about the change in the leadership-

Many in the room were filled with contempt and distrust but they didn't dare openly show their fangs when So-ah was present in the room keeping an eye on each and every one of them. Just because the lioness hadn't spoken didn't mean she was idle. They knew from experience how deep her mind ran and how capable she was. They held So-ah in high regards but they didn't fear her little sister whom they had never seen nor heard of. What can a little newbie do to them?

Ye-jin: (taking note of their expressions) – today is also to discuss the fate of the poorly performing resorts in the southern hills.

The hearts of a few people present trembled. They weren't just mere shareholders but also in charge of those resorts she was talking about. They had done some shady business in the dark and let the money meant for the functioning of these places to their personal ventures. They were confident that no one would discover them but-

Ye-jin: I propose closing them down until further investigation.

Those who weren't in the know about the situation openly sneered. It was the first day and the new head was already taking such brazen decisions. According to them, all the resorts were equally profitable.

Ye-jin didn't wait for them to start debating over her capabilities again. It was tiring to see them go on and on without any real goal. They weren't here for pointless dispute. Ye-jin let her secretary present the statistics and reports of investigations to all who were present. She watched quietly as their wizened faces turned green, blue and red simultaneously.

Ye-jin: (scoffing) it's time for spring cleaning. The matter has been reported to the police.

So-ah: (smiling) everyone, take your time to go through the files.

Thus, until evening Ye-jin sorted out the termites in their company. So-ah was amazed by how quick her sister was taking action. She was also caught unaware of the problems persisting in the company. It didn't take Ye-jin a night's revision and half a day to clean the garbage. Others slowly understood the gravity of the situation. About five were detained by police under charges of money embezzlement.

Thus the meeting ended in a heavy mood.

So-ah: (proud) you are fast!

Ye-jin: (shaking her head) they were dumb. I was only lucky.

So-ah: huh?

Ye-jin: I knew about the crime they were committing back when I was a trainee. I didn't think they would still be doing it so brazenly.

So-ah: (shocked) so you knew and you didn't tell me? Or dad?

Ye-jin: (shrugging) I thought you knew it.

So-ah: (frowning) I didn't know. Why would I breed a wolf beside me?

Ye-jin: I thought you were feeding the wolf well before slaughtering it. Like a game.

So-ah: …

Wrapping up her first exhilarating day at the company Ye-jin dropped her sister off to her house and went to the hospital. She had received Ray's text a few hours ago.

'Ray: It won't be good to meet your parents unannounced right?'

'Ray: Why don't you act as a catalyst?'

'Ye-jin: Sure. Meet me in front of the hospital at 7:00.'

'Ray: Okay'

And it was 6:45 when Ye-jin parked her car in the hospital's car park.

'Ye-jin: are you on your way?'

'Ray: I am waiting in the car park. I am a little early.'

In no time she spotted Ray sitting in his car not far from her. He was, as usual, wearing a hood, cap, mask and sunglasses- a requirement for the celebrities unless they wish to be ambushed. Within minutes she reached beside his window and tapped on it.

Ray: (startled) uh!

Ye-jin: come on, let's go.

Ray quickly recovered from his momentary shock. He got down from the car and immediately noticed Ye-jin sporting a formal look. It was different from her usual style but it suited her perfectly. Her long hairs were straightened and were held back by a simple barrette. She was wearing a white button-down shirt and black slacks. She was only holding her phone in her hand.

Ray: you look different.

Ye-jin: (chuckling) and here I heard people say men weren't observant.