Pile of crap

The very next day after Ray left, Ye-Jin moved back to her parent's house i.e., the grand and old Park mansion. What came as a surprise to her and the whole Park family was Liu Bo following her to the Park home.

Ye-Jin was confused to see Liu Bo entering the house right after her. She was in the middle of greeting her parents but was rudely interrupted by the youngest Liu sibling barging in like she owned the place. Ye-Jin was surprised would be an understatement.

Bo: I am just doing what my brother asked me to do!

Liu Bo scoffed at Ye-Jin's surprised face and cleared the doubts gathered on the ungrateful woman's face. As she didn't have any qualms with elder Parks, she greeted them politely and asked for their permission to stay with them for the time being.

Park Hu-ye and So-jin were more than happy to have her stay. They were the only two people living in the big house and the addition of another person would make the place lively.

Ye-Jin inwardly sighed and quietly went into her room and shut the door. She was already missing Ray and didn't have time to bother about anything else.

Ye-Jin never expected that she would be this lovesick and unreasonable. It felt as if her PMS had arrived early this time around.

The Park parents looked at the closed door of their daughter's room and exchanged worried glances. They knew what she was going through but they didn't know how they should help her.

Liu Bo felt irked by Ye-Jin's attitude. She was biased against her and Ye-Jin's every action would prick her like a thorn in the eye. She took it upon herself to reassure the worried set of parents.

Bo: (softly) uncle auntie, don't worry. Ye-Jin will be alright. I am here with her. I'll make sure she feels better.

So-Jin smiled gratefully at Liu Bo and invited her to have breakfast with them. Hu-Ye nodded at her in approval and was satisfied by her soft and sweet temperament.

Half-an-hour later Ye-Jin came out of her room, formally dressed and speaking with someone on the phone. She still had that tired lifeless look on her face but she wasn't the type to let it affect her. Filled with a purpose in mind Ye-Jin walked out of the house to her work after reassuring her parents about her well-being. Liu Bo didn't wait around. She followed her like a tail.


A week after Ray's departure went in a blur.

Ye-Jin was a little out of sorts for the first three days. She was absent-minded with her work and family. She spoke less, ate less, smiled lesser and everyone around her noticed. Many sympathised with her but some were annoyed with her constant moping. The annoyed people included her best friend Aera and Liu Bo.

Aera was busy preparing for her wedding but she made time in between her busy schedule the second day to accompany Ye-Jin to her favourite places. She hoped to cheer the sulking woman up and get her to smile like before.

But to her great dismay, Ye-Jin spent her day with Aera moping and day-dreaming. She was lost in her own world and failed to match the enthusiasm of her friend. Liu Bo had joined the girls- behaving like a spoon- with the excuse of her brother and was constantly throwing small jabs at Ye-Jin- which she could care less about.

When Ye-Jin sighed for the hundredth time Aera put her hands up in the air, frustrated. She glared viciously at the moping girl.

Aera: That's it! Ye-Jin!

Ye-Jin: hmm?

Aera: Will you quit doing that? It's becoming annoying already!

Ye-Jin: (confused) doing what?

Aera: Moping around like someone ran over and killed your cat! Honestly girl, I really don't understand why you're being like those lovesick fools in the dramas we used to laugh at!

Ye-Jin: (startled) do I really look that miserable?

Aera: (nodding) yes you do. And cheer up babe. It's not like you guys broke up or are on a break. He has gone away for some time and he'll come back sooner or later.

Ye-Jin: (sighing) I am just worried about him Aera. I haven't been in touch with him since he left.

Aera: (surprised) what?! That brat! How irresponsible of him?! I'll straighten him out when he's back!

Ye-Jin: (chuckling) No, he has already warned me about some things before he left. It's just that I can't quit worrying.

Aera: (patting her hairs) ok then I'll not beat him up but when you're like this people will misunderstand. They'll assume the worst. Please cheer up, will you? Imagine how he would feel seeing you look like a zombie day in and day out?

Ye-Jin nodded with a little smile as a promise to Aera and herself. She knew that she was dragging others down with her and it wasn't a good thing.

Fortunately, Liu Bo was inside the changing room trying on a cute shirt she liked and thus, the girls got a few minutes of privacy to themselves. Otherwise, she would've created a storm in the store to avenge the disrespect towards her brother.


Thus, starting from the fourth day, Ye-Jin turned over a new leaf.

She came out from her misery-filled phase and faced the days ahead with genuine smiles and enthusiasm.

No matter how much she thought, the end result was the same- she could not continue living like a pile of crap. How was she going to stand on Ray's level if she continued living like mud? He was the young master of Liu family and it would be shameful for her if she continued to wallow in self-pity and sadness. She wasn't that worthless yet.

The Park parents were pleasantly surprised to see the new spark in her eyes. They were glad that Ye-Jin came around and learnt to handle the separation in the relationships.

Liu Bo was surprised to see the ruthless and active side of Ye-Jin.

She had initially thought her to have been relying on her father and elder sister to handle the company. She didn't know of her talents or capabilities.

As time passed by Liu Bo grew to respect Ye-Jin for her dedication and intelligence. She accompanied her every day for work and saw her deal with problems, organize the resources, make profitable decisions, handle the disrespectful people with elegance and take bold steps to expand the family business. She was in awe seeing the efforts Ye-Jin put into her work life and for her family.

But that didn't mean she had started to like her.

It was still a long way to go.