
Time passed and Ye-Jin immersed herself into her work. The more she was busy the more she didn't think about Ray and the dangers he was facing.

Ye-Jin and Liu Bo had stayed the same for the most part of it. It could be said that their relationship neither improved nor deteriorated. Both of them shared the same roof but stayed clear of each other- at least Ye-Jin did.

Liu Bo usually spent her time and energy trying to mock Ye-Jin and get a reaction from her to pass the time but the latter didn't give her the attention she was craving for.

Being the head of a huge conglomerate was not an easy task thus, she could rarely spare any effort towards a young girl who was hell-bent on making things difficult for her out of pettiness.

The lack of reaction from Ye-Jin dampened Bo's fighting spirits and her fiery temperament. She was learning how to control her emotions under Ye-Jin's care.

Sometimes, Ye-Jin covertly assigned her tasks to complete so as to help alleviate her boredom. And Matt was stuck in between ladies acting as the mediator. He was getting pretty good at it too. Ye-Jin was satisfied with her secretary and sent him on a vacation for three days as a reward.

It was nearing the end of two months after Ray's departure and Ye-Jin was working late one fine night in the office. Liu Bo returned after taking care of some personal business out in the city.

She inwardly sighed looking at the lone figure of a woman sitting in front of the computer, analysing the data. In the beginning, she felt annoyed but now she could only admire her.

Bo: (taking the initiative) did you eat?

Ye-Jin was mildly surprised when she heard the question. She had assumed that she was alone in the office. She smiled when she saw Liu Bo trying to avoid her face and looking everywhere else.

Ye-Jin: Not yet. You?

Ye-Jin didn't take her eyes from her computer to spare the girl from feeling awkward. But there was an obvious laughter swimming in her eyes.

Bo: Uh... No.

Liu Bo didn't know how she should continue. She didn't even know why she took the initiative to speak with her. It came as a surprise for her too.

Ye-Jin: I'll be done in five minutes. Will you join me for dinner?

Bo: (reluctantly) o...k.

Ye-Jin nodded satisfied with the development. After two months of cold shoulder and ignorance, they were finally progressing. She had observed the subtle changes in Liu Bo towards her. Her dislike had faded long ago and she had been waiting for the proud little girl to make a move first. And the time was finally here.


The dinner was a quiet affair. None of them spoke and finished their meal in silence. It didn't feel awkward to Ye-Jin but Liu Bo was the one who was feeling awkward.

She didn't like the feeling but she was trying to come to terms with Ye-Jin in her and her brother's life. She didn't like her but she was accepting the facts. She was no longer the hot-blooded shortie who couldn't stand the sight of the woman in front of her.

When the time came to settle the bill Ye-Jin beat her to it.

Ye-Jin: (smiling) My treat.

Liu Bo wanted to reply sassily but the genuine smile in the former's eyes shut her up. She silently nodded and left with Ye-Jin.

Unfortunately, the girls were stopped by a group of thugs while waiting for the valet to bring the car around.

Ye-Jin was surprised seeing those menacing faces. It was a high-end restaurant and it was not possible for people like them to linger around there. The security and privacy of the place were that good. But given the present situation, it meant only one thing. There was some kind of foul play.

While she was busy analysing the situation, Bo was engaged in a fearless verbal battle with the menacing faces. She was warning them to not try anything funny and leave quietly. Ye-Jin raised an eyebrow looking at the fierce stance of the little woman. She was protectively standing in front of her and it warmed her heart.

No matter what happened, Liu Bo was loyal to her brother and she would protect Ye-Jin at any cost.

Ye-Jin: (placing a hand on Bo's shoulder) Calm down. They won't dare harm us.

Bo: (frowning) huh?

Ye-Jin didn't say anything else but smiled down at her. She didn't have an ounce of worry in her body. Soon a number of cars pulled up and surrounded them. Matt hurriedly got down from a car and so did several burly looking men, all dressed in black and armed.

Matt: (worried) boss! You're alright?

Ye-Jin: We are ok. Deal with them.

Saying so, she left the place with Liu Bo in tow by getting in a nearby car.

Ye-Jin didn't speak as she was the one driving but Bo was bursting with questions.

Bo: (reluctantly) you knew?

Ye-Jin: hmm?

Bo: you knew about the attack?

Ye-Jin: (nodding) yes I knew about it.

Bo: h-how?

She felt ashamed at her carelessness. How was she going to face her brother if she let any harm come to Ye-Jin?

Ye-Jin: (smiling) I have my ways. Don't worry, I'll let you handle them later.

Ye-Jin had been vigilant since the time she was almost molested by a drunk pervert. It had been an act of revenge planned by one of the former directors of the company whom she had gotten rid off. And the recent plan to harm was also done by one such unsatisfied soul. She didn't have time to deal with all of them individually.

Given, Liu Bo's capabilities she was more suited for jobs like this. Ye-Jin was sure that Bo would eliminate the last of the leeches trying to harm her without mercy. After all, she was the daughter of Yi Qing, the woman feared by all.

The adventure of night left Bo filled with admiration for Ye-Jin. She had slowly but surely started to make a place for Ye-Jin in her heart. All the previous negativity was washed off and a new canvas was being painted in more positive and vibrant colours in her mind.

Her impression of the older woman changed drastically and she somewhat came to genuinely care for her- not just because her brother told her to.