
News spreads faster when one wants it to. Especially to those ears who are waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Wei Xin (or Ray as we know him) didn't idle around in home after his return. He actively took part in looking for his brother. Liu Jian Yi took it as an opportunity to let their enemies know of his son's return. And the media was more than happy to break the news.

"The son of heavens, the eldest young master of Liu family has returned."

One of the major media outlets released an article with the abovementioned title. They didn't detail his adventures abroad but once again highlighted his past. His magnificence and charisma with which he once lived.

Wei Xin was the son of heavens for people before he left to study and train abroad for five years- at least that's what Liu family told everyone. And when Jian Yi spoke, the people in the upper circle didn't question it. Moreover, they feared what would happen to them after Wei Xin returned. Sadly, their dreams- no nightmares- came true.

But the funny thing was, there were not many who had seen Wei Xin. The Liu's had always been extremely stingy about their private life and had a pretty stronghold on the city. It was very rare for him to appear in public and it was even rarer for the media to get hold of photographs of any of the Liu family members.

All the hype and fame of Wei Xin was simply due to various prominent personalities praising him for years. It had unwittingly raised Wei Xin to the altar of an emperor.

Also, who didn't like beauty? When people often saw Jian Yi or Yi Qing appear in front of media or public, their flawless, elegant and charismatic aura always left everyone stunned. They were the definitions of aristocratic and formidable. Thus, when it came to how their children would fare left an obvious curiosity among the masses.

The major media outlet which broke the news of Ray's return this time was lucky enough to have found a picture of the so-called 'hidden son of heaven'- although it was not so much of a lucky coincidence. They published the enlarged photo with their article and let people have the very first "high-definition" look at their idol.


Ray: you released my picture to the media?

Ray questioned his father as soon as he read the article. He was slightly baffled by the old man's risky move. Their cover story was full of loop-holes in the first place and it won't do their situation any good if anyone got the wind of his elopement half a decade ago.

Jian Yi: (humming) It's only to distract the enemies.

They had solid information that Liu Jing was held captive by the young miss Yi.

She was hell-bent on marrying into the Liu family. She had just like others, grown up listening to the magnificent love story of Jian Yi couple and was smitten by them. And this young maiden's eyes once fell on young master Liu and rest is history.

Ray: (appalled) you want to feed me like a juicy bone to young miss Yi? Are you really my father?

Jian Yi: (smirking) I am only making use of the good looks you inherited from us.

Ray: (disgusted) Are you even my father?

Jian Yi gave him a look and didn't reply.

Ray was conflicted about what his father wanted to do and he was annoyed by the old man's meddling. But his younger brother's life was in question so, for the time being, he decided to go ahead with his lunatic father's faulty plan.

Ray: (raising an eyebrow) what if they find out that I am a superstar?

Jian Yi: (scoffing) none of them are capable of doing that! Don't you trust me? Your father?

It was Ray's turn to give his father a contemptuous look.

His father's move had almost harmed his personal plans. If not for him they wouldn't have found out about Liu Jing's abductor. It wasn't easy to kidnap a man who was on a mission and he had to hand it to Yi Meng's daughter for her capabilities. He was impressed would be an understatement.

Ray: (putting his foot down) you wanted me here to deal with your problems. So I ask you to let me solve them in my own way. If you interrupt even once after this-

Jian Yi: (enraged) you are threatening me!

Ray: (shrugging) probably and if you don't want mother to get wind of your plans I say you hold your peace old man.

After finishing his words, Ray walked away without turning around.

Jian Yi was left alone with a stomach full of anger. He was doing it for their family. No one understood but he was helpless. If Yi Qing got to know of what he was planning then she would skin him alive.


In the Yi residence,

Yi Meng sat looking at the young woman in front of him. His gaze was filled with love and warmth for her but they were all buried under the thunderstorm brewing inside his mind.

Back then when Liu's had held him captive, he had thought he was as good as dead. It was by a stroke of fortune that he managed to escape. And when he was in hiding, he reunited with his old fling. The woman he had slept with years ago had given birth to a baby girl- which was kept as a secret from him. Putting his past behind himself Yi Meng concentrated on his new family. His daughter was now the young miss of the Yi family named Ran.

Yi Meng had painstakingly raised this only daughter and had wanted to shape her into a weapon which would avenge him. He had passionately told her- more like complained- all that happened in the past and groomed her to be the beautiful and charming woman that she was today. He was extremely satisfied with her. After he honed her to be his hidden armament, he returned to the country.

But what he didn't know was that listening to his stories the young Yi ran had developed a fascination with the Liu family, especially with the quiet and cold Liu Jing. With time her fascination turned into an unhealthy obsession which lead to their current crisis.

To his utter horror, things didn't turn out the way he had wanted them to be.

Yi Meng: (stuttering) y-you d-did w-what?!

Yi Ran: (smiling) I abducted the young master of the Liu family.

Yi Meng felt his heart fall to the bottom of his stomach.

When did it turn out like this?

Liu Jing was no ordinary man. He was Major General in the air force. His achievements were scary for his puny mind to imagine. Not to mention, his half-sister Yi Qing. This time she would have him deep-fried in a pot of boiling oil. He almost lost his consciousness but held on stubbornly to question his deranged offspring.

Yi Meng: w-why?

Yi Ran: (softly) of course to marry him.

Yi Meng was thunderstruck.

Why was his beautiful, proficient and witty daughter having that lovestruck foolish look on her face all of a sudden? He couldn't understand a thing.

The Yi family was as good as dead.