Play along

Yi Ran: (innocent) are you alright father?

Yi Qing had paled a considerable amount in fright. His legs were shaking uncontrollably.

He had only planned to bring the Liu's down in one or the other way but he had never foreseen this outcome. Bringing down the Liu family was the farthest thing from his mind. His daughter had planned the downfall of his home. She was bringing the army to their doorstep.

He was so lost in his thoughts that Yi Meng didn't hear Ran's question.

Yi Meng: h-how long has it been since you kidnapped him?

Yi Ran: (surprised) Oh! Almost three months.

Yi Meng's retort stopped short when the butler of the Yi family came in holding the newspaper. He glanced distastefully at the old man for his terrible timing. Could he not tell that he was busy with Yi Ran?

He wanted to reprimand the old man but the headlines of the newspaper caught his eye. He snatched the newspaper to take a good look and was horrified. All blood drained from his face.

Liu Wei Xin was back!

Yi Meng finally couldn't hold on anymore and fainted on the spot.

Yi Ran: (cooly) I never expected you to be so faint-hearted.

She told the butler to call for a doctor and nonchalantly picked up the newspaper. Her small smile turned to a huge grin after reading the headlines.

Yi Ran: (chuckling) He's pretty handsome too. But not my style.


For the following three months Liu Wei Xin worked hard to get the smaller bugs annoying the Liu family to submit to them. For those who didn't listen, they were disciplined the hard way.

In no time, the threats surrounding the Liu family were all suppressed and taken care of.

Jian Yi was shocked silly at his son's quick and ruthless handling. He had assumed him to be a kind and forgiving person. When he expressed his thoughts to Yi Qing all he received in return was her scorn.

Yi Qing: (sneering) he's my son. You dare to look down on him!

Jian Yi: (sheepish) hee hee! I am just surprised!

Yi Qing: (scoffing) hmph! He's eager to return to my daughter-in-law. Something you'll never understand.

Jian Yi felt like his heart was being pinched by her harsh words.

Jian Yi: (expectant) when will you forgive me? It was never my intention to let Yi Meng escape back then. And I've brought Wei Xin back. Aren't you happy?

Yi Qing: (rolling his eyes) you think I don't know about what you tried to do a few days ago? You wanted to use Wei Xin as bait to trick people. Is my son some kind of piece in your game of chess? You're turning senile with old age! You're no longer the man I fell in love with!

Jan Yi was stunned to silence by her accusations. All he wanted to do was ensure his family's safety and make his son stay with them for life.

Yi Qing: (firmly) I will not say this again Jian Yi. Our eldest son, Wei Xin is happy with his new life. Don't interfere and don't try to bring him back.

She walked away leaving Jian Yi speechless. In order to make Yi Qing happy he had never once thought about Wei Xin's happiness. Yi Qing was right. He had turned senile with age.


After another fortnight of 'spring cleaning', Ray arranged a meeting with young miss of Yi family.

It was fifteen days for their concert on new year's eve and he had a promise to keep. He was done playing games and was dying to return to his woman. In order to keep her safe, he had restrained himself from contacting her.

They were leisurely dining and discussing business in a private room of a restaurant.

After taking her seat opposite Ray, Yi Ran spent a good five minutes sizing him up.

She had to admit it, Liu Wei Xin's aura and presence were different from those of Liu Jing. The army officer was more restrained, quiet and dangerous but his elder brother was charismatic, outgoing and much more dangerous.

Yi Ran: (smiling) I never imagined young master Liu to be this handsome in real life.

Ray: (smiling in return) Thank you for your compliments. State your terms.

Yi Ran: (chuckling) I never thought that you were this impatient. We just met.

Ray: You abducted my brother and spread the rumour that you wanted to marry him. But all you actually want is to rule over the Yi family. What I don't understand is why you involve my family into this?

Yi Ran: (surprised) you've done your homework. I like men who are smart. But do you really think that it would be possible for a weak woman like me to kidnap an officer of his rank? Also, who said that I want to rule over the Yi family? I want to crush them.

Ray had thought about this long and hard. Yi Ran's social connections were all clean. She could not possibly have enlisted help from the underworld. The only possible way for it to happen was if Liu Jing had played along with her.

Yi Ran: (continuing) Well, the thing is simple. I met Liu Jing three years ago when I was still being trained by my father as his weapon. Jing saved me back then. He didn't have to but he still did and I am grateful to him till date. When I came here I learned of my father's true intentions but it didn't matter since I had my plans.

Ray: (completing her story) but you had obstacles in your way. The elders and the side branches in the Yi family all looked down on you for being an illegitimate child. Dealing with all of them was not possible for you alone. And you somehow got Jing to play along with you. It would give Liu family a reason to uproot the Yi family and do the cleaning for you.

Yi Ran: (grinning) Indeed as expected of the son of heavens. You looked through me in mere minutes. What we never factored was your return but it was a good thing. Your brother actually smiled when he got the news.

Ray: (frowning) So where is Jing?

Yi ran didn't reply and smiled sweetly. Soon a man walked into the room from behind her with a huge grin.

Jing: (happily) Long time no see, big bro!

Ray stood up from his chair. His younger brother was standing in front of him grinning from ear to ear. He looked safe and healthy to him.