
Ray's eyes almost teared up but he held it back.

Last time he had seen Liu Jing was when he had run away. This young man had aided him in his plans for fleeing the country. Now the boy had grown up into a fine young man who had a number of accomplishments under his name to make their ancestors proud.

Looking at Liu Jing not a single word escaped Ray's mouth. He stood there gaping like a fish until Liu Jing's playful comment broke him out of his internal shackles.

Jing: (chuckling) did you not miss me?

Ray: (scowling) you brat! You gave everyone a fright!

Jing: (pouting) I just wanted to help Miss Yi. And you are still scolding me!

Ray kicked his brother playfully in the shin which earned a chuckle from the young man.

Both men settled down after exchanging some more words and a small banter. Yi Ran opened her mouth after seeing that they had both calmed down.

Yi Ran: Preparations from my side are almost done. I just need your aid to destroy the Yi family and keep the pieces to myself.

Ray: (shrugging) I don't mind but I need everything to be done in three days.

Yi Ran: (shaking her head) no, we can't rush at this critical moment. Give me a week.

Ray: (nodding) alright.

They shook on their deal while Liu Jing became the third wheel.

Ray: you still plan to marry into our family?

Yi Ran: (chuckling) it was just a small lie to convince my family and the world of my madness and obsession. Jing is my saviour but that doesn't mean I should marry him.

Ray looked sideways at his brother's darkened face. He had returned to his original brooding self.

It seemed like his Liu Jing had a long way to go before he could win this cold and calculative woman's heart.


After a week as promised, Yi Ran succeeded in bringing the magnificent Yi family down. Of course with the help from the notorious Liu brothers.

The army found Liu Jing held hostage in the Yi family dungeon- thanks to a tip from some unknown source. The business of Yi family was hit hard but what was worse was Liu Wei Xin took it as an opportunity to strike keeping up his end of the bargain.

Liu Jing gave the statement that he was abducted by Yi Meng and other elders of the Yi family in order to exact revenge on Liu family. He also claimed Yi Ran was innocent and had tried many times to save him but failed miserably. And it was Yi Meng who had spread all those false rumours about her.

The news then came that Yi Meng was found dead in his room. He had committed suicide. A note was found near his body. Thus, the remaining assets were all transferred to Yi Ran's name- the sole descendant of the main branch. She grieved for a while and then left for her home country to spend days with her sick mother.

Ray brought Jing back to their home and Yi Qing's happiness knew no bounds. She shared the good news with her daughter and told her to come back.

As for Jian Yi, he was happy and sad at the same time.

Jing's return was a great thing but it also meant that Wei Xin would once again leave them. But this time he chose to swallow this bitter medicine, no longer trying to come up with ways to hold him back.


A day after Liu Bo's arrival, Ray found his mother strolling in the gardens. He mustered up his courage to speak with her. After his several failed attempts Yi Qing decided to have mercy and help him.

Yi Qing: Wei Xin, don't beat around the bush. Just say what you want to say.

Ray: Mom, everything is fine here. So I was thinking-

He couldn't bring himself to say the words.

Yi Qing: (smiling) you want to go back?

Ray: (nodding) yes.

Yi Qing: I won't lie. I would have loved it if you stayed.

Ray: b-but-

Yi Qing: (caressing his head) I know. You miss my daughter-in-law and have promises to keep.

Ray: (hanging his head) I am sorry.

Yi Qing: don't be sorry. I am happy that you found your happiness. When do you plan to leave?

Ray: Tomorrow night. I plan to surprise them all.

Yi Qing: Oh that was why you stopped Bo from making that call yesterday?

Ray: (nodding) yes.

Yi Qing: (scolding) when are you going to let me meet her?

Ray: (grinning) Soon.

Yi Qing nodded happily and gave her approval for him to return.


As soon as Ray landed his first agenda was to find his woman.

It had been four months since he saw her or heard her voice. It would suffice to say that he had been miserable the whole time and was slowly dying from inside.

Though he wanted nothing more but to hold Ye-Jin in his arms it still wasn't the right time.

It was three in the morning and not to mention the freezing temperatures were acting against him. In his excitement of coming back, he had forgotten all about the winters (It was still fall in his home country) and was sadly not prepared for the attack from the dry and cold weather. With no other destination in mind, Ray hailed a cab and reached his shared dorm with other members of 5 Emperors.


Mui opened the door feeling extremely annoyed. They had all been preparing for their concert in three days and were busy. Thus, they had all returned to the dorm at two and fallen asleep a mere hour ago.

The sweet dreams were calling to them but someone had the audacity to incessantly knock on the door waking them all up. Though others ignored the knocks and went to sleep, Mui couldn't do so.

Mui wanted to give the person a piece of his mind but his words got stuck in his throat in surprise.

Mui: R-Ray? You're here?

Ray: yes it's me. Let's go in first.

Mui moved aside to let his brother in and closed the door before following him inside.

Kai was the only one wide awake and gloomily sitting in the living room. It came as a surprise to Ray that Kai was crashing with them.

He stared at the unexpected arrival with wide eyes.


Ray: (Sheepish) yes I did.

Kai: Why didn't you inform us? We were all so worried!

Ray: (Awkward) I wanted to surprise you all.

Ray smiled woodenly at the guys. Truth be told, he had completely forgotten about the guys. When Liu Bo told him that Ye-Jin was equally miserable he had only one thing in his mind- to hold his woman in his arms. To shower her with the love she deserved.

Kai: (frowning) Why do I feel like you're lying. Tell me the truth my friend, you didn't think of us until you landed right?

Ray's ears turned red in embarrassment.

Kai: (scoffing) Ha!