
Way back at the beginning of time the garden of Eden was formed. God arranged it so man one day would find his labor's of his hands satisfying and fulfilling. God spoke and everything was so. In this garden there were trees that bore fruit and plants of variety of shape and size. At that time God knew that he had to create a test for man and if he passed his test, then his love and loyalty for his Creator was strong. Thus the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil were formed. In the garden there was a living river that fed the greenery. This river branched into sub rivers. The smaller rivers known as the Pishon, the Gihon, the Tigris, and the Euphrates. Pishon traveled through the region known as Havilah where gold, sweet smelling resin, and precious stones can be found. Gihon watered Cush. East of Assyria was the Tigris river. When God made man, he was flawless and in the image of God. After breathing into him the breath of Life God gave him instruction.

"Adam, of every tree you may partake in, but there is one tree you are forbid to eat; this will test your love towards Me. Adam, you must make a choice between good and evil. One wrong choice and you will surely perish."

"I promise to pass your test."

God ruffles Adam's hair with affection. Later on after Adam names all the animals; he discovered that he didn't have a companion like the animals did. Adam became lonely. God realizes the dilemma and has an emergency meeting with God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. They came up with a brilliant idea to create a woman for Adam. God caused for Adam fall asleep and then He performed the first surgery. God the Father took one of Adam's ribs and formed Eve.When God was finished, He sealed Adam's abdomin. Eve was a female carbon copy the image of God. Soon Adam awoke to the beautiful woman. He smiled and touched his ribcage to discover that Eve is his missing rib. He is delighted and they developed a lasting bond that would later shape their Fate.