Broken Promise

One day Lucifer, also known as Satan, possessed a serpent. Of all the creatures God spoke into existence, the serpent was known as the most intelligent and gorgeous. He made his way to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He sunned himself on one of the lofty branches and waited for his prey.

As Eve was going about her husbandry in the garden she was smiling. If she had paid attention, then she would have noticed that she unintentionally distanced herself from her husband Adam. It was time to return but something pretty seemed to catch her eye. She walked closer and closer to the forbidden tree. The serpent started his plan.

"Oh pretty woman would you like a taste?"

The serpent coiled around the forbidden fruits and started to swallow them. She was startled when she discovered the serpent could talk. Instead of fleeing to Adam's side she stood there.

"Didn't God restrict your freedom by not letting you eat from any tree you wanted?"

"God didn't restrain our freedom. We are allowed to eat any tree in the garden except the one that is in the middle of the garden. God told us not to consume or touch it or we will perish."

"God is lying to you. As you see I ate of it and am still living. He doesn't want you to also participate in the supernatural power of this tree's fruit. As soon as you partake of it, you will feel as intelligent as He is and be able to decide for yourself what is good and evil."

Eve felt a strong urge to eat. She forsooth the warning of her husband and the Creator and bit the forbidden fruit. Feeling the forbidden fruit's energy in her system, she became muddle headed and picked "some for her husband". Adam seeing his wife act abnormally became severely alarmed.

"Eve what did you do?"

"Adam I have the solution for gaining more knowledge. Here eat!"

"No Eve I can't!" Adam starts to panic and tears trail down his perfectly sculpted face. His love for his wife overruled his rationality and loyalty for God. He took the fruit. Nothing happened. His hands trembled profusely and he sunk his teeth in the soft fruit flesh. He screamed in agony as he felt the energy course though his system. His eyes opened and he was horrified. Both he and Eve discovered they were nude. They both paniced and tried to cover their body with fig leaves. The light of God's presence was lifted bringing shame to them for their sorry state they were in. The next morning God was walking searching for them. The man and the woman hid among the trees.

"Adam, where are you?"

"I grew terrified because I was ashamed for you to see me because the light of your presence was gone. So I hid."

"Who made you realize your nakedness? Did you partake of the forbidden fruit?"

"The woman you gave me ate the fruit first then offered me it and I had no choice but to consume. "

God directs his displeasure to the woman. "What did you do? Why did you tempt your spouse to eat?"


"This is your punishment Oh Serpent, because you were used as a vessel of Satan, I therefore will condemn you to crawl on the soil. Your rank as superior beauty and intelligence will be stripped, only to eat meat, and hated by all. When the time is right, My Son will deal your final punishment to you Oh Serpent." Turning to Eve, "You will experience nothing but immense desire to please your Spouse but when you are to conceive, you will feel pain giving birth." God then turns to Adam. "Adam I am disappointed in you. Because you chose to love your wife more than being loyal to my request, you will not be left out. Your punishment is to work extremely hard with sweat on your brow and toil soil. The soil will be hard to work and sorrow will follow you throughout your life. It will now be a struggle to provide for yourself and also your family." God didn't carry out their sentence that day. He had a plan to save them from their mistake but it would involve bloodshed. A lamb was sacrificed and it's hide was then used to cover Adam and Eve's nakedness. God had to make another important decision. He kicked both Adam and Eve out of Edan. After doing that, they had to toil the ground for survival. Near the garden, Angels were stationed with flaming swords to prevent the human race from consuming of the Tree of Life again.