Jealousy of the King of Heaven

One day the men of the old world wanted to change how the structure of their culture was. Yet they had a command that was taught to them when they were just babes. Lucifer whispered into the corrupted ones. The old world scripture went like this:

"Man shall not make for themselves carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; they shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord their God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments."

The corrupted ones created chaos and pain to those who wished to keep the old way. They were deceptive and declared themselves as rulers over the people. Due to their influence in their culture, the people started to abandon the old teachings. Many became prideful and braided their hair with gold and silver. The women started to cast jealous glances at each other and started to paint their faces. Violence became more of a norm. The ones who had less were preyed upon by the wealthy and ultimately became desperate for a change. Those who remembered the old way were able to reach into heaven's portals with their cries. Those who were not shown the old way started to look for a god to worship and give them power to crush their oppressors. Those cast their wood, precious stones, and gold made a golden image of a fertile calf. They slowly rose up and destroyed those that held them down and their practice to that image became a religion by human sacrifice. Those who still followed the old ways fled and were not found. They decided to worship the God of the Heavens. For many years they were known by many as the Ghost worshiper. Because they stayed with the old religion, they were blessed and had to fear for nothing. When there was a famine in the lands they had to hide who they were and their practices. They traveled to the land of the Calf worshipers in order to survive. The Calf worshipers were afraid of the Ghost worshipers so they enslaved them. Many generations went by but one day a Ghost worshiper rose up to rescue his people. He fought against Pharaoh welding a foreign old energy. He cast frogs into the intimate rooms, hail that killed the produce of the land, a staff that ate the sorcerers' staffs when they became vipers, and the destruction of firstborns. His people, who recognized him for who he was, desired to crown him as the next Pharaoh. Because of the corruption of the Calf people, the Ghost people had become compromised. Left with little choice but to take the Ghost people to the desert, the chosen One lead them towards the promised land. Along the way, Pharoah's people persued them all the way to the Red Sea. The King of Heaven showed compassion to the sickly ghost people and struck down their pursuers with mighty waves. The Calf men were drowned in the red sea and became fish bait. Later the ghost people became tired of the chosen one's authority and rule. They tried to overthrow him by crafty means but then the King of Heaven stepped in.The King of Heaven was jealous of the corrupted ones' betrayal by building the calf image. The corrupted ones were struck down by natural means. Some died from thirst, hunger, and snake bites. When the corruption was cleansed, the King of Heaven stepped in and healed those who confessed of their faults.