Albion and the Spiritual Awakening

Each journey has its own conflicts, climax, and ending. When a certain meal awakens the spirituality within the soul, it has the capacity in and of itself to create a breakthrough. 

Like clockwork Albion awoke thirty minutes after four AM to the sound of a waltz alarm ringtone. With a tap the quartz was silenced and Albion then proceeded to stumble half asleep to the light switch across the room. Once the light was switched on, he instantaneously blinked rapidly as his eyes adjusted to the change. Albion grabbed a change of garments and headed to the bathroom,where he then turned on the water until the room was humid with steam. With the water to perfection, Albion stripped the corruption from his soul. He deftly lathered his body with cleansing soap, rinsed, and quickly dried off.

"Down into the Ocean's depths we go never to see the light of day. We are met with the shattered souls of the tainted seamen and the Siren's call. We mustn't listen to the allure but swim on. Go on my hearty strong men, go on. Stay strong lest you become like one of them. Down into the Ocean's depths we go. I once was average but not so now. I was swallowed by a mysterious fish and spat out once more. Up out of the Ocean's depths we flew. I once thought I was a ghost, but alive once more. I awoke wrapped in kelp on a shore. Up from the Ocean's depths my soul flew. My soul once was nonexistent, but not anymore. It is now an awakened spiritual soul."

Albion sang as he dried off and got dressed. He deftly slipped on his tai chi shoes then proceeded to the kitchen. With a few clicks the flame leapt and heated up the tea kettle. The tea kettle not long after gave a shrill whistle and he then poured the boiling liquid into two vessels; one a robbin egg blue cup, and the other a jade green bowl. Whisps of steam lift from the vessels and are allowed to sit for two minutes before Albion dipped his wooden chopsticks. He carefully blowes on his miyuk gook before he parted his lips to consume. His eyes widened in amazement as he felt his senses cascaded with waves of delight. Albion moaned in pleasure as the semi salty seaweed left the bamboo chopsticks into his bird like mouth. With widened misted earth hue eyes, he quickly consumed his miyuk gook's golden liquid with a flourish and then slowly savored the jasmine tea. Spontaneously a golden light bursts from his soul. His mind became sharper and mentally stronger. Not noticing any physical changes yet, he got up from the table and went to brush his teeth. Looking into the mirror, he was shocked silly by the physical beauty before his eyes. 

"Welcome to the world of being spiritually awakened. From now on you are now required to consume the miyuk gook and the jasmine tea daily. By doing so not only will your spirituality be advanced but also your physique. If at any time you choose to unsubscribe, then you will be like any average person once more."

"Wait, who is speaking to me?"

"It is I, your personal spiritual awakening assistant."

Albion frowned as he saw the fading words of the assistant floating as he swiveled his head in every direction. 

"Well thanks, I will keep that in mind."

"No problem," the assistant silently smirked. "By the way, all your dreams will be fulfilled."