We then grow up to a stage where we actually start to feel and understand the harshness of the world and we just get one thought proposed by Charles Darwin long back but yet true, the line goes as, "Survival of the fittest'. Every adolescent tries to adopt the surroundings. He/She attempt to mould himself/herself as per the trends and peer group's suggestions. He then faces pressures and demands of the world. The pressure at an initial stage starts with proper education and degree, then to get a settled employment and then moving ahead towards having family and other various events.
We rush to acquire education with a pressure of scoring better marks. During this process, we happen to struggle through various peripheral events of life like attraction and love, friends and fun, time for self etc. On top of it, rarely, our parents asks us what we want to do and study. Most of us simply tolerate the burden of dreams and wishes that our parents had dreamt of at the time of our birth. Many a times, such heavy tolerances also takes place in a person's life on the basis of gender. There's some gender stereotypes that classifies fields and scope of education for man and woman seperately. Most of us remain quiet and simply obey.
But on the contrary, not always that our parents are fastidious that we are compelled to study sometimes as a result of our parent's dream or stereotypical gender classification, sometimes such cases have a different root cause like financial lack as for country like ours where most people are categorised under middle income group.
We somehow under whatever circumstances go through the process of education sometimes willingly sometimes unwillingly but still then we do as we all have the idea of supporting our family. This is the point where we start missing our school days in real and being nostalgic with a mind and thought that is totally opposite to what we all think in our childhood. We sigh and simply say, "Bachpan ke din ache the" (Childhood days were the best). We then logically compare that the heavy laden bags were far better than overloaded burden of responsibilities and dreams that we need to achieve. The muscular cramps while writing homeworks were far better than acting normal even after having severe headache and stress.
We somewhere at this stage, leave all our nostalgia behind and wakes up at a call of the practical life.
The most inconvenient thing is that we are forcibly driven to leave things, on a simple note, we're more like ordered to leave all innocence and kiddish gestures apart and take up the bitter pills of maturity else we will be crushed down by the people and surroundings.
Did we ever notice how life and our thought process takes a drastic transition from being free and settled to chained up and shattered deep inside.