Chapter 8

^At the church's headquarters^

"Levin, we received your report via the magic tool, and we guess this is the girl you were talking about?" Bishop Arnulf said while looking towards the small child.

"Yes, and I would like to make a small request from the church," Levin said and bowed down.

"Oh, we would be really happy to listen to your request after the favor you did to us," Arnulf said and looked towards Levin.

"This humble one requests that if he could adopt the girl and take care of her till she is in the age until she can go to the school and take the tests." Levin couldn't even lift his head, as he was so anxious now. He just nervously waited while the bishop talked with the others, but then suddenly there was a voice that announced to everyone.

"With Falcars divine command, I announce that Levin will have the right to adopt the girl and take care of her. This is the divine command from our God, and you have the burden now to complete it, Levin. Our God trusts you with this matter now." The old and somewhat sickly voice announced, and everyone kneeled, as it was their holiest pope that gave the announcement and came to the room and sat down to the throne that was made for him.

"We respect you and accept this divine command." Everyone said while kneeling still.

The pope gave them the sign that they could rise, and everyone did so. Then the pope said to Levin, "Could you please bring the child closer to me, as our God gave us the task to take care of the child till she is old enough to take the tests."

Levin, who couldn't refuse or say no to his pope, took the girl's hand and did bring her to the pope.

The pope looked at the girl and then slightly touched her head that made the girl immediately shiver and to take shelter behind Levin's back.

Levin, who saw this situation, immediately panicked and bowed down and said to the pope,

"I apologize, my pope, the girl, hasn't had the best past, and she doesn't trust people that easily. So if she offended you at all, please punish me rather than her."

"It's okay. It was my fault, mostly touching her without saying anything at all. Levin, you will be a good father with that attitude. I sincerely hope that you take care of this girl. You can leave now and take a rest and introduce the girl to your wife. We will summon you later tomorrow so that you can give the rest of your reports to us. For now, spend time with your new family, and don't be too shy to ask help from us at all, as we would happily help you to teach the girl and take care of her." The pope said and smiled at both of them. But he still wasn't sure what his God saw at that girl.

When he touched the girl, he saw that Levin didn't lie, and the girl was not even low tier, and there wasn't anything special about her. But he knew the gods were full of mystery thus he could not question. Maybe, the girl will surprise them in the future.

Levin thanked the pope and did take the girl's hand and started to walk towards the front door. He still wasn't sure how to introduce the girl to his wife at all, but he wanted to see his wife's reaction so badly as well.

The first step was to get some sweets from the bakery to calm her wife down. Then to give her a bouquet and then maybe some beautiful ring or necklace. And maybe some fresh fruits will work also? These thoughts were going on inside Levin's head while he leads the girl towards the city.

"For now, just hold tight and don't let go from my hand," Levin said to the girl who looked at the city with her calm eyes and little panicked state, as she hasn't ever seen this many people before.

Levin, who realized that the girl was somewhat panicking, lifted the girl on his shoulder and went to a market stall that sells roasted peanuts in honey and bought a small bag for the girl and gave it to her.

The girl didn't have anything like these peanuts before. Thus, she ignored everything that was around her as she continued to eat the simple peanuts that were slightly sweet.

She couldn't even imagine that a small bag of peanuts easily cost more than some commoners' livelihood, as honey was a luxury product that only the rich and nobles could enjoy. However, she didn't care about it.

When Levin saw that she was smiling and enjoying the peanuts so much, it made him want to spoil the girl even more, but he would leave that to his wife. For now, he would have to find a good bouquet and then go to his favorite bakery.