Chapter 9

"Levin, nice to see you again. The same old, or do you want something new today?" Barid asked Levin when he saw him come to his bakery again.

"Hello, Barid, and yes, the same old, and can you suggest something sweet also for today?" Levin asked from the baker while he carefully placed the small child down from his shoulder. Barid, who saw this jokingly, said to Levin.

"My friend, I always said that you were a ladies man, but I didn't expect that you would bring a child here one day from your travels. So I guess you need the sweets for your wife to calm her down first when she sees you bring a child to your house." Barid smiled to Levin, who was open-mouthed by his friend joke who was now preparing the bread and finding some sweet cake to Levin's wife.

"No, no, I can explain." Levin started to panic, as he didn't understand that his friend was just joking at his expense.

"Calm down, my friend, I was just joking, as I know that you are a lawful man and very loyal to your wife. But the child is very cute bring her here more in the future, and this is for her." Barid said and gave the child a sweet fruit tart.

The child first wasn't sure what was expected from her, and she was quite unsure what to do.

"Just take it as it is a gift for you and then say thank you to Barid, who is this nice man here and friend of mine," Levin said to the child who finally did understand and accept the fruit tart and said to Barid.

"Thank you, mister, for this gift." The child flashed her sweetest smile to Barid, and Levin was jealous of his friend when he saw the smile he received and pouted a little bit. Barid just left a hearty laugh when he saw his friend get jealous and that he was pouting and gave him his order in a basket.

"There you go, Levin, I even added little extra for your wife and the little girl, and you are always welcomed back here, and as I said to bring this sweet little girl with you," Barin said while giving the basket to Levin who answered to him.

"No chance you already stole one smile from her what if you steal another one? Or even the whole child?

"Oh, I just might do it as she looks so cute and lovely. I bet when she is older, she is gonna be quite a stunning beauty even with that scar on her face." Barid said, still joking with his friend's expense. But this time, Levin had comeback already ready.

"Oh, I might say to your wife that you want another child already; let's see how she is going to answer and make you work for it, my friend."

"Oh please, no, she will kill me and drain me out. I'm sorry I won't joke anymore at all." Barid said while his face was drained to white when he thought about it.

"Good, but now I have to leave my friend take care of yourself and say hello to your wife and come and have dinner with us soon," Levin said and started to leave the bakery, as he still had to buy the flower bouquet.

"Goodbye, my friend, and take care of yourself and good luck with your wife and child now, my friend. And I think me and my wife are going to wait for you and your new family to settle down first before we come there." Barid said and started to focus on his work again.

Levin, who was outside now sawing a fruit stand next to the bakery and went there and looked at what they were offering. He bought some apples and pears from the stand and gave one apple to the girl who started to inspect again this new food she was getting.

Levin was still looking for beautiful roses or other flowers when the girl was eating an apple. Still, suddenly the little girl was pulling his hand, and Levin looked at the girl who was pointing to one market stand that you couldn't see that easily if you didn't look carefully. 

The girl started to lead Levin to the stand, and Levin just followed the girl, and when they finally came to the stand, the girl pointed one necklace that was on the stand.

It was a really beautiful necklace that probably cost more than Levin could afford now, but it would suit her wife so perfectly it was like to make for her, but then suddenly the seller appeared and said to them.

"Oh, this girl has an eye for jewelry. It is quite a simple but elegant piece of jewelry, and as you are my first customers today and as the girl has an eye, I will gift it as a small gift for you if you buy something from this stall."

"We cannot accept this gift, as it is too much, it is kind to offer, but sir, you also have to earn your bread. We just cannot take your products freely." Levin said and started to walk away, but the small girl inspired him to stay.

"Oh, actually, I made it to my wife, but she died because of the war in the northern kingdoms. I'm a refugee from there, and now I don't have anything else than my skills in jewelry, but that necklace is only left from there, and there are too many bad memories in it." The man said and was teary-eyed, so Levin bought a simple ring from the stall for the girl that he thought would suit the girl's eyes for now, and the seller gave the necklace to him and said.

"Thank you for your purchase, sir. I hope all the best for you and take care of the necklace." Levin answered to the man.

"Thank you for gifting this necklace to us. It really will suit my wife perfectly." Levin bowed down a little bit, and the seller just hurriedly helped him up and said back to him.

"It's okay, and I'm happy that it is getting a better home now and getting used." The man said and waved to them and said goodbye to them.

Levin took his leave, but he still hasn't found his flowers, and they didn't have much time left before the evening would come.