Chapter 54

"Your child has a talent to become a great warrior someday regardless of what path he takes; he has the potential. I also sense that he has some mana flowing around him so he really could have a bright path in future maybe someday we would hail him as one of the strongest in the continent." Jaana Said and flashed a smile towards Felice, and Felice didn't know what to say when Jaana already continued.

"I would say he would pass the tests to Aradeum, and of course, my daughter would also try to go there and test her luck. So if they both pass the test, there would at least be one familiar face in the school, and maybe they would grow closer to each other then." Jaana hinted towards Felice and smirked when she saw how Felice's confused expression suddenly grew more bright, and there was a smile on her face now.

"Oh, that is an excellent plan I have to say, and it's always good to have a familiar person there who you could go to and talk. 

Oh, I have to speak with that son of mine and tell about this opportunity to him, and maybe something would happen in the future." Felice said, and they both started to giggle and plan how they would plan Elvire and Rolfe to spend as much time together as they could and maybe even something else.

As the two of them had grown already so close to each other, they wouldn't mind at all if their families would grow even closer to each other, and they would be more than sisters then.

While Jaana and Felice were having fun planning all the future scenarios, Rolfe and Elvire had cold shivers running at their shoulders, and they only could think something awful was going to happen soon.

If Elvire and Levin would have known what they were planning they both would protest as loudly as they could, but if Rolfe had known about he might have been protesting loudly but silently he would have accepted as he didn't know why but for lately he has been feeling weird and he couldn't get Elvires attitude or face-off from his head.

^In same time at the walls^

There were so many injured and dead by the sudden surprise attack from the ogres, and the defenders haven't gotten any rest since the siege had started.

At the same time, Albert cursed the bad news that he got about the ogre's surprise attack to Fahson, and the army would be delayed by it once again, and they had to be here much longer and wait while the reinforcements would arrive.

"Prepare yourself the first siege towers are landing and how it is processing with the battering ram?" Albert shouted and saw that the battering ram was still slowly moving towards them, but he couldn't even focus on it as the first of the few siege towers that had survived just hit on the walls.

"Prepare yourself to melee combat and draw your weapons already," Albert shouted and waited for the door to open, and the ogre's come out from the siege tower.

But they weren't prepared that it was filled with monsters and beast's and suddenly there was a massive amount of them running at the walls and crazily attacking everything they could while the ogre's we're back of the siege tower and there was even more slowly climbing upwards while carrying a beast or monster from Treah's army as a meat shield.

The defender's that weren't expecting this to happen at all was quickly swept aside by the ogre's, and Albert calmly watched and shouted.

"Someone brings the people from the church here to help us for now others regroup and get at small units don't be a lone survivor as that will get you killed. So regroup to groups and fight back while knowing that your back is also safe from attacks." And he also draws his sword while slaying something that resembled a wolf and something else as even when they looked a common beast that everyone has seen.

These weren't even close of them but probably somehow mutated or something else he thought as he had never seen any of these beasts in his life, and he couldn't even identify them at all.

"Be careful these beasts are either mutated or something that we have never seen before, so we don't know their behavior at all, so don't underestimate them even when you would think that it something else." He shouted while fighting against the beast's 

"Leader there first to get the head reward for it will be." Suddenly a massive ogre that came from the siege tower said and pointed towards Albert, and suddenly, all of the ogres were looking at him, and they started to run towards him, trying to clear their path and be the first one to behead him.

"Protect the commander! Protect the commander!" The soldiers shouted and started to form a defensive wall around Albert.