Chapter 55

When the first ogre was coming close to the defensive wall suddenly, a massive spear pierced the ogre and nailed it to the place.

"Oh, sorry, are we late from the party, Albert? I hope that you left something for us too." The head paladin said while pulling his spear out from the ogre.

"Oh no, you are just in time; the party has just started here as you see. So don't worry as we left quite a lot to you." Albert said and watched how the heavily armored and armed paladins were getting up to the wall from the stairs.

"Did you hear boys, the party is just starting! Levin, you take half of the paladins and go to the left side where the other siege tower is going to be anchored soon.

The rest of you will come with me and show how we appreciate a good party here, especially with ogre's." The head paladin said and took half of the men he brought with him and started to support the right side.

"Come with me and let's arrange a nice welcoming party to those ogres on the left side Levin said and took his party to the left, said to wait for the second surviving siege tower land.

Suddenly the ladders that the goblins had built were again against the wall, and goblins were climbing up to the walls also as most of the defenders forgot them completely and just focused on the siege towers and the battering ram.

So they completely forgot that the goblins also had a way to climb to the top of the walls.

But as they weren't anchored at anything, they were easy to push down but when you got rid of one there was suddenly five more and they couldn't stop the goblins from pouring into the party also and suddenly it was massive chaos in the walls.

To top of it Albert saw that the battering ram just arrived at the gates and was gently knocking at it now and then, and he shouted the nearest messenger's.

"You there go and tell those that still can to pour all of the oil they still find to the top of the battering ram and light it up. 

You go and tell the people in the catapults abandon them for now and focus on getting the wall back to our hands.

And lastly, you go and tell them to reinforce the gates and not letting anyone in okay?" Albert said and watched how bravely the messenger's started to run at their designated places without caring about their lives.

Suddenly a massive fireball hit to the top of the wall and charred and exploded some of the defenders alive, and when Albert watched where the fireball suddenly came from, he saw the ogre's shaman's chanting on the fields.

"Cursed ogre's, of course, they don't care about the rules what we humans made." Albert cursed as he left the church's mages out of the battle because one agreement that was made long ago and was binding the whole continent.

It was that you couldn't use large scale spells in wars as they could easily annihilate a whole army or destroy a city killing everyone inside there so there was a silver lining for the mage's and they could use spells to aid if it wouldn't bring a disaster or if it wasn't a large scale. So a simple fireball or ice spear wasn't banned as long as the mage knew their limits with using them.

So every nation made an agreement that they wouldn't use large scale spells to solve conflicts, and if they would find that someone would have used, then that presence would become an enemy to everyone and would be hunted down and punished. 

Of course, there were also millions of rules to mages that they would have to follow, but they're also were lots of benefits to them.

But because these rules even when they were against a beast and monster army, Albert was just planning to use the mages as last case resort, and he commanded them to aid the healers by supplying Mana to them.

"Watch out for the ogre's shamans and mages, and you there go and get any mage that can stand and use magic still to fight against them.

As if they are going to use magic, so are we also." Albert said and silently hoped that the mages could get fastly here as those mages and shamans were annihilating his men now, and the enemy was getting more and more foot space in the walls.

But at least there was one good thing he saw, and it was that the battering ram was in flames for now, and it wasn't threatening them anymore.

Now he would just have to focus on clearing the walls, and they would at least won the first round and time to the reinforcements.