Chapter 78

Elvire watched how the days passed.

It was nothing new to her as she had gotten used to camper style living hood since early.

So the similarities in the days didn't bother her as when they were traveling, she was seeing lots of new scenarios for her.

In the evening, she was skinning and cooking duty or training with mister Pearson.

She had gotten already so skillful with the light crossbow that she had caught her first pray with it.

It was a small rabbit, but still, her family was proud of her, and she proudly showed it off before cooking it into a meal.

After the first bandit encounter, they never encountered another one; the days and nights were mostly peaceful with some incidents with the local fauna.

Some of the guards even poisoned themselves when they thought they had to find delicious mushrooms or berries that were poisonous. They had few casualties among themselves because of that.

But otherwise, the time passed quickly, and they would be soon at their destination.

But it would be only their first step as it was the major trade city at the continent and they would need to travel by foot or carriage to somewhere where they would want to settle down as they didn't want to stay at the border of the kingdom that was hunting them down.

So they had to settle more to the mainland and find their new life from there.

But for Elvire, it was her first time seeing a desert and the local plants and fauna at it.

She had asked lots of questions from anyone who could answer to her as everyone in this small trade group like and doted on her.

Like the first time she had seen cactus, she had gone to and asked from the nearest guard.

"Hey, mister guard, what is that spiky green thing?" And the guard had answered.

"It's a cactus, and their spikes are sharp. But some of them are useful as you can cut the flesh off and eat it or then drink from them as they do gather the water."

The second case was when she saw a camel first time she had went and asked from the person that had come to trade with their camp.

"What is this weird thing that has two round things on its back?" And the merchant had asked from Elvire.

"Have you never seen a camel before? Is this your first time visiting the desert?" And Elvire had answered.

"Yes, mister, it's my first time visiting in the desert. Can I pet the camel?" She asked after answering.

"Yes, you can pet it, and if you get permission, I can let you ride this one also." The merchant answered currying favor from the other group, and maybe they would buy something from him after showing his goodwill.

Elvire had run immediately to her parents, asking for permission to ride the camel, and her parents had come with her to make sure that everything will be alright with her. After talking with the merchant, Elvire got her first-ever camel ride in the world.

She also got a gift from the merchant; it was a small camel made from a bone that could be used as a necklace or wrist band as the merchant had gotten excellent deals from the caravan leader and thought Elvire was his lucky star.

Before giving the necklace, he had said.

"I wish you to be as strong as the camel and that you can adapt to every situation as the camel, so I wish this to bring good luck and strength to you."

Otherwise, Elvire's days went on studying the desert before arriving at the desert city Doamos her and her family's first step in their new lives.

"Mister Edwin, are you sure you don't want to keep traveling with us or work at my company?" The caravan leader asked Levin.

"I'm sorry, mister, but my family and I have other plans, and we are deciding to head more into the mainland mostly to get out of the desert or to find a new place to live along the way," Levin answered and looked as apologetic as he could.

"Mister Edwin, if you change your mind, you can always come to the golden horse trade company and use my name with this token.

It is only given to the VIP customers, and my offer will always stand for you.

So if you ever need work, you can come and find me." The caravan leader said while giving the command token to Levin.

"Mister, this is too much I cannot accept it you are far too kind for me and let me return the crossbow also," Levin said while trying to give the command token back.

"No, no, you deserve both of them, but I have to leave now. I still have cities I have to travel to, so I wish you and your family good luck, and I hope I will still see you at some point." The caravan leader said and closed Levin's hands.

Levin just slowly holds on the token and silently thanked the caravan leader for being so kind, and with Jaana and Elvire, they said their goodbyes for the people they have traveled for a month.