Chapter 79

When Elvire saw the desert city the first time, she was amazed by it.

There were different kinds of people with different skin color's that especially made her feel better as she finally realized that she wasn't that different at all.

There were also bazaars and lots of different trade stalls that were selling exotic fruits and things she had never seen before.

She couldn't even understand yet how large the city was as everything looked huge to her.

But for now, she had to stop her urges from exploring the city as her family was trying to find a restaurant to eat and then plan for their next course of action.

She couldn't wait for the new foods she could taste and be suggesting every restaurant she saw.

The same also happened with the food stalls she saw.

She was pointing towards anything food-related, and her parents just smiled at her.

They were glad that she was enthusiastic and that the trip hasn't affected her at all.

They couldn't be more than happy with her and that she was behaving like a child now and they hoped that it would last as long as they could find a new home.

Even after it but now they wanted her just to be happy and enjoy herself.

They finally settled down to a restaurant called the Happy Boar.

It was decent enough for them, and the people who they had asked a good but cheap restaurant had suggested this to them.

"Good day, sir, madam, and little miss. What can Happy Boar offer you today?" A shop clerk asked from them.

"Do you have any tables available for now? We would like to reserve one for at least one hour or so if possible." Levin asked form the shop clerk.

"Yes, if you want to reserve a table, it just costs one gold coin, and it will be yours as long as you are eating here." The shop clerk smiled towards the family.

"Thank you, we will take it then," Levin answered while giving out the gold coin to the clerk.

"Do you have any specific requirements for the location, or is anything fine with you?" The clerk asked.

"Everything is fine for us," Levin answered.

"Okay, follow me. I will take you to your table." The clerk said while leading them to a table that had a good view of the city.

When the clerk saw that they were settled down, she gave them the menus and said.

"After you have chosen from the menu, just tell me, and I will take your order to the chef."

The family started to look through the menu, and Elvire would have wanted to order everything as everything on the list sounded good for her.

The clerk just smiled when the child was asking and pleading from her parents can they get this and that and finally they were done with the order.

"We would want the boars rips with the garlic potatoes.

Then we will have pigs neck cut with the rice and sausages also.

Oh, we will also take the whole wheat bread.

Then for the drinks, my wife and I would want the local fruit wine, and for our daughter, we would like the mango juice." Levin said.

"That will be fifteen gold coins. Can I get anything else to you?" The clerk asked out.

"Yes, if you have any dry rations and something that we can pack up to eat, we would like to order week worth of those," Levin asked out.

"I will ask from the chef and the owner as I don't personally know I'm sorry about that." The clerk apologized.

"No, no, it's nothing at all; don't worry, but that's everything we would want," Levin answered and smiled towards the clerk.

"Okay, I will go now and ask I will come back soon." The clerk bowed and left towards the kitchen.

Levin could finally feel the pain leaving from his crotch when the clerk left, and he turned towards Jaana and smiled at her.

"You are still the prettiest and most beautiful woman to me, and I love you so much," Levin said and tried to kiss Jaana's left cheek.

Jaana just turned away, and hmphd at Levin and Levin looked hopeless now as he couldn't do anything if his wife were in a bad mood.

After a while, Jaana said.

"No smiling at other woman or flirting with them, or I will castrate you, and you will live rest of your life as a eunuch."

Elvire not caring about what was happening around her or not hearing what her parents were saying was only imagining and dreaming about the food that was coming soon.

She was already imagining herself eating them, and the was little bit drool dropping out from her mouth before she woke up as Jaana was cleaning out her mouth.

She looked embarrassed, and Jaana just laughed and ruffled her hair while saying.

"You don't have to wait long; the food should arrive soon."