Chapter 90

"Sorry, innkeeper, but me and my family will sleep in one room. Tam can get one room to himself right, Jaana?" Levin Said, not agreeing to the innkeeper's suggestion of separate rooms.

"Yes, we can sleep on the floor for one night. It really doesn't matter as long as Elvire has the bed." Jaana agreed to Levin's suggestion.

"We can even do it this way, Mister Levin and I will share one room, and you and Elvire will share another one," Tam suggested as they discussed the room arrangement. 

Suddenly, the innkeeper interrupted them. "No, no, please, I ask, take the separate rooms and don't fight. Don't worry, you only have to pay half of the original price." At this time, the innkeeper's appearance seemed to change.

Aside from this, they felt an eerie, sinister air coming their way. Then they noticed that shadows seemed to surround the inn as something started to reek out disgustingly.

"I don't like this, darling. I really don't like this," Jaana said as she pushed Elvire behind, towards the middle of the group.

"Dear… Dear customers please ge...get to your rooms now so we can serve you. Hehe." The innkeeper said while drooling.

Tam looked closely at the shadows that were slowly getting in the inn, as well as the innkeeper's face that was now contorted sinisterly at them, while chuckling. 

He then realized what was going on. "Elvire, look at me in the eyes and repeat after me, okay? Can you do that for Uncle Tam?" Tam suddenly asked as he leaned down and looked at her straight on the eyes.

"Yes, I will follow you. I can repeat the words." Elvire said while nodding obediently.

Levin asked with a frown, "What are you doing?" 

"Just trust me on this. Let's go now, Elvire.

For the name of the grace, I will guide you to Rodona's kingdom and free your souls from the eternal torment and will lay your bodies to the eternal rest that you deserve." Tam said and looked at Elvire, who was repeating the words.

"Sttooop it. I saaaid sttooop ittt!" Suddenly the innkeeper shrieked out, and its appearance turned white.

"Tsk! Just like what I have thought. These are evil spirits, Elvire. I need you to repeat another verse. You just need to close your eyes and do it. Don't look around; just listen to my voice." Tam said while closing Elvire's eyes with his hands.

"Ghouls, there are even ghouls here! This is a ghost village!" Jaana gasped out when they saw the ghouls came inside to the building. 

As soon as the ghouls stepped in, the inn changed its appearance. Now they were in an old run-down house that didn't even have a roof on it. Even the houses around inn or probably in the entire village seemed to be at least centuries-old as no house was in excellent condition.

"Tsk, they got our horses!" Tam said while seeing the body parts and blood dripping out from the mouth of the ghouls.

"I hope you guys have something that's made from silver to defend yourselves.

Ordinary iron works well, but it's much slower and in pain in the ass to use." Tam said absentmindedly, before he shifted his gaze back to Elvire. 

"Now, Master Elvire, repeat this line, okay?

You unholy beings that should have been in eternal rest, I will banish you from wandering in the lands of living to the lands of eternal and delivering your souls to the righteous judgment. Thy will the light come again, and all of the unholy be purged from the earth." Tam instructed as he draws out his sword.

"Sttoop thhe priestessss. Itsss ssoo painfulll." Some of the lesser spirits melted out and disappeared entirely while the ghouls were howling out.

Tam took this opportunity out and attacked the nearest ghoul, immediately cutting its body in half while Levin drew out his trusty sword that was made from silver.

"Like in the old times, but you cannot use healing powers at this time, so stay here with Elvire and protect her," Levin said as he charges to the nearest enemy straight on.

He wasn't gotten used to fighting with his non-dominant hand, but he still had his previous experience and was doing considerably well.

Jaana, who didn't have much of a close combat experience, drew out a silver dagger. Despite doing so, she didn't join in the fight and just stayed close to Elvire, who keeps repeating the words that Tam had instructed her to say. Because of this, the purging was being more and more powerful every passing minute.

'She really is a fine priestess as she's doing a really great job with purging at her age,' Tam said out loudly. 

Suddenly, bones from the ghouls that they have defeated as well bones scattered around moved and started to merge together. At the same time, loud wails were heard as rotten hands slowly rise from the ground.

"Mister Levin, I guess we did find out what happened the previous villager's here," Tam said while seeing the first skeleton and zombie outside.

"What?! We seem to be in a necromancer's realm or something now?" Levin asked dejectedly while watching the horde of enemies that were suddenly raised up. 

The adults prepared to fight till their last breath. However, before they could get close enough, shrieked were heard all over as the enemies twisting around. Even the still breathing ghouls howled loudly. 

This was all because of Elvire, who performed a massive purification, even with her eyes closed.

"A greater purification!" Tam shouted. He was speechless that Elvire could master this level of a great purification without practicing before. He was starting to worry at one point, but it seems his worry was for nothing.

"I guess this makes our job easier." Tam was relieved to see even the ghouls melting down, not possessing much of a threat anymore.

"Ten years! Every ten years, we can feed! We have to feed because of the curse. Turning like this is unacceptable, but after the first fifty years have passed, the hungrier we've got, and we didn't care about anything other than eating. Eventually, we started to hunt and kill, and after the next fifty passed, we started to accept it, and after hundred years passed, we started to enjoy and like it and wait for the next feeding opportunity. So I won't a mere starting priestess to purge us out and destroy our village." Suddenly a massive presence said that seemed to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time.