Chapter 91

"What is that thing? And where is it?" Levin asked, trying to look for the source of the voice.

"Me? I'm your worst nightmare, hehehe!" A being suddenly started laughing. 

At the same time, the earth was tumbling down, shaking terribly. The whole village was trembling, and some of the houses started to fall down as well. 

"You don't belong here! The village is starting to reject you." A small voice suddenly said in alarm.

When Tam and Levin looked around, they saw a little wisp hovering near them. 

"Follow me! You won't be able to fight against him! He is the village and everything in it! You only need to survive till the sunrise, and you will be free!" The small wisp said in urgency, while trying to get them to follow it. 

"Tam, I guess we don't have a choice, but do you want to trust that wisp and gamble our lives? If this is a chance to save my family, I will take it," Levin said while shifting his gaze back to the house. 

"I will follow you and Elvire even to the hell and back. I will trust your judgment," Tam said while trying to fight against the horde of undead that was still coming towards them.

"Let's do this, then wait here, and I will go and get my family," Levin said while running inside the house.

"Levin, my dear…" Jaana tried to say, but Levin interrupted her completely.

"My dear, no time to explain, let's get out of this house, and let's hurry." Levin was gesturing Jaana to grab Elvire. 

At this time, Elvire just woke up from the trance and immediately hugged Jaana so she could carry her.

"Hurry, follow me! I will take you to the safest place! I know a safe place!" The wisp said, repeatedly as its speed started to increase, moving way ahead of them.

"You won't escape from me! If we kill the priestess, maybe our curse will end! Don't fear my minions and slaughter them freely! You, my fellow friends who have suffered with me and decided to succumb to the darkness to join with me, maybe soon we are free!" The voice continued to ramble again, while the undead kept on destroying the houses in front of Levin and his companions, clearly trying to block their path.

"There is clearly something that it doesn't want us to see! It looks like it fears something," Tam said while trying to avoid the flying rubble that was coming out from the destroyed houses.

"And it seems really angry now," Levin commented when he saw that the ground was moving, clearly, shaping like a bowl, seemingly forming to trap or stop them.

"Block them! Don't let them get in the cursed place!" The being commanded with urgency, clearly annoyed and hesitant about the current situation. 

"We will be there soon! Follow me! Just follow me!" The wisp was still repeating the same thing over and over again.

"It feels familiar, somewhat homely and safe." Elvire suddenly said, and when they got to the villages center point. Then they saw an open area that had a rundown house and stalls. It seems at some point the place had been a market.

However, the thing that captured their attention was a massive church in the middle of the market. It was located at the it was the centermost part of the town. Another surprising thing was that the church stood tall, not showing any damage at all. It even looked like it was just built recently. 

Aside from that, there was a faint aura coming out from it. It has an aura that gives them hope and a safe haven in the middle of the life and death situation there were in. 

"Faster! Come in!" The wasp said as it immediately went inside of the church.

"Argh! You once again ruined my plans! You once again stopped me and ruined everything! Do you have something against me?! You cursed being! The bane of everything! Because of you, we are still trapped in this place and cannot be free!" The being shouted but angered to the extent that it was already destroying everything around the church. 

Despite this, towards the center specifically aiming at the church, its powers didn't reach at all. It even started to kill its own creations. No one could escape from its wrath. 

Tam looked at everything in wonder before speaking, "A church I wonder to which God or goddess does this belong to as seemingly that thing isn't happy with this at all."

"It doesn't matter. Let's go inside and rest for this night and leave immediately in the morning or when it's safe," Levin said as he held Jaana's hand, guiding her and Elvire inside the church.

"I can finally agree with you, mister. Let's all go inside, and see if that wisp can tell more to us," Tam said while laughing loudly like nothing happened just a few moments ago.

When they opened the doors to the church, they were surprised to see more wisps aside from the one who guided them to the church. It also looked like one of them was scolding the small one who just saved their lives.

"How many times I have said that you should not go outside, it's dangerous!" A bigger wisp said loudly, and ten other wisps murmured with agreement.

"But priestess, family, saved their lives." The small wisp said to defend itself.

Only then, the bigger wisp saw Elvire and the rest of the people that had come inside. 

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see that we have visitors! Welcome, and I apologize that we don't have anything to offer you. I guess you are tired because of the experience you just recently had." The bigger wisp said to Elvire and her companions. The wasps were all clearly happy to get visitors.