Midnight argument

A frown of displeasure and discontentment showed on Camellia's face. Instantly, the desire to curse at the man increased by tenfold. This disturbance would make it hard for her to sleep later on! Really, this Charlie needed to be scolded.

Camellia picked up the phone and waited for the man to speak first. She leaned against the headboard, head titled on the right side with a pillow to support it.

"Miss Camellia, I'm sorry to disturb you, but did my 'Little Rabbit' call my number when it's in your possession?" the man's husky voice sounded seductive even though there was a tinge of hastiness in it. He required an immediate reply from Camellia.

The furrow on Camellia's brows became more define as she finally found out the reason why she was awakened in the middle of the night.

"Mr. Charlie, please, can you pick a better time to ask? It's already past 2 AM!" Camellia complained, not bothered to answer his question. Her voice was cold. However, the other person seemed to fail in detecting the anger in her voice as he pressed on.

"Miss Camellia, you're in possession of my phone, therefore, you're half responsible to at least keep track of those who tried to get in contact with me. Besides, since I'm the real owner of the phone in your hand, it's perfectly normal for me to ask anything that's related to me. Isn't it?"

What logic! Camellia really wanted to smack Charlie's right on his mouth. Of course, there was truth in what he said but honestly, who would ignore all commons sense simply to ask if their 'little rabbit' had called or not. Really? What about this nickname? Little rabbit?

Camellia scoffed in annoyance.

"I respected the reminder you gave that forbid me to make a thorough check on this phone despite you went through all the files at mine. Therefore, I don't know if your 'little rabbit' called or not," she answered after taking a deep breath to control her flaming fire of anger.

"Seriously? You should have checked!" hearing the man complained, Camellia couldn't contain her anger any longer. Irritated, she spoke:

"Honestly, Mr. Charlie, this act of yours, calling this phone just to ask for your 'little rabbit' is simply outrageous. You'll get your phone back tomorrow, why can't you wait until then to check whether this pet of yours called or not?" Camellia vented her anger.

The sleepiness she felt earlier seemed to leave her body and that made her feel even worse. She didn't want to wake up in panda mood tomorrow. Not when she was working!

She grunted in dissatisfaction!


In one of the residence at Colosseum Estate, a man was taking a walk at the outdoor garden with only a robe to cover his body. The moonlight shone on his bare chest, allowing the already define muscle to be more alluring. His perfectly sculpted face clearly wasn't in a good mood. He stared at the phone before placing it back near his left ear.

Just now he heard Camellia called his 'Little Rabbit' as 'pet'. That had risen the anger inside him.

"Miss Camellia, I was simply asking you a simple question yet you chose to ridicule the person I cared the most by calling her my pet? Do you think I wouldn't dare to expose all your clients' information to the world and make you a cybercriminal?" he tried to calm his anger but there were still traces of it when he spoke.

He thought the woman would retreat from their oral confrontation. Alas, her reply was even more atrocious than before.

"Heh, I dare you to do it but remember, your phone is also in my hand. I will not hesitate to expose your conversation with your little rabbit to the whole world. Do you think I would be afraid of your threat? I know how important this phone to you, so go ahead and do it and I'll make sure to be nice enough to have a conversation with your little rabbit!" a threat versus a threat.

This was the first time someone was daring enough to speak to him in this manner. If it was any other women, they would either seduce him or cower at his presence. However, this woman was simply too domineering, unafraid of making a threat just to go against him.

Unexpectedly, Zen couldn't come to hate her. In fact, it was refreshing to bicker with someone that made reasonable arguments. He recalled that once upon a time, Ava used to be like this woman, unrestrained and spontaneous. He couldn't remember the exact time when she started to become someone uninteresting.

Yet, even though she was no longer the Ava he once knew, the feeling he had for her was always strong and solid.

Moreover, the moment he left the Willow Residence, he realized that there was a budding flower growing inside him towards the person named Ava.

What kept him focused on his goal was his young age. He thought that it was a momentary feeling that struck every growing boy. Who knew as the days of their separation increased so did the feeling he had. Petals started to bloom, and now, their meeting would definitely make the flower flourished even more. Allowing it to be plucked and united with its gardener.

That's why, about Ava, every little thing matter. Honestly, his instinct indicated that she wouldn't call his phone because that how she was since 13 years ago.

However, an unsettling feeling made him wanted to confirm it. That's why he rang his phone with the hope that the confirmation would bring him a peaceful mind. He hadn't taken into consideration that his act would disturb someone else's peacefulness. Now that thing had escalated to this, he decided to apologize.

"Miss Camellia, I'm sorry. I was wrong. But, she is important to me. I'm afraid she will think of me as someone untrustworthy. Do you know, we promise to meet one of these days? So, I think she might call me up. I haven't heard her voice for almost 13 years and the longing in my heart is killing me. Now, do you understand?" his voice was gentle as if talking to the little rabbit of his. Anyone who listened could feel the ache in his voice.

"No, I don't."

Zen was startled at the reply. The feeling of ache immediately seeped out from his body. His face once again twitched in hopelessness. That was when a thought popped up in his mind which unknowingly left his lips like a stream of the river.

"You must be a single woman! No wonder you couldn't understand this feeling of mine," the moment these sentences left his mouth, a feeling of guilt started to form in him.

He waited for her to respond but her silence was the only reply. Even more, it seemed she did it on purpose to make the guilt grew wilder.

"Miss Camellia?" Zen tried to sense her presence.

"I'm here,"

Zen frowned at her reply. It was soft and gentle as if he was talking to a different person.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that," he apologized and heard her mumbling.

"What did you say?" he asked to confirm. Silence.

Zen was now plagued with a huge question mark. He started to guess about what actually was happening at the other side of the phone only to hear her soft constant breath.

Eh? Confused, he listened again. After some time, his face started to show amusement. Who in the world would guess that the one who was threatening his threat earlier was now sleeping?

Zen couldn't help but laugh at the ending of their oral confrontation. This woman is really something! He thought. Their conversation replayed comedically inside his mind and repeated for another replay.

Tonight was the first time, Zen actually spent the time thinking of another woman other than Ava.