She wasn't your average woman

Zen spent more time reading the report than what he originally thought would be a walk in the park. Yet, the number of achievements plus the ridiculous timeline made him wanted to take a second, third time reading just to ascertain the report's credibility. And it took him four rereadings before feeling satisfied.

If one was to compare the info to anything easier to understand, then, all the OP characters he had read, watched and listened would be this woman. Not only was she the number one graduate from Glory Institute but also the number one most revered person in the business world.

And that was only the tip of the iceberg.

"Fluent in more than six languages, the champions of at least three martial arts competition, awarded the Turing Award twice etcetera... what else-" Zen murmured. Astonishment accompanied his every breath.

However, when he reached the last section of the report, a knowing look was seen on his face. Then, a peal of laughter filled the room.

"I see, so she was the reason Scott and co. went to bankruptcy," he said in a low voice. Someone with a keen hearing would notice the praising manner in which he had spoken earlier. Suddenly, a burst of chilling laughter erupted in the room before it went silent again. Zen was totally entertained with the news.

Five years ago, his parent's company was fighting against the Scott and co. over a marketing deal. The company's proposal was so profound that it actually pushed the board of directors to go in meeting seclusion just to find ways to counter them.

However, at the final presentation, they were shocked to know that the company had backed out from the competition.

Then, a week later, an article was published at one of the most famous business magazines, exposing the dirty work that the company had been doing behind the facade of their high reputation.

That single article had sent the whole company to the brink of bankruptcy.

No one knew who pulled the string behind it. Not even the people who worked for the company.

However, today, Zen finally get to know about the hidden monster that shattered the company into clouds of dust.

Camellia, in her teenage, was the culprit!

Zachary's report stated that she did it simply because the company lied about their disposition towards their own vision and missions. They managed to recruit her after telling a set of lies. Those lies were the leverage that influenced her to plan some variables that could help them achieved their sinister goals.

Little did they know that the person they had recruited was someone who easily could get access to their dirtiest secret. Once their secret was exposed, with a single click, all the evidence that could prove their illegal business was delivered to the media. Anonymously causing the whole company to cry in tears.

Zen's eyes twinkled in bewilderment after reading the whole things. This was an awakening to him. His encounter with Camellia gave him the feeling of someone who's clumsy and quick-witted but right now, he swore that she wasn't the average woman he had ever met. She was a one-of-a-kind character! A tigress!

Suddenly, an overwhelming feeling arose in him once he thought about their meeting tomorrow. She piqued his curiosity and he damn well would never let himself to suffer from such predicament. He needed an answer or at least saw by his two eyes how magnificent the woman was.

Zen chuckled at his own thought when all of a sudden, an aching, burning pain started to form in his stomach. It was like his organ was slit with a knife countless times while at the same time getting roasted on a pit of fire.

A grimace was on his face while he struggled to find the source of his pain. Over time, he realized that the pain wasn't physical but was materialized from the conflicting emotion he didn't know he was experiencing.

And the source of that conflicting emotion was Ava!

The one and only woman that managed to carve her name into his heart.

Zen sighed. The moment Ava appeared inside his mind, Camellia's might instantly go dim. Ava's face during their first meeting entered his mind and out of nowhere, the feeling of longing surge inside him like a volcano. Wild and unrestrained.

'Damn it! I need to see her sooner,' Zen thought as he covered his face with a pillow. A series of memories were floating inside his mind. All of it was the memories of Ava while he was at the Willow Residence. Her wittiness was always what attracted him the most.

Zen could feel the warmth from those memories spread across his body. It soothed the intense pain he was experiencing earlier.

Once the pain was gone, he felt his eyes were getting heavier, hence, he closed his eyes and like a bored spectator watched all the memories faded away as he drifted into a late-night sleep.



Camellia woke at the sound. She blinked several times before reaching out for the phone on the table next to the bed. It was important to turn off the alarm before it got louder or it would only annoy her and made the mood for the whole day a foul one.

As she turned to the right, a groaned left her lips as a hard object stabbed her right side. She lifted her body and realized that there was a phone underneath it.

Upon seeing the phone, last night event stormed into her mind like hungry chicks coming for their mama.

There was no way she could have forgotten about the verbal fight she had with the man. In fact, she could almost recite every sentence, word by word, if someone were to ask her too.

'I should get ready,' Camellia abruptly put an end to the recollection she was having in her mind and focused on her routine upon waking up.

If she was to entertain such an unpleasant thought, she would be the one to suffer from anger and mind you, she wasn't one who got angry often.

But, once she did, no one could appease her anger unless an equivalent offer was made such as the total breakdown of the person who was the root of her anger.

Yes, she wasn't a goddess but the devil that would come after her enemies who tried to wrong her.

Camellia sighed. Today supposed to be a happy day but her thought had made it the opposite! She immediately hummed a happy song to elevate her mood. Which actually work!

But, while she immersed herself with the song, she could feel the growing anxiety inside her. It was formed from the expectation of knowing his uncle whereabout from Mr. Harold.

No longer humming, Camellia stared at her reflection in the mirror.

She didn't realize when her fingers curled into a fist and for a while there, her eyes executed hatred that beyond description. However, it quickly disappeared once she walked out of the bathroom.