The Elysian dragon knight named Abel Urias is now riding a yellow-scaled dragon of eight meters in height. It has lightning-shaped black stripes on every part of its body. It has zigzagged horns above its dragon head, and its snout only has a pair of whiskers. Its wings are similar to those of a beetle's, and its tail is similar to those of the butt of the bee. It's a rare dragon that originates from the country of Elysia itself, which is a Thunderbuzz Dragon.

"Brrrrrrrzzzzzzz!!!" The Thunderbuzz Dragon growled, and its sound is like a noisy rotor of a giant boat.

On the other hand, the skinny and sexy Maxi Goldrion is riding an eight-meter-tall dragon with transparent purple crystals as its scales. Its dragon head is filled with purple spikes, and each and every part of its body seems to be reinforced by diamonds that contain tremendous amounts of magical energy. Just like its ally, this type of dragon is a native of Elysia. It is the Obsidian Dragon.

"Graaaaaaaah!!!" The Obsidian dragon roared, making weak tremors on this side of the mountain.

The mighty hero of the shitty country Elysia has already transformed into his dragon form. Lothar Pendragon is now on his ten-meter-tall black dragon with swords as his wings, and he made a roar that is enough to produce a strong sonic wave. If this goes on, an avalanche might happen on the battlefield.

"Z! Let's go!" I commanded my dragon. On my signal, my Elemental Dragon flew upwards in the air to gain altitude. The enemy Yamato Dragon followed by jumping off from the ground and gliding with its wings that are made of swords.

I have to separate my own battle from Danielle. Two dragon knights against one might be a disadvantage, but I know she could pull it off. I also need to have a one versus one confrontation with Lothar so that I can fight at my full strength without worrying about support and such.

"You are a fool for trying to take me down one on one." The Yamato Dragon telepathically talked to me.

"That's where you're fucking wrong." I smiled. "I'm not fighting alone. I have my dragon Z with me. And you… you're just a knightless dragon."

"This is deja vu." The Yamato Dragon answered with telepathy. "You already know how this will turn out. It's just like last time."

"Fuck off! Let's fight!" I shouted out loud. "Quadra Elementia!"

At the shout of my spell, my Elemental Dragon flapped its four wings. Fire, water, earth, and air tornados were formed and surged towards the Yamato Dragon, but the Yamato Dragon has a countermove. Four swords detached from its wings and those four swords rocketed towards the center of the elemental tornadoes. In such a short amount of time, each of the swords absorbed all the tornados as if the swords have anti-magic properties.

"Useless." The Yamato Dragon said. Then, it raised its right claw, pointing at me. "Kusanagi, Muramasa, Hayate, Launch!"

Suddenly, three gigantic swords of red, orange and yellow detached from the Yamato Dragon's wings and surged towards us in the speed of Mach 2. My Elemental Dragon won't have the necessary reaction time to evade the attack so I decided to upgrade! I clapped my hands and touched my dragon's head as I poured my magical energy unto her.

"Z! Unleashing Restraints and Limit Release! Activate Rainbow Form!"

There was a blinding flash of colorful light, with the Elemental Dragon as its source. The elemental wings of my dragon merged until there are only two wings left. My dragon's scales were converted to transparent prism crystals that reflect various colors on the surroundings.

"So here it is again." The Yamato Dragon said.

The wings of my Elemental Dragon opened wide, like a peacock's tail, and a shockwave that contains a rainbow blasted all the three magical swords that are about to hit us. With this power-up transformation, Z has awakened her Rainbow Form again.

"Graaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!" My Elemental Dragon roared as proof of its strength. Then, it dived towards the Yamato Dragon with its tremendous speed. The rainbow streak was left on the air as my dragon's trail as it went lightspeed.

"Grruuh!" The Yamato Dragon cried as it barely managed to take a direct hit. My Elemental Dragon on Rainbow Form managed to graze the Yamato Dragon's left chest all the way to its body with her prism claws, and magical energy is leaking from the Yamato Dragon's wounds.

"I'm not finished yet!" I proclaimed out loud as I put my electric cigarette on my mouth. With all the force of my lungs, I inhaled as much smoke as I can. Then, I blew it out in one go towards the enemy Yamato Dragon which is still stunned on his last attack. "Phosphorus Blow!"

White smoke filled the air around the Yamato Dragon, and the cloud of smoke immediately went to the gaps of its armor. The smoke mixed with the Yamato Dragon's scales and skin, and then, nothing really happened.

The Yamato Dragon immediately dashed away from us, fully confused about the effects of my last attack. It didn't do any damage at all to him, that's why he has no idea what's about to come to him.

"What was that, some kind of poison attack?" The Yamato Dragon laughed telepathically. "Fool. Dragons are ten times as immune to poison, and even the most potent toxins can only take effect on us after six hours. You'll be dead before your poison takes effect on me."

"Actually, it will be you who will decide when my poison will take effect, fucker." I laughed.

"You're dead. Your lightspeed dash has a long cooldown. It's my turn now to attack." The Yamato Dragon said. It raised its left claw, and three magical swords detached from its wings. "Yagami, Murasame, Akatsubaki, Launch!"

Just before the three magical blades coat itself with magic, the Yamato Dragon exploded with white flames. The melted armor mixed on its arm and claw, which is also suffering from a third-degree burn. The white flames do not go off, as it spread out to his shoulder, waist, left leg, left-wing, and the left part of his dragon face.

"Grrrr!" The Yamato Dragon growled in pain.

The white flame is an aftereffect of the poison I gave to him. That poison is no other than white phosphorus, which easily ignites upon the target after they cast a spell. I have learned that I can actually use this type of element when I accidentally inhaled a few portions of it back during our raid on the Arcadia base.

All of this was made possible by my bloodline magic, Touchdown Alchemy. This bloodline magic makes me able to copy the atomic properties of anything I have seen, hear, touch, smell, and feel. Using Touchdown Alchemy, I converted the gas I inhaled with my vape into gas-type white phosphorus. Using this kind of element is considered a war crime, so I can only use this in desperate life and death situations. Without this kind of magic, my chance of defeating Lothar Pendragon is zero percent.

Too bad for him, I know that Lothar Pendragon is heavily reliant on magic to fight. From now on, every time he uses his magic, the white flames will be stronger and it will continue to burn him until nothing is left but his fucking crisps.

Or so I thought.

"Don't be too cocky, Alphonse Faradeiss!" The Yamato Dragon flapped its wings as it raised altitude. It flew up until it reached the skies where there is thin air, near outer space, and such oxygen deficiency in his atmosphere extinguished the white flames that were eating his body.

Suddenly, the Yamato Dragon glowed with silver light. Silver particles started to gather around it as if the dragon is charging up magical energy from the force of nature itself. This familiar aura has sent chills on my spine several times. I have seen this kind of ridiculous infinite magical energy before.

A bluish-white pillar of light entered from the heavens, and the Yamato Dragon bathed on its holy energy. When the pillar of light faded, the Yamato Dragon revealed its ultimate form. Its burnt black armor was replaced by brand new white plates, and there are glowing golden lines on each and every gap of his new equipment. Each of the swords on his wings was converted to white.

The Yamato Dragon itself has already changed its palette color from dark and platinum to white and gold, with some of the differences being its V-shaped horn turning gold and the orb at its tail turning crimson. There is a red V symbol on the new Yamato Dragon's chest, and its ears became sharp and pointy like a sword.

This is the Yamato Dragon, on its Elform. Utilizing the magical energy from nature, this dragon has an infinite pool of mana to cast his skills. It will also have absurdly powerful regeneration powers and an invisible magical barrier to repel off incoming attacks.

The white Yamato Dragon clasped its hands, and a gigantic magical circle appeared on top that covered three-fourths of the skies. Suddenly, the Yamato Dragon muttered its spell to finish us in his next attack.

"Sword of Camelot."

A gigantic golden sword, about the size of a battleship, made its entrance from the giant magical circle.

"Fuck... me," I muttered as I forced a smile.