There is no time to think about our next course of action. The Sword of Camelot has entered the atmosphere, and it can be launched at a speed faster than sound. There is no way to escape from such a battleship-sized sword. There is no chance for us to survive if we defend against the legendary attack either.

I remember Serena's battle against the Crimson Dragonfly. Even with its enhanced armor, the Crimson Dragonfly was torn to shreds. To add more problems, Lothar Pendragon's Elform is much more powerful than Serena's, and our enemy is currently activating both dragon and elf forms. One simple graze from the Sword of Camelot will be deadly.

"Master..." My Elemental Dragon telepathically talked to me with her worried tone. "Is this the end for us?"

"I guess." I made a chuckle. "Seriously, we're fucked the moment he activated the Elform."

"It's nice serving with you, my master. You are truly a wonderful person, and I regret nothing for being your personal dragonoid slave." My Elemental Dragon said.

"Shut the fuck up, Z. I don't intend to die here." I made a painful smile as I clenched my fist. "If we're going to die here, then we should make it at least look like it's a fight."

"I don't intend to die here either, master." My Elemental Dragon telepathically laughed. "If ever, I wanted to spend more time with you and our friends. I'm just telling all these in case we did not survive."

"You really are a fucking dumbass." I laughed.

I felt the beating of my heart is heavier. This sensation of fear, thrill, and bravery inside our souls are tingling our nerves. No matter how overpowered our enemy can be, Z and I always feel the same thing: to protect each other and to save everybody who counts on us. Fighting a mythical dragon is enough for us to be at the pinch, so it's natural that this burning sensation on our chests is dominating our mind.

The albino Yamato Dragon pointed its two claws at us, and the battleship-sized golden sword blasted and buried downwards the atmosphere. With its extreme speed, the Sword of Camelot destroyed the wind barrier, making friction and wind resistance a laughing matter. It's coming to us.

We can't stop it. We can't evade it. We can't block it.

But there is still one thing we can do. And that is to attack. Attack with our full force, and use our brute strength to destroy the Sword of Camelot and the enemy casting it. Weapons created by Forge magic tend to be a lot less durable than authentic weapons, so we still have a chance to do it.

Two seconds before it hit us. I already figured out the only attack that will ensure the destruction of such a gigantic sword. I held my chest and controlled the beating of my heart, forcing it to stop. Syncing it with my dragon's heart, the Vesryn Pulse connection between us went into overdrive.

"Dracaryx! Activate Dance of the Five Elements!"

My Elemental Dragon transformed into a gigantic humanoid silhouette that is coated with golden light. On each of its limbs are representations of the four basic elements of fire, water, air, and earth.

During the last second before the collision, the golden humanoid flew upward and made a fire punch, a water chop, an earth roundhouse kick, and a wind ax kick, but it didn't do anything on the crashing Sword of Camelot. The gigantic sword is coated with an invisible magical barrier that protects it from any attacks. As the final attack of our Dracaryx, the golden gigantic silhouette unleashed an electro ball towards the tip of the sword, but it was repelled by the natural invisible force.

"Shit!" I cried out loud.

The Sword of Camelot has made its way to us, it's sharp tip pointing towards the golden silhouette. The transformation faded and the golden silhouette turned back into my Elemental Dragon. In the nick of time, My dragon managed to catch the flat edges of the blade, preventing it from piercing us all to half.

"Grrrrrrrhhhhh!!!" My Elemental Dragon roared as she struggled to raise the Sword of Camelot back to the atmosphere, but she's not doing okay. As the gigantic sword pushes through, a shockwave would echo around the snowy mountain range and it would immediately change the landscape.

"Haaaah!" I commanded my chains to wrap the tip of the gigantic sword and poured it with elemental energy. Using all the energy I have left, I tried to apply elemental effects to the overpowered sword, but the magical barrier inside the Sword of Camelot renders all attacks useless.

My Elemental Dragon is in bad shape. The flesh started to be ripped on every part of her body. Considering that we used Dracaryx earlier, there can be a few seconds left before Z transforms back to human. Her heart temporarily halted beating, and she's no longer conscious of what was happening. She's now acting in all pure instinct.

"Being able to hold out this long is already an achievement for you, for nobody has ever seen me use both Dragon and Elform that ever lived to tell the tale." The Yamato Dragon discouraged us from his telepathic words. "You two can now die with satisfaction."

"You… can't... kill… us!" I shouted out loud. Then with my final ounce of strength, I grabbed my heart and synced it to my dragon, forcing it to unleash a magical energy one last time. "Rainbow Form Dracaryx! Activate Dance of the Thousand Elements!"

At that moment, my Elemental Dragon presented its peacock-like wings of rainbow colors. Each combination of colors is there, including those colors that cannot be perceived by humans. These colors represent all elements and all the combination thereto that is capable of unleashing magical energy. The wings immediately created fists that correspond to all these colors. Fire, water, earth, wind, lightning, gale, magnet, sand, stardust, hail, plasma, microwave, steel, blood, phosphorus, rust, venom, light, dark, plant, psychic, magma, and thousand more elements flew out in a form of punches towards the Sword of Camelot.

"Oraoraoraoraoraoraora!!!" I cried out loud.

"Graaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!" My Elemental Dragon also roared.

The first basic five elemental fists hit the Sword of Camelot, but it didn't do any good. The next fists that surged towards the sword are the ice, magnet, sand, magma, and gale, but all it did was to apply a dent on the invisible barrier. Then, hundreds of different colored fists started to punch through, until the dent turned into a crack, and the crack turned into a large shattered hole.

Each punch is able to make a sonic boom that is as powerful as a second magnitude quake. The mountain range started to unleash avalanches as our battle of brute force became a lot more intense.

One, two, three punches made it through the tip of the gigantic sword. It shattered the Sword of Camelot's tip to glitters, but the sword continued to surge forward. We are only able to destroy around three percent of the whole sword, and there's still much left. However, my Dance of the Thousand Elements has around nine hundred punches left. We will be able to destroy all the sword in no time.

"I won't let you!" The Yamato Dragon telepathically roared as it dived to the sword. With its dragon claws, he held the Sword of Camelot's gigantic handle, and he used his wings to exert more force towards the sword.

The sword became much heavier, and we were slowly pushed back until my Elemental Dragon's feet are already back in the snowy ground.

"Guuuuh…" My Elemental Dragon cried in pain as the stress on her body became excruciating and unbearable. Hearing Z cry inside my mind pains me a lot, but we have to do this in order to survive.

Brute force. I need more brute force to push the enemy upwards.

I spread out my chains and revealed the blades on its tip. With the elemental energy properties I have invested upon my weapons, I whipped through the sword over and over in the same beat and speed as the hundreds of elemental fists. Thankfully, my attacks now rendered some effect as the magical barrier of the Sword of Camelot has been exhausted by the hundreds of elemental punches we threw earlier.

Eighty, sixty, forty percent. Each time the punches are thrown, a part of the gigantic sword shatters, converting it into sparkling dust. My combined attack with the Dracaryx carefully eats down the Sword of Camelot as time goes by.

"Impossible!" The Yamato Dragon exclaimed.

"Shove this up to your ass!" I cried out loud as I commanded my chains to wrap the Sword of Camelot, or what's left of it when it's about ten percent left. I pulled the chain to redirect it towards our left side. And now, the elemental fists are no longer aimed towards the sword, but to the enemy dragon.

"Grrrraaaaaah! Gruh! Grah!" The Yamato Dragon screamed as it caught the last fifteen elemental punches towards random parts of his body.

As soon as the series of thousand punches ended, my Elemental Dragon immediately turned back into my cute petite witch Z on her human form. Exhausting all her magical energy and her heart temporarily halted, she fell flat on the snow, unconscious.

The Yamato Dragon also turned back into his human form to cancel out the knockback effects of the elemental punches. Lothar Pendragon dived towards me, with his crimson eyes glaring, leaving a red streak along the way. He is still using his Elform as his ears are still pointy and sharp as a sword.

"This is over." Lothar Pendragon declared as he divided his buster sword into nine smaller blades and threw it to the ground around me.

"Phosphorus Blow!" I blew out white smoke from my mouth. Lothar Pendragon bathed once again on the white smoke, and his skin seeped the poison of such chemical.

Lothar Pendragon knew that the white phosphorus should render his body flaming if he used his magic, but he is not bothered by such consequence. He has an ultimate regeneration due to Elform, so no matter how much his body burns, he will be healed.

"Shingetsu First Style: Throne of the Heavenly Blade Replica!!!" Lothar Pendragon shouted, and he immediately disappeared.

The legendary dragonoid infinitely teleported back and forth on the nine blades all around me. With his afterimages, he grabbed the hilt of the swords. This is the very same magic technique that defeated Serena.

His skin burned upon casting such skill, but the white flames did not bother him anyway.

The moment he pulled out the swords, he noticed that there are some weird things attached to it. There are chains on each of the handles of the nine swords.

"What the-!!!"

"Gotcha!" I cried out loud as I pulled the nine swords upwards, towards the center. All the swords and even Lothar Pendragon afterimages clashed with each other, eliminating the afterimages and only leaving one real Lothar Pendragon in sight. With my chains, I controlled the nine swords to stab my enemy's chest, nine different times.

The collision of the blades made the original Lothar Pendragon sealed by his own attacks. Right now, there are nine astral swords stuck on his chest, and each of them drained his spiritual energy and gave an unbearable pain to his soul. As Lothar once said, this kind of magic does not physically hurt the target. It only removes all the strength and willpower to fight. So this bloody battle between me and Lothar Pendragon is not so bloody after all even though we have concluded the fight.

"Gruh…" Lothar Pendragon fell on his knees, unable to move any part of his body.

Several months ago, Lothar used that same attack to defeat Serena on her Elform, so I knew right away that his sword techniques would be effective against his own. But I never thought that it could be much more effective against a person who has an infinite pool of magical energy.

Just to be sure, I used my chains to wrap around Lothar Pendragon's body. My chains started to drain magic from the legendary dragonoid, and this urged him to disable the Elform.

"I… lost..." Lothar Pendragon said.

I smiled. I was about to reply, but then the voice of a girl joined the conversation.

"You're right. You lost." A dragonoid girl wearing a pink lotus dress made her appearance. She walked casually until there are five meters away from him and the gilded hero of Elysia.

"Y-You…" I mumbled as my toes trembled.

The fear that this teenage girl is injecting is beyond imagination. His crimson eyes with dark sclera scare me to the bone with no reason at all.

"Sakuradrop…" Lothar Pendragon muttered.

"Now I just have to clean up all these messes." The dragonoid named Sakuradrop said. "This dragon knight from Alterra may prove to be useful to me."

Just before I could mutter a curse and run away, the girl named Sakuradrop glared at me. Her crimson eyes made a flashing red light, and god knows what happened after that.