everything new

it was raining heavily .a mansion was as beautiful like everyday. natasha was thinking seriously and suddenly a sound came from upstairs natasha taught about her 29 years daughter Rachel. she was concerned about her daughter's health who had applied divorce from her husband victor. she found her daughter lying lifeless . her hand was cut multiple times . a small glass was in her hand . she called for help . they took rachel to hospital and natasha don't know what to do . her eyes are wet and she never cried about anything even when her husband left her . life was sad for natasha she always dreamed of happy life but it is always a dream for her. suddenly doctor came outside of the icu.madam, she is in coma . we have to say sorry there is less hope. natasha was thinking what i had made wrong . "she lost so much of blood so her brain was losing control she is weak . " these are words doctor said to natasha .natasha had rachel phone .she called victor and he didn't answer the call . she can understand . she called him one more time .he finally answered his voice was angry " dont call me rachel after drinking and accusing me of what i have dont done .your stupid and foolish " .

natasha : hello

victor : mom why are you calling me using her phone .

natasha : i am in hospital . rachel committed suicide and she is in coma

victor : tell me address mom . i will come .

natasha : ok i will send you location .

she is crying in the phone . victor was always concerned about rachel mother . who was just like his own mother . he loved her like a son and done many things . natasha was sitting in hospital near icu and looking outside

rain is heavy and past was even more heavy . natasha saying in mind . i love you rachel .come back to mommy . victor was driving in the heavy rain so he was late . victor came near natasha she hugged him and cried . mom what happened please tell me . i dont know victor .

natasha : what happened you should tell me

victor : about what

natasha: tell me all about your divorce and why she committed suicide .

victor : I don't know about suicide but our divorce is not my wish . it is clearly her wish

natasha : she loves you why she wanted to separate ?

victor : she thinks i am cheating her . mom i am innocent I didn't cheat on her .she is stupid to think like that

natasha : victor tell me what happened. i know there are less chances for my daughter's survival .but i have right to know what is reason for her condition . please tell me.

victor said mom stop crying . you go home and take rest . i will stay .

natasha : my rachel feels scared if i leave her

victor : mom , please

doctor called natasha .

mam , i am sorry to say but she is fighting .she needs heavy surgery . her brain has a formed a block when u brought but operation had 60 % chances . we cannot operate right now .she needed blood.after her body gets normal condition we can operate . but one thing we dont know how she formed that block . that surgery need 2 million dollars . victor said i will give you money sir . ok young man , who are you .

victor said i am her husband . ok we will inform you when we will operate .