next step

hi readers give me some power stones and votes so that i will be conscious that you like my story if not please tell me through your comments .

victor recalls all the things happened in the past . when they visited his father's office rachel was nervous 😓.

he hold rachel hand and gave her comfort after his father approval. his father asked victor to stay. ( going to past days)

victor's father : i think there will be no problem in the project . you have to work hard.

victor : ok , and went off.

victor goes out to meet rachel .

rachel: he told you any changes.

victor : no, warned me to help you

rachel : ok fine

victor : let us celebrate

rachel : ok we will work together

victor : i hope so

rachel : i think we will hang out at my place .

victor : ok

they are riding on his bike .

victor : your seat is called as bitch seat

rachel: stop

victor : what happened

rachel : you called me a bitch . really , victor .

victor : hey , i am sorry . i am being funny man .

rachel : ok fine but never say that again

they arrived rachel place

victor : rachel can we have drinks 🍸 .

rachel : no mom will be angry .

victor : rachel please i am stressed .

rachel : no

victor : ok , but atleast a fruit juice

rachel : ok i will get it within 5 minutes . today maid is not present so i have to make it so wait .

victor was searching for alcohol atleast a beer .no where available. victor went to rachel mothers room and found it . finally victor is happy find a gin . he took in glass and he planned of making rachel drink make fun of her afterwards . he took it and went to kitchen where rachel is making popcorn and juice .he took gin glass also

rachel : hey victor .

victor : rachel, what are you doing . ok you made juice and popcorn so let me help you serve them

rachel : i also made some cupcakes

victor : hey , ok let me serve go to hall

rachel : ok

victor mixed gin in juice of rachel .he added very little in his juice.

he took them to main hall .

rachel : thank you victor .

rachel drank juice and was feeling drowsy and tipsy .

victor : are you ok rachel?

rachel : yes , i think so

victor : i think you should help me

victor was also tipsy but better than rachel .she was completely out of control .

rachel stood up and rachel fell down .luckily victor caught her

rachel: please help me

victor: ok where is your room ?

rachel: upstairs

victor was helping her but she continuously falling so victor carried her to the room. as if a groom carrying his bride. he kept her on bed . and she asked victor stay here .

victor : sleep,rachel

rachel: victor , what is the last time you drank this juice .

victor : mosambi juice , when i was little

rachel : ok , victor you made! it because your cooking skills sucks .

victor : oh really, yeah but my mother made it .

rachel : do you miss her ?

victor : of course . i do , she is very kind person . she died of cancer . lung cancer . i selected my professionfor her .

rachel: it feels very sad to loss important person . but if they leave us without any reason it make you feel like shit . i hate my father .

victor : i do hate my father sometimes but he loves me a lot

rachel : i know victor , he loves you . i wish i too have father like him .

victor : rachel., don't cry.

rachel : i am sorry .

victor comes closer and hugs rachel in order to comfort her. but after sometime hug slowly changed to kiss so deep that both of them . dont want to separate

victor : i am sorry

rachel : you will also leave me

both were very tipsy and drunk .he locked her lips again. from first both of them have an attraction towards each other . slowly kissed changed into something deeper. they finally slept together . both of them had relations before this was something different. that pain was really great for rachel as she went to dates but never slept with any guy .he was different .a heart felt connection . her screams are filling the room .

some mistakes also relieves so much . this is not just a desire but something beyond it. Victor never thought he would do this with a colleague but he did it .

they slept in each other arms . not thinking about tomorrow . suddenly victor woke up and saw her . he was in shock .how will rachel react when she woke up .

Victor wore his dress and went downstairs and he cleaned the sheets and made her wore new dress . she feels very light .he selected loose dress and kept on her . victor was very sorry for mixing the drink and taking away virginity of this stupid girl. he slept beside her . morning she woke up and a drop of eye fell from side .

rachel : victor get up

victor : good morning honey

rachel : what happened ?

victor : i am sorry . yesterday night .

rachel : thank you for dressing me . no need explain

victor: rachel, can i ask you something ?

rachel: what is it

victor: you are virgin

rachel : a kind of

victor: omg , i slept with a virgin . no way

rachel : ok leave it .

victor : you are shy .

rachel : victor , ok leave it and don't drag it

victor : so you are not angry

rachel : i am not .i think i am attracted to you

victor : this is the first girl who didn't do drama .

rachel : but i think if it happened when we are conscious.

victor : i think i like you rachel

rachel : i too like you

victor : ok , can you make me breakfast .

rachel : victor , i am feeling painful please make it

victor : ok , you put on some dress .

rachel : ok

victor came back to senses . he understood that was past . he called nanny and asked how was John . she said he is ok .

hey viewers what you think about this chapter

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