loved her

Victor can sense every moment happened in the past . how can he forget . after that hot night . one day while they are working together victor asked let us start dating . rachel was not sure about it .

rachel : are you serious ?

victor : i am serious rachel

rachel : victor , we are friends . you support me .you give me comfort which i never received . i can't take this

victor : rachel do you believe me ?

rachel : of course

victor : then believe me . no one girl in this world cooked for me . when i spend time with you i feel like a child . you scold me .i can sense my mother in you . you are kind and you understand me . i promise you pur friendship will never end .

rachel : ok boyfriend then give me a ride on your super bike

victor : my pleasure baby

days were very beautiful . victor revealed their relationship to natasha and his father .natasha was very happy seeing victor . they were bonded very well .

after their project success victor got money for establishment of hospital and a multi speciality . victor was happy that his dream was fulfilled . he got so much money but less time for rachel.rachel was very sad about victor's schedule .she was busy in work . victor moved in with rachel in a big place. although natasha was sad but finally agreed . victor achieved an award from President office for his contribution in medical field and he did many free operation .victor is a business man by blood . so did take money for rich and appointed best doctors . he made great advertising for his father's products . when someone is busy in work they will miss their time with their loved ones. rachel fears are coming back. their love life is going through hard time.rachel was sad.

victor tried to solve things but things are getting worse .

one day he planned a surprise

victor: rachel wake up

rachel : so you are not coming again tonight

victor: rachel are you mad ?

rachel: tell me victor , what is matter

victor: today i am not going to office

rachel: why are you sick?

victor: i think you should take day off

rachel: why victor

victor: we are going out

rachel is thinking that he is leaving her like her father . but victor had other plans

rachel : ok victor

they both went to a restaurant and rachel was in really bad mood and thinking why can't he give other chance . victor ordered food and waiting for someone . rachel didn't ask anything and suddenly she got something hard thing in her food .she can't chew .she took it outside and saw it . rachel was shocked and looked in the eyes of victor .she laughed

rachel: victor, what is this

victor: ring

rachel: i am asking why it is here

victor: ray, i think it will be good on your hand

rachel: so i have so many rings

victor: once study the ring

rachel : ok , it is written our names

victor : ray, i love you . i don't how to express .