new member

hey guys give some power stones and votes . atleast give me some comments for sake of improvement. and gifts. it is an original work not copied .

victor and ray went to home. ray went to sleep . victor got a urgent call and it is emergency. ray woke up and she is very dizzy and felt like vomiting. she called victor telling that she is not fine. victor asked her to visit him once. she got ready and went to hospital.

victor : hey sweetie, how are you?

ray: hi baby miss me??

victor : of course , let me check you

ray : i am strong victor. just a bad stomach

victor:ok i will run all tests, answer me few questions

ray : ok doc

victor : did miss you period

ray : yes

victor : do you feel like vomiting

ray : yes

victor : you may be pregnant ,

i will suggest you a gynecologist

ray: baby are you serious

victor : yaa baby , give your blood samples at our lab. we will make sure

ray : i am shocked

victor : are you not happy

ray : i do darling


they got result .it is shown that ray is pregnant. victor was very happy. ray have doubts. she was a bit of sad

victor : ray, what happened?

ray: just thinking can i make a good mom

victor : of course, tomorrow we have an appointment get ready. if you have any problem please let me know.

ray started laughing .


doctor said it may be a hard pregnancy. she looks weak. she needs bed rest . they both wanted to keep the baby.

victor prayed to god for baby to be fine. no on wants to lose their first baby. victor came to some conclusions of handling business


ray's office is now taken care by victor. he had to work very hard for office and hospital. he made appointments of best doctors. he made so many changes. he can completely focus on office. ray 's secretary is diagnosed with a kidney failure so Victor asked him to take a leave and arranged a kidney transplant for him. victor appointed new secretary. she is Amanda smith. she is workaholic not like regular secretary she dresses herself in man's suit. victor have to face challenges in ray's pregnancy .natasha never left their side. even he have to manage her work also. he is completely drained after every days work. at starting they had face a loss.he thought he should make his new member happy. he has given his family life for sake of company. there is a rift between him and ray. everyday she is used to ask for victor and same answer she would get in return. she was slowly thinking in mind he is avoiding her. she used to call but return only one reply i am in work sweety.

AFTER 9 months

ray's water broke. natasha took ray to hospital. victor rushed to hospital. he stood outside.

doctor : hey man

victor : what happened doc. is she safe

doctor : mother and baby are safe

victor : is it girl or boy

ray and victor never discussed about baby 's gender. he was so busy in work that he would come to house only after her sleeping .

doctor : boy

victor : can i see him

doctor :yes

victor went inside ray was sleeping . he dont why but seeing his baby. he felt a different feeling not known . his eyes are filled with tears and baby 's small hand. everything is special about this baby for me. he wanna sacrifice anything for this baby. he wanna give this baby this world if possible.

ray got conscious

ray : victor, you are here. i thought you don't come to see me

victor : sorry i was late.

ray started crying on seeing victor and baby. suddenly nurse came and told her feed the baby. victor was holding hands of ray and looking straight into her eyes. sometimes eyes speak so much that words can't speak. nurse went away

victor : ray, what should we name the baby.

ray : your wish

victor : i will name him john.

ray :ok john do you like the name?

baby was in his mother arms and ray was in her husband arms