new doubts

although ray had given birth to healthy baby still she is not fine. doctor informed everything to victor. natasha and victor's father were very happy as they got their grandson.

ray discharged from hospital. victor wanted to take leave and take care of both. he took day off. he informed amanda to come to house if any signatures are needed. ray was feeling better after the baby victor is taking care of her. everything is absolutely perfect.

that afternoon amanda came to house. seeing a woman ray is bit disturbed that too an young smart looking although looking professional . after her leaving ray asked victor about her. he explained everything about what happened past 9 months. even victor joked she is not my type.

victor explained he will be working 1 year in her office and he will go back to hospital .

ray 's fears are increasing she loved victor. she

never said anything about her father to victor. she used see her father kicking her mother. her mother used to receive every day beating. he used to drink and come to home. ray has very bad childhood. those days are miserable. she never remembered that man's face she only can get a gilimpse of her mother crying.

ray was builied in school. when she was younger her mother has no money. she is chairty piece. only thing in the life is her mother. when she got love from some other person. she is attached to victor. she can't bear if he leaves. she is looking at john and fed him milk and made him sleep in the crib.