does she want to see me?

hi readers. ok just give my chapters voting. appreciation is key to creativeness. fun fact

Victor is keen and rushed to hospital. he knew she will be angry and may be even she don't want to see me. that night was very sad. he can still hear the her sobs and accusations.he was shocked after listening everything she said. suddenly he changed his journey to his friend's house oliver lee .he is bought by mr lee father of victor. he is like a brother to victor. when victor mother passed away she is pregnant and so victor father wanted a baby to replace that baby and bought oliver home. oliver doesn't have a father and he has only biological mother. victor went in the house of oliver and victor hugged oliver and said everything that has happened .victor looked very sad and weak. oliver and his girlfriend were living together. she is lilly.

oliver and victor started talking

oliver : you should go there victor. she might be different person. she saw death very close

victor : she is stubborn. i am stressed man

oliver : hey, victor let us have a drink

victor : no drink, i have to drive back

oliver : ok man

victor : your are a chic magnet.

oliver : before marriage you were the same.

suddenly a call for victor from natasha victor attended the call and was shocked.

natasha : can you come fast.

victor : does she want to see me.?

natasha : she is asking for you