let's us begin again

hey guys do you think let me know how you feel about my book after reading this chapter.

victor : mom, she want to see me

natasha : she is in sleep and calling out your name.

victor : i will come

he cut the call

victor : bro, i think she want to meet me

oliver : bro, i know your very serious about her. be cool. you will again have your family back and she will be very happy.

victor went outside and started the vechicle and he don't know but he want to hold ray. although their divorce was completed .he stills want her back and make her his woman. no matter he loves everything about her. he was forced to sign divorce hoping she will be happy. victor went inside hospital and room number 502 .it is usual to him but every single thing made him feel different . he is reaching someone special. he is going to his ex wife. but he don't know he want her to love him. no matter what happened. victor reached room.

natasha was sitting outside.

natasha by seeing

natasha : thank you victor

victor : mom it is my duty.

natasha : after divorce incident, stil you take care of her.

victor : mom, can i visit her

natasha : go and visit her son

while opening dooe he doesn't want make himself look like fool or desperate.he wanna be confident.

victor : hi rachel

rachel : oh, your are here. i didn't expect you.

victor : how are you feeling .

there is a sense of tension in the room. they are parents to child but behaving like teenagers.

rachel : fine victor, your not shouting like mom, she was angry and went outside.

victor : she don't want to loose you.

rachel : you want me to die. why did you pay the bill. i will give everything back. mom's company is in a bit trouble.

rachel spoke in a sarcastic manner.

victor : ok do whatever you want do. but listen to me.no man in the world want his wife to die. even if he is bored with her.unless he is cruel enough. just take rest. your never understand anything .this is hospital .i promised john .so he will come tomorrow don't act like this infront of him.

rachel : ok.

rachel shut her mouth .victor felt bad and he wanted to slap her for this foolish act . he doesn't want to hurt her as she is weak . rachel looking at her hands. suddenly something wet on her head. victor kissed her and said take care rest.