that black day

rachel is waiting for victor to come for that date night which they taught everything would change .rache got ready and waiting for victor. suddenly a knock in door. she went to see. she taught victor but it was a man who looked like devil he suddenly sprayed something on rachel face. she is about to ask him something. she got unconscious . he carried her to truck and throwed her as a bag and drove. he took the jammer and kept in front house by comming to house as online delivery man .

it is in pov of rachel.

i woke up with so much of pain striking my head and that man came to me. he kicked me in my womb.he already tore my dress. he made advances towards me. he took my arm into his arms. despite of shouting and my avoidance he still continued to do it. i begged him and told him i would give him money. suddenly he got a call and he said senorita i would make love to you but mr. lee said to kill you. i was getting pain more than anything. it is making my heart bleed. he turned back to kill me for gun. that place is an old manfacturing storage room. i took a iron rod and with full strength i made him bleed and after that man fall down. i ran from the place. suddenly i am bleeding and i saw a man said my address and i collapsed. i woke up in a hospital with my husband by myside. that disgusting man raped me for serval times. i understood that i had an abortion. i remember that man said mr. lee want you to die. that means victor want me to die