the day of suicide

hi everyone i would like tell you something. please do rate and review i need it

Rachel after separation from victor she was completely clueless drinking so much alcohol.everyday she would get pictures of victor with a women. rachel used to look herself into mirror and cry. john due to behaviour of ray although he loved his mother. he prefered his grandmother and he was so small to understand . everyday those messages made ray even more sad. she went into depression. she was on a blind date to get over victor and that date turned out to be a one who supply drug addict. she tried to leave him. they started dating she was beaten serval times on head and she was injured badly after making him suffer in jail. ray was very furious that victor never tried to call her so she would call him every day and accuse him of her kidnap. victor is lossing cool. but he just want her to calm down. so everyday he would listen to her .she was losing everycool. she went straight into their mansion. she asked John to come with her. he said i am scared of mommy. we will wait for daddy and we will go out. he asked her to wait but ray was so much depressed . even her own mother supports victor asks her to sort things out. days are not normal for ray. one she met someone very special and an old friend who used show her interest. as she don't want anyone in her life. she scared shit out of him by playing with a knife .she went home with a knife in her bag. natasha asked her victor. she asked her to eat but she went upstairs.


your wrong ray. you don't deserve victor. even your son don't want you. never your mom didn't .of he is unloyal it is ok. he tried to kill me and he killed our baby. but he is gentelman. let us die .

back to author pov :

ray took knife in her bag and she tried to take her life