real theif 2

victor was shocked and gave detective money and was shocked for his new things. but victor cannot directly ask his brother so he planned to find the truth . he first went to ray and checked on her. she was depressed and wearing a loose frock or may it became loose after this incidents. she was reduced to bones and natasha was looking after john despite her business. he didn't call his dad a while. victor went to Oliver house straight forward .oliver surprised to see victor .oliver's first question was how is rachel? .she is fine was victor answer. victor said i have to share very important news with you.. my detective said he find the real culprit and he will meet me at this place. victor told him about a place far away and spoiled 30 miles away from victor 's place. he will meet me at 5 o clock. i have to wait till evening .Oliver was shocked

. victor left him. victor gave a man to act as detective and suddenly at 4 o clock Victor called oliver and said bro take details from detective and i can't come ray is behaving differently and oliver was a bit happy. he. went there but victor hid in the place. person who is acting after seeing oliver he said hi are you the person that mr. lee send. oliver answered yes. so here is details of the person. who is the person oliver asked. a person named oliver and morning i didn't find correct name. now my search is correct .i am going to call sir and tell him. oliver said no need. i will give him cover. but that other person started to call then oliver broke the phone. oliver said Don't tell him that name. other person irritated oliver by telling me him continuously telling him. he have to tell so oliver said he will give him money to hide the matter. then detective so you are oliver. oliver shocked and so you did to kill her.? it is not like that was oliver. victor came out and said i am sorry oliver i trusted you. you tried to kill my life. your an orphan but we made you family this is how you appreciate us thank you very much. oliver out of anger shouted" i am not orphan ". i am your step brother. i am your father's son. victor was shocked. he believed his father but what did my wife did