new revelations

oliver started telling .when your mother died my mother asked him to marry him but he didn't accept her because she is of low family who had no value in the world so she made her give me as an adopted son so he will be pure . she left me and living alone. he never treated me properly and he didn't treat you either. he didn't like your marriage anything about you. in college i used to like Rachel but she didn't even notice me. but when you made me visit her. my madness reached peaks.nothing i want her .but i gave up victor but one day i got call from your father he called me when i left all hope. your father called me and said he will accept me as son if do him a favour he want to separate you and ray so that he can make you marry the big business empire daughter and get lots of money invested in your company .she is also divorced and her father is interested in you the way you handelled all the business and you father and her father want you both separated

victor has no words after listening this. victor was in tears. victor hugged oliver and said sorry i had been very bad elder brother to you and can't able to protect you from that evil man. do you forgive me oliver?

oliver eyes were wet i am sorry i believed him. he might harm ray in way while i only suggested that man to hurt her and leave. but he told kill her victor.