The Arsonist Part 1

"Remember when I asked you if you knew our history," the man asks Prometheus untying him.

"You just asked me of course I would."

"You ever heard of the Adam and Eve theory?"

"There's so much, I can't even remember which one."

"There's a theory that we believe wholeheartedly in my group. The Killer Adam and Eve Theory. We believe that Adam and Eve where the ones that set the bombs off, they killed off all of humanity."

"I've heard of that one, I always questioned it since it was such an outrageous theory." Prometheus paused, a light bulb was going on in his head. "If Adam and Eve set the bombs off, and they were the first with the system. Does that mean that they gained XP from doing it?"

The man and Prometheus stare at each other, Prometheus' hands and feet were free. The silence between them was suddenly cut by a voice coming from the man's laptop. "Jake! Jake!"

Jake ran to his laptop, clicking the screen with his track-pad. "What's wrong?"

"Their coming! They must have checked the traffic cameras. Did you destroy his phone?"

"Of course I did! I'll get out of here quickly. I'll meet you back at base with the new recruit!"

Jake turned off the laptop, placing his hand on it, with the other he reached into his pocket, pulled out a lump of coal. He put it in his mouth, surprisingly smoke began coming out of his nose and a bit through his teeth. He activated a skill shortly after.

[Skill Activated: Arsonist]

Within a few seconds the laptop erupted in flames. Prometheus was in awe, "What was that," he asks.

"My title," Jake replied. Immediately Prometheus saw Jake's stats, he had shared it with him


[Name: Jake Langon]

[Level: 53 {2001/5300}]

[Age: 25]

[Title: The Arsonist]

[Class: Killer]


- Strength: 21

- Intelligence: 25

- Durability: 10

Allocation Points: 0]

[Skills: Blood-lust Lvl. 5 | Arsonist Lvl. 10]


"Arsonist? That means you like fire?"

Jake started burning the little of what he had in his room. His bed, the map, his closet. Everything. He pointed to a window in his room that was open, he pointed at Prometheus, then pointed back to the window. Jake could not talk with the coal in his mouth, but Prometheus understood him. Prometheus climbed out of the window and onto an empty alleyway. Prometheus looked up at the moon, it was still dark out, not a hint of the sun. After completely scorching the room, Jake soon followed.

He had a bag over his shoulder and a black trench coat. He wore sunglasses that matched his fiery bed of dark red hair.

Jake led Prometheus to a nearby open garage, inside was a motorcycle. Through hand signals Jake communicated to Prometheus that they were going to ride out of there. Where to, Prometheus couldn't make out, but he had to trust the stranger that claimed to be part of a revolution group. 'Either I get killed or sent to those farms by the government, or I get a chance at getting back at them.'

As they rode, Prometheus was silent for half of the ride, thinking whether he should really be apart of a revolution group. Finally he broke the silence by asking, "What made you revolt?" He expected no answer, but he saw Jake spit out the coal that was in his mouth, it seemingly was reduced to a smaller piece of coal.

"About 10 years ago," Jake began continuing to ride the motorcycle. "I accidentally set my house on fire. I ran out without telling my family or friends that was inside at the time. I was scared of them finding out that I might have started the fire. It was weird though, before I ran out I called the firefighters, but no one came to put out the fire. They all died inside that fire, I gained XP for it. My family and friends died without any help. It wasn't until my house had turned into dust and ash that the firefighters came. They came with soldiers. The government is corrupt to the bone, they knew about the fire, but they never came to help. My guess is that they waited until I grew in level because of the fire, then send me to the farm."

The rest of the ride was silent. It wasn't until the sun began to rise, when people began waking up and starting their day, that Prometheus saw a beach. They drove past it, docks laid near it, by a stadium for the American sport football.

"Where are we," Prometheus asked.

"New Jersey. We're going to take a boat to Europe," Jake answered.

"Where in Europe, I'm from there."

"What's your name newbie?"

"Prometheus. Prometheus Morgan."

"Are you from Greece?"

"Yes, I am. How did you know?"

Jake was about to answer, but he stopped suddenly, noticing a band of soldiers blocking the road.

He got off his motorcycle, "Shit, this is going to be difficult. If they think that we escaped to the docks, they probably have shut it down. Two people sneaking into a boat will be difficult," Jake looked at Prometheus, who stayed on his motorcycle, anxious at what would happen next. He walked over to Prometheus, opening his bag and giving him a small metal cylinder with a button on it, a folded piece of paper, and a phone.

"Prometheus, it's the name of a Greek god," Jake pauses, "I think. Prometheus, the god, made men out of clay and stole fire from the other gods and gave them to humans," Jake put his hand on Prometheus' shoulder. "Right now, you probably feel confused. Should you have really joined the revolution? I felt the same way too, but that name, I feel like it wasn't a coincidence. I believe you will be the one to steal fire from the gods and give it to humanity."

Prometheus' heart skipped a beat. 'Do I have the potential to steal the fire,' he thought. 'Steal it from the gods, no the government.'

Jake saw Prometheus' eyes rekindle, it had looked cold since he had rescued Prometheus. Now they looked to shine bright with hope.

"Don't press the button until you see a red flare in the sky. On the folded paper are instructions you have to listen to. They tell you how to get to the boat and how to reach my group in Greece. The phone is for contacting them."

Prometheus got off the motorcycle as Jake got on.

"What are you going to do," Prometheus asks unfolding the paper and beginning to read it.

"I'll be causing a little distraction," he says revving up the engine. He looks back at Prometheus, "Don't forget your feeling of revenge. Don't let time take away your hatred and grief. You're going to need it to take the fire away from these bastards."

Jake looked forward, taking a deep breath. He breathed out, taking another lump of coal from his pocket. He put it in his mouth to let it sit for a few seconds. Then smoke appeared from his nose and through his teeth. He revved up his engine once more...


He drove at top speed within ten seconds, head first into the band of soldiers he drove without looking back. Without looking back, he took on a barrage of bullets.