Nascent Soul Helps

In a room dimly lit by the candles and fireplace, there was the sound of metal being hit. The clanging sound echoed throughout the room in a steady rhythm, as if it was set to some invisible beat.

The person who was creating the sound, was a shirtless man, he glistened with sweat that dripped down his body from all the heat that was in the room. He was standing over a forge heating a piece of wrought iron, until the metal became soft enough for him to shape with one of his hand tools, such as a hammer or an anvil. 

Just as he was finished working with the piece of metal his interface popped open broadcasting an announcement of how four players activated the mini update, town siege. When the man saw the name Melting Snow he smiled, shaking his head in disbelief.

"He did say his friend always finds the funnest adventures for them," Nascent Soul chuckles to himself. "I feel bad for doubting him."