
Xinya watched as Melting Snow ran out of the dimly lit cell to get the table he requested from the Banquet hall, this left Xinya alone with the badly bruised Mayor. The Mayor who looked like he was about to knock on death's door.

His pitiful appearance made Xinya winch, he could only imagine the pain that the Mayor was in. It was a shame that he didn't have the first aid skill, although he knew that he didn't need it, since players bodies couldn't be covered in wounds, but it would still be good to have, since he might run into this type of situation again.

After informing Wei and Wandering Sound that he located the Mayor via party chat, Xinya begin checking the status of the Mayor's health bar, only to find that it was slowly depleting. He had to do something fast or the Mayor would die here and now. Which would be horrible, because they would fail their quest.