A Friend Found

"I am Mac de Belenos," I said, voice ringing loudly to make sure those gathered could hear.

"Prince of the Seelie.

"Prince of the Unseelie.

"Prince of the Sidhe.

"Ascended today and bearing the full and true bloodline of the God Belenos," my aura expanded at this proclamation, enveloping any that fell within a radius of 15 feet.

"It seems Lord Kel and Lady Patricia forget their responsibilities and duties owed when offering guest rights. Twice I have been the victim of assassination attempts. I have been kidnapped and transported against my will to the Summerlands, where a Portal lock had been placed to block my passage.

"And how do they make up for these slights?

"No. With insults and indignities."


[What are you doing?]

[Do you think it a good idea to make a public enemy of Lord Kel? His people will report to him what you say here.]

I didn't care about the repercussions. I didn't care about Lord Kel's reputation. And I didn't care if they knew about the insults and attacks.

I was done.

Done allowing these people to continue treating me, and Caraid by proxy, with contempt.

And no amount of obsequiousness or pleading was going to change my mind. Pretending to ignore their treatment had only allowed matters to worsen. Lord Kel and Lady Patricia may not know I'd overheard their conversation. But I had. They were complicit in and part of the reason Thom had acted as he had.

I couldn't prove it.


But Olympians involved in this? They just happened to be in place to conduct an operation inside what should have been the most protected building in the fief? Lord Kel and Lady Patricia were either being used or conspiring with Zeus. Their motivations were beyond my understanding.

For now.

"It may not be a good idea," I informed Caraid. "But at this point, what is the alternative?"

"Remain? Accept the insult? Allow myself to be used in whatever scheme they are involved in?


"We are already enemies. They know it. They have made sure of that."

"Since they forget their duties and obligations to guests as well as those Ranked that they offer succor," I said, once again addressing the crowd. "We choose to remove ourselves from their influence. If one of you can lead me to a suitable Inn, I will begin meeting with those of you who have gathered and wish to consult with me."

[Mac,] Caraid said, drawing my attention to an individual in the crowd, [to the right. Fifty feet, third row. The woman in purple. The female Boggan. She may be able and willing to help.]

[Her name is Jennie. She was kitchen staff, one of the cooks, when I was younger.]

[She was instrumental in caring for me before Lord Kel was ordered to educate me. Until age five when Duke A'Daoine discovered how I was being treated, I thought of her as 'mother'. She was fiercely protective, and even when Boggart twice in anger over how some Sidhe treated me.]

[To go capable of releasing the rage that a Boggart cab harness is a scary thing to behold. There is no more powerful creature than a Boggart enraged. They are Berserkers, armed with potent heart magic that is capable of leveling a castle.]

[She vanished from the Keep at the same time I was installed in rooms more suitable for a young Seelie. I never knew why she left or where she went.]

[I haven't seen her in over a decade, but if anyone can be trusted in this mob, it's her.]

"Jennie," I said tentatively not knowing exactly who Caraid was pointing out. There were a few women in purple. What the hell was a Boggan?

"You wanted to see me?"

"What is a Boggan?" I asked Caraid.

[Boggan's are Sidhe. Small in stature, tied to hearth and home. The myth that has been passed down, says they were a creation of mortal dreams, individual sparks that lived and danced in the dreaming. They were created as a gift for those mortals that longed for a means to protect and nurture their homes and families. To turn back the darkness and hold fast the light.]

[They serve the light. Not good or evil. The light. And are strongest during the night so that they can protect the home fires from any creature that would use the cover of darkness to harm those they consider theirs.]

[They are slavishly loyal. Enjoy finding and keeping secrets. And are talented cooks for the hearth they have claimed as home.]

[They are ancient enemies of the Fomorian's, giant beings cast out of the dreaming and sundered from those realms and the Summerlands.]

[They protect and serve faithfully, dedicating their lives and craft to those they consider kin and kindred. They are dreams made flesh. Beings of light that serve and fight the darkness. And this Boggan loved me fiercely.]

A shy woman. Short by human standards, even more so compared to the Seelie, stepped forward tentatively, approaching me warily, uncertainly.

She was a mix between a gnome and dwarf. The stockiness and hardiness representative of dwarves, with the delicacy and beauty, found in gnomish women. Her eyes were oversized and a blue so light as to be almost crystalline and faceted.

Her white and coiled hair gathered tightly in a crown of braids. And most amazing of all, she had four ears. Tufted and Elvish one directly behind the other, a matched set that framed her delicate face and transformed her beauty into an innocence that was reminiscent of kittens and puppies. A sweetness to her features, that brought a smile of delight to my face.

Opening my arms in welcome, Jennie's face broke out in joy as she smiled widely and ran to embrace me.

Kneeling, I hugged the woman tightly, oddly grateful to the kindness she had shown Caraid.

Her smell was soothing. Home-baked bread. Gingersnap cookies. A potpourri of smells that delighted the senses and soothed the psyche. The hug went on for a few moments, as I felt the tunic on my chest grow wet. Leaning back, I saw a strange dichotomy. Jennie's wide smile, her obvious happiness, juxtaposed with tears and eyes filled with longing and pain.


"What's the matter? Are you alright?" I asked.


"I'm fine, Your Highness?" She answered. "But just look at you! You've grown up to be a fine man. And a prince! My heart is overflowing with joy. You have no idea how worried I have been for you all these years."

"You're alright, aren't you? Everyone has heard about you vanished without a trace.

"I and others have been standing vigil here. No one had any idea where you had gone, but I knew.

"I knew that you would be back.

"I had faith that the little boy that was so resolute and stubborn would return," Jennie declared. She spoke with an Irish brogue, an accent that suited her appearance and nature perfectly. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to have her decide to serve me a bowl of stew and a mug of ale on the spot.

She was lovely and perfect.

Giving her one more hug, quick and tight, to assure her everything was fine, I stood up. "It looks like I'll be needing a new temporary dwelling. I sent my Vassal out earlier to scout the area for one that I can use to hold interviews, but it seems serendipitous finding you here.

"Do you know of a suitable Inn I can use until other arrangements are made?"

"I might know of a place that would be suitable. My family owns a few hostels, inns, and hotels.

"I think I know the perfect place, somewhere suited for a Sidhe Prince," she said reaching out to grab my hands and drag me away.

The guards that had been surrounding me, moved to intercept her. I wasn't sure if they were concerned that Jennie may be part of some nefarious plot, or if they just wanted to stop me from leaving.

Considering the hugs and obvious delight I had demonstrated; their motives didn't matter. I clasped Jennie's hand firmly as I glared at those guards, making it obvious that I would brook no interference.