Rebirth and Second Chances

Rebirth and Second Chances

Fantasy348 Chapters1.6M Views
Author: F_Riley
Table of Contents

Death is not the end. But actions do have consequences and based on how you lived your life, second chances are possible.

I was given a second chance. I could choose how to reincarnate, who to be, and what Universal constants would impact my next life.

Who wouldn't try to game the system and take all the advantages possible?

And when I learned that creatures of mythology, the ancient Gods; Olympians, Asgardians, Sidhe, lived and ruled, how could I resist?

This is a slice of life type novel that deals with RPG elements including System, Leveling, Politics, Transmigration, and Killing.

Know that the Main Character may experience setbacks and 'nerfs' as part of the narrative. An MC that always wins is boring!

Thanks for reading. And if you'd like to help support my efforts and increase the release rate, donations are always welcome!

Audio Version

Keval Shaw Audio

Chapter 1 -

Chapter 2 -

Chapter 3 -

Chapter 4 -

Chapter 5 -

Chapter 6 -

Chapter 7 -

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39 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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It’s an amazing book. The plot is very in depth and fleshed out, and there isn’t any plot holes I can see so far. The system of magic and in general is different than a lot of the others on this site, and it’s very well planned out. The characters are very real, and it isn’t just your typical villager A and B except for the main characters. This also draws on a lot of myths from our world, and masterfully weaves them into the story, bringing creatures from imagination and fairytale to life in this book. While it isn’t as ridiculous as the people who were releasing 2-3 chapters a day, the book’s update schedule is also quite good, especially to books that only update once every week or two.

4 years ago

Response on authors note at synopsis. Dude you're wrong many reader like OP, strong from the start MC rather than weak and wuss. Exceptional are smart MC then have fast growth rate to get his power. Majority of the reader like OP mc that's the truth. I tried to give a shot or your story but if MC get push around and always lose even tho the MC is smart ass like on your summary, I lose interest on that MC.

5 years ago

A bit self-serving to write my own review, but I thought I could use this platform to answer any questions you might have. Webnovel doesn't really offer a way to contact authors, no private messaging exists. Thanks for taking the time to give the novel a try. I did make it to 6th in the #80 Writing Prompt contest.

5 years ago

I am enjoying reading this so far. I find it better because the Mc doesn't pretends too be weak and actually thinks before hand. Also I enjoy the character creation at the beginning.

5 years ago


5 years ago

I'm enjoying this so far :D .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

5 years ago

Bit of a different take on the system trope. The author has created a world that exists in a parallel multi-dimensional Universe. A System Administrator is responsible for reincarnation protocols and helps the MC plan his next life after his death. The world he finds himself in follows Game-like mechanics with status menus, magic, and Gods. This review is up to chapter 11, and the author is just getting the MC established in the new world. So far, it's been amazing. Give it a try, if you haven't.

5 years ago

The best part here is that the characters are three dimensional, Giving the characters an emotional background helps the reader to feel for them. One more positive is that, this story is a unique one....not a rip-off or an inspired story. I like how the author did good research on the backgrounds of mythology and also makes the reader feel that the author put his 100 percent. Let's come to negatives My first concern is on how the first 50 chapters have a lot of info dumps which makes some people feel like you are reading an encyclopedia of the world. You are supposed to slowly introduce the unknown things about the world to the reader, but the author puts everything he wants us to know at the starting which makes us feel stuffy. Another concern is that the author forgot about what Kel discusses at the start with his wife on system glitch and how they are involved, MC literally ignores about that topic about Kel's and his wife's involvement. Too much and too long system prompts to my liking. Last concern is regarding the pacing of the plot, it is too uneven......sometimes the story is too fast and sometimes it's dead slow. These are my concerns but overall it's worth a read for its unique setting and good writing quality. I hope the author corrects the negatives. Keep up the good work.

4 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

5 years ago

Nice System and Reincarnation story. And a premise for how things happen that make a kind of sense. System doesn't just appear one day. It is a Cosmic entity like Time and Space. That has a function to perform.

5 years ago

Eu tenho uma pergunta. Ele usa máscara para sempre? detesto quando o personagem usa máscara para esconder sua beleza... apenas quando necessário, em missões por exemplo. Então, ele vai usar máscara para sempre? estou no capítulo 60.

3 years ago

Please don't drop this book. It's amazing!!! If you're worried about readers, there are a lot more on pirating websites.

3 years ago

The world building, the characters, the story and everythIng else is to die for. 100% recommended. Never have a read a story that Encompases the Sidhe in such a detailed way. A literal Gem

3 years ago

I'm unsure how to rate this novel. On one hand it's a great novel that is well written and fun to read. On the other hand however, this novel gets bogged down by one of the big sins of writing: too much exposition. This novel starts out great, with a great first chapter. After that however, you get 6-7 chapters of mostly exposition -- which is very much on the heavy side already. When that's through, you think to yourself: finally, now things will really get started! But even after things get started, the exposition keeps coming. Pretty much every little things needs a paragraph of exposition. See a character -> several paragraphs of exposition about said character. Want to walk through a portal -> a paragraph of exposition about what it feels like walking through a portal. See a weapon -> a paragraph of exposition about said type of weapon. It's just too much. To be fair though, besides the 'sin of exposition', I have fairly few complaints about this novel. It's written well, with character that aren't just dumb NPCs and a world and story that are fairly interesting. Sure, there is things I could nit pick about, but it's honestly not worth the effort. When this novel isn't bogged down in its excessive exposition, it's a great read. So my one tip to the author would be: think/talk about things less, but make characters do more. If it were up to me, I'd cut that entire "friend" character out of the novel -- he is the main device for most of the exposition.

4 years ago